J. Cole – Port Antonio Anglorum Lyrics & English Translationes

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Ride to it, ride to it
– Equitare ad eam equitare
Ride to it, ride to it
– Equitare ad eam equitare
Ride to it, ride to it
– Equitare ad eam equitare
Ride to it, ride to it, uh
– Ride ad eam, equitare eam, uh
Ride to it, ride to it
– Equitare ad eam equitare
Ride to it, ride to it
– Equitare ad eam equitare
Ride to it, ride to it
– Equitare ad eam equitare
Ride to it (Uh)
– In via portat. ‘ [748] fatuae sunt

Young Jermaine walked the straight and narrow
– Iuvenis Jermaine recta et angusta ambulavit
Minimum-wage jobs for dinero, but still, my mind was on the zeros
– Minima perferendis laboriosam, sed tamen, in animum meum cyphris
I fiend for the perks that was seen flippin’ birds, so
– Ego enim perks fiend quae vidistis flippin’ aves, ita
We was skippin’ church, but my eyes was on the sparrows
– Ecclesia skippin eramus, sed oculi mei in passeribus erant
Niggas flippin’ pies, spendin’ thousands on apparel
– Niggas flippin ‘pies, expendin’ milia in vestitu
Shit, I wanna shine too, I want dimes too
– Shit, volo lucere quoque volo dimes quoque
Jealous niggas wanna know just how my rhymes blew
– Aemulor niggas volo scire quomodo mea rithimorum cecinit
Mano y mano, I’m Bono, I’m you times two
– Et hoc est, quia sunt duo tempora
Now I’m bougie, I done outgrew the fountain blue
– Nunc sum bougie, feci fontem caeruleum
But never forgot the spot where I developed my plot
– Sed numquam oblitus sum locum ubi insidias meas elaboravi
To dwell at the top, the Ville, where all my skeletons locked
– In summo habitare, villam, ubi omnia sceleta mea clausa sunt
If I could do it all over, then I never would swap
– Se ho tempo dopo faccio le altre
I’ve seen good, I’ve seen bad, had my melanin mocked
– Ego vidi bonum, ego vidi malum, quod mihi melanin ludibrio
I’ve seen lifelong friends turn to devilish opps
– Vidi perpetuam uitae amicis conversus ad diaboli opps
I was Mike in red leather, tryna tell him to stop
– Mike eram in corio rubro, tryna dic eum prohibere
You better beat it ‘fore you see the heavy-metal get popped
– Tu melius percutere eam ‘ ante vides grave metallum adepto papaver
He was a mean-ass wing with a hell of a shot
– Erat medium asinum cornu cum inferno iaculat
But if no team draft King, he gon’ bet on the block
– Sed si nulla esset regia, esset’ découvrez nos cours de découvrir bloc
He wanna ball ’til he fall or ’til the federals knock
– Ille pilam volo ‘donec cadat vel’ donec foederati pulsant
And sit his ass on a bench for movin’ careless with rock
– Et sit asinus eius super scamnum enim movin ‘ incautum cum petra
You can’t relate, ‘less your father was not around
– Dici non potest, ‘ minus pater tuus non erat circa
And your mother went out and found someone else and then brought them ’round
– Et exiit mater tua et invenit alium et tunc attulit illos ‘ circum
And they salaries then combine, when they married, it brought you out
– Formandi sint posteriores pecuniam tractare possit.
Of that poverty, then you moved to a soft little part of town
– Haec paupertas, et [ad matutinum] rp iste homo cum reliquis.
So that when you back in the hood, you feel awkward about it now (Damn)
– Ut cum rursus in cucullo, inconcinnus circa eam nunc sentis (Damnare)
And your confidence start to drown
– Et fiducia tua te commendat
But the rappin’ gave you some positive thoughts, so you jot ’em down
– Sed rappin ‘dedit tibi aliquas cogitationes positivas, sic tu iota’ em deorsum
You jot ’em down
– Et tu quidem [65] saeculo illustrando sufficis

Ride to it, ride to it
– Equitare ad eam equitare
Ride to it, ride to it
– Equitare ad eam equitare
Ride to it, ride to it
– Equitare ad eam equitare
Ride to it, ride to it, uh
– Ride ad eam, equitare eam, uh

Y’all niggas ain’t stoppin’ me
– Nichil est quod me impedat
Y’all niggas ain’t stoppin’ me
– Nichil est quod me impedat
Y’all niggas ain’t stoppin’ me
– Nichil est quod me impedat
Y’all niggas ain’t stoppin’ me
– Nichil est quod me impedat
Y’all niggas ain’t stoppin’ me
– Nichil est quod me impedat
Y’all niggas ain’t stoppin’ me
– Nichil est quod me impedat
Y’all niggas ain’t stoppin’ me
– Nichil est quod me impedat
Yeah, uh
– Yeah, uh

Benjamin Button, Cole flows reverse time
– Beniamin Ipsum, Cole fluit vicissim tempus
To find deliveries good as mine, you gotta search primes
– Ad deliberandas invenire bonum sicut meum, redditus est tibi primes quaerere
I’m scaling heights higher than birds can perch
– Altitudines altiores quam aves perticare possunt
Tryin’ to be something, hopin’ that peace comes to my cursed mind
– Tryin ‘esse aliquid, hopin’ quod pax venit ad maledictam mentem meam
One thing’s for sure, that I’ve matured from my first rhyme
– Unum pro certo est, quod a primo rithimo maturus sum
I learned long ago, you can’t please ’em all, and it hurts tryin’
– Olim didici, non potes placere ’em omnes, et dolet tryin’
In this game, where all you’ve got is your name
– In hoc ludo, ubi omnes nomen tuum habes
Like Durk, I’m smirkin’ at niggas tryna besmirch mine
– Sicut Durk, sum smirkin ‘ apud niggas tryna besmirch meum
Absurd times, where the fake get toted as wise
– Absurdum temporibus, ubi fake adepto toted ut sapiens
I can see hate in both of your eyes but the third’s blind
– Odium in utroque oculorum tuorum videre possum sed tertium caecum
So you search lines
– Ita lineas quaeris
But you struggle, which explains the puzzled look on the dull face as the word finds
– Sed certamen, quod movet aspectum in hebeti facie, sicut verbum invenit
I hate what rap’s become, but like do-not-disturb signs
– Odi quod raptus factus est, sed sicut signa non perturbant
Can’t knock it if I see it’s ’bout the dough
– Pulsate eam, si non potest videre suus ‘ praedura palaestrae farinam
They instigate the fuckery because it’s profitable
– Et instigate fuckery quod suus utilis
But singin’ “stop the violence” tunes when dudes in hospitals
– Sed singin ‘ “desine violentiam ” melhores servidores do brasil
I pulled the plug because I’ve seen where that was ’bout to go
– Ego extraxerunt obturaculum quod vidi ubi erat ‘ ire praedura palaestra
They wanted blood, they wanted clicks to make they pockets grow
– Sanguinem volebant, clicks facere volebant loculos crescere
They see this fire in my pen and think I’m dodgin’ smoke
– Vident hunc ignem in stylo meo et putant me fumum dodgin’
I wouldn’t have lost a battle, dawg, I woulda lost a bro
– Non enim perdidit proelium, dawg, ego woulda perdidit a bro
I woulda gained a foe, and all for what? Just to attain some mo’
– Ego woulda lucrata est hostis, et omne quod? Sicut ad aliquam mo’
Props from strangers that don’t got a clue what I been aimin’ for?
– Fulcit ab extraneis quae sensum non obtinuit quid enim aimin fui?
Since the age of fourteen, Jermaine is no king
– Cum quattuordecim annos Natus Sit, Jermaine rex non est
If that means I gotta dig up dirt and pay the whole team
– Si hoc modo redditus sum lutum fodere et totum equos reddere
Of algorithm-bot niggas just to sway the whole thing
– De algorithmo – bot niggas modo totam rem flectere
On social media, competin’ for your favorable memes
– In socialis instrumentis, competition ‘ pro secundis memes
To be considered best or live and rest? The weight of both things
– O quam optime considerare et vivere? Pondus utriusque rerum
I understand the thirst of being first that made ’em both swing
– Intelligo sitis entis primum quod factum est ‘ em utrumque adductius
Protecting legacies, so lines got crossed, perhaps regrettably
– Legata protegens, sic lineae transierunt, fortasse pro dolor
My friends went to war, I walked away with all they blood on me
– Ibant amici mei ad bellum, ambulavi cum omni sanguine in me
Now some will discredit me, try wipe away my pedigree
– Quidam autem mihi vituperabunt, conare extergimus stemma meum
But please, find a nigga out that’s rappin’ this incredibly, uh
– Placere invenire a nigga quod suus ‘rappin’ hoc incredibile, uh
My dawg texted me, I’ll share the words he said to me
– Dawg mihi texted meus, et participes verbis dixit mihi
“If you refuse to shoot the gun, don’t mean the gun ain’t deadly,” uh
– “Si non desinunt arma, non te capiunt.”
I guess in that metaphor, hypothetically, the gun is me
– Me sentio esse veram, me oplo tin foni sou
I text him back like, “Guess a gun ain’t what I’m tryna be, my nigga”
– Ego eum retro text sicut, ” Coniecto a gun non quod tryna esse meus nigga”
They strip me of my spot, and now I’m finally free, my nigga
– Et spoliaverunt me macula mea, et nunc ego tandem liberum, mea nigga
They say I’m pickin’ sides, ayy, don’t you lie on me, my nigga
– Dicunt ego pickin ‘ latera, ayyy, non mentior mihi, mea nigga
Then start another war, ayy, Drake, you’ll always be my nigga
– Tunc satus alterius belli, ayy, Drake, youll ‘ semper erit mihi nigga
I ain’t ashamed to say you did a lot for me, my nigga
– Non pudet dicere multum mihi fecisti, mi nigga
Fuck all the narratives
– Narrationes narrare
Tappin’ back into your magic pen is what’s imperative
– Tappin’ reversus in calamum magicum tuum est quod imperativum est
Remindin’ these folks why we do it, it’s not for beefin’
– Admonere ‘haec folks quid faciemus, quod suus’non bubulae
It’s for speakin’ our thoughts, pushin’ ourselves, reachin’ the charts
– Est enim speakin ‘nostrae cogitationes, pushin’ ipsi, reachin ‘ charts
Reaching your minds, deep in your heart, screamin’ to find
– Animos attingens, altum in corde tuo, screamin ‘ invenire
Emotions to touch, somethin’ inside to open you up
– Passiones tangere, aliquid ‘ intro te aperire
Help you cope with the rough times and shit
– Et de auxilio tuo quam vehementer exsultat!
I’m sendin’ love ’cause we ain’t promised shit
– Im ‘sendin’ amoris ‘ causam non promittit stercore
My nigga
– Nil mihi

Y’all niggas ain’t stoppin’ me (Damn)
– “Nichil [[?]] iam dolet qui hanc [[patitui]] iniuriam.
Y’all niggas ain’t stoppin’ me (Y’all niggas)
– Nequando dicat: “ego dimittam te” (io.
Y’all niggas ain’t stoppin’ me
– Nichil est quod me impedat
Y’all niggas ain’t stoppin’ me
– Nichil est quod me impedat
Y’all niggas ain’t stoppin’ me
– Nichil est quod me impedat
Y’all niggas ain’t stoppin’ me
– Nichil est quod me impedat
Y’all niggas ain’t
– Nil prodest bene facere si noleggia l ‘ asino

J. Cole



