Juice WRLD – Cavalier Ingliz tili Lirika & Ozbekcha Tarjimalar



Bitches be mad when they should be embarrassed
– Kaltaklar xijolat bo’lishlari kerak bo’lganda aqldan ozishadi
(Purps on the beat)
– (Beat haqida Purps)
Haha, bitches be mad when they should be embarrassed
– Haha, ular og’ir bo’lishi kerak bo’lsa bitches jinni bo’lishi

I need some Actavis, I just spilled Wock’ on my wrist
– Menga Actavis kerak, men shunchaki bilagimga to’kdim
Fucked your bitch, I got lean on her tits
– Fucked sizning bitch, uning ko’krak ustida oriq men bor
You bought a Challenger, I bought a Lamborghini, it came with windows tinted with the stick shift
– Siz Challenger sotib oldingiz, men Lamborghini sotib oldim, u Stick shift bilan bo’yalgan derazalar bilan keldi
I call my gun Actavis, it leave you leanin’ like you bought a two liter and poured a ten
– Men qurolimni Actavis deb atayman, u sizni ikki litr sotib olib, o’ntasini quygandek qoldiradi
My hand on my ratchet, yes, I’m ’bout that action, it’s not a pump action, it’s .40 with extended clip
– Mening qo’lim ratchetimda, ha, men bu harakatni qilyapman, bu nasos harakati emas, bu .40 kengaytirilgan klip bilan

Yeah, Gucci is rare, they stop and stare
– Ha, Gucci kamdan-kam uchraydi, ular to’xtab, tikilib turishadi
I remember pullin’ up in the Cavalier
– Men otliqda pullinni eslayman
I remember drivin’ off that drank, can’t steer
– Esimda, drivin ichdi, boshqara olmaydi
Smokin’ on loud pack, nigga, I can’t hear (Yeah)
– Baland ovozda tutun, nigga, men eshitmayapman (Ha)
Louis is rare, they stop and stare
– Lui kamdan-kam uchraydi, ular to’xtab, tikilib turishadi
I remember pullin’ up in the Cavalier
– Men otliqda pullinni eslayman
Can’t drive off the drank, no, I can’t steer
– Ichkilikni haydab bo’lmaydi, yo’q, men boshqara olmayman
Smokin’ on loud pack, nigga, I can’t hear
– Baland ovozda tutun, nigga, men eshitmayapman

We on the run, we on the hunt
– Biz yugurishda, biz ovda
Keep shittin’ on you niggas, I got the runs
– Shittinni saqlang sizda zanjilar, men yugurdim
Shit so damn much, I need some Tums
– Shit juda la’nat ko’p, men ba’zi Tums kerak
Love the way my lil’ bitch speak in tongues
– Mening lil kaltakimning tillarda gapirishini seving
Say you not the one and you got a gun
– Siz emas, balki bir sen va qurol bor
Nigga, you ain’t on shit ’til you go blow somethin’
– Nigga, siz biron bir narsani puflamaguningizcha, siz ahmoq emassiz
If you really want smoke, let a nigga know somethin’
– Agar siz haqiqatan ham tutunni xohlasangiz, nigga nimanidir bilsin
My gun gay, it’ll fuck you, then hit your ho up
– Mening qurol gay, siz fuck olaman, keyin sizning ho up urdi
(Woo) Bitch, I’ma do what I want to
– (Vu) Bitch, men xohlagan narsani qilaman
My Draco come with a kick, hi-yah
– Mening Draco bir zarbasidan bilan keladi, hi-yah
I taught that bitch Kung-Fu, what you wanna do?
– Men bu kaltak Kung-Fuga o’rgatdim, nima qilmoqchisiz?
Like (Woo), huh, bitch, I’ma do what I want to (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
– (Vu) kabi, ha, kaltak, men xohlagan narsani qilaman (Ha, ha, ha)
Peel that nigga’s scalp back
– Nigganing bosh terisini orqaga qaytaring
I treat that boy like a moon roof, zoom, zoom
– Men bu bolaga oy tomi, zoom, zoom kabi munosabatda bo’laman
Put a hole in his body, no Froot Loop
– Uning tanasiga teshik qo’ying, Froot Loop yo’q
Draco make him dance, tutu
– Drako uni raqsga tushiradi, tutu
They gon’ make me blow my fuse
– Ular meni sug’urta qilishimga majbur qilishadi
Got these hatin’-ass bitches and niggas confused
– Bu hotin-eshak bitches va niggas chigal bor
I beat up the rap game and I give it a bruise
– Men rap o’yinini kaltakladim va uni ko’kartiraman
Give ’em black and blues while I count up the blues
– Men ko’klarni hisoblayotganimda qora va ko’klarni bering
Got my hand on my tool, pop a couple of blues
– Mening vositasi qo’limni bor, blues bir necha pop
Then I pour up a pint, then I take me a snooze
– Keyin men pint quyaman, keyin meni kechiktiraman

I need some Actavis, I just spilled Wock’ on my wrist
– Menga Actavis kerak, men shunchaki bilagimga to’kdim
Fucked your bitch, I got lean on her tits
– Fucked sizning bitch, uning ko’krak ustida oriq men bor
You bought a Challenger, I bought a Lamborghini, it came with windows tinted with the stick shift
– Siz Challenger sotib oldingiz, men Lamborghini sotib oldim, u Stick shift bilan bo’yalgan derazalar bilan keldi
I call my gun Actavis, it leave you leanin’ like you bought a two liter and poured a ten
– Men qurolimni Actavis deb atayman, u sizni ikki litr sotib olib, o’ntasini quygandek qoldiradi
My hand on my ratchet, yes, I’m ’bout that action, it’s not a pump action, it’s .40 with extended clip
– Mening qo’lim ratchetimda, ha, men bu harakatni qilyapman, bu nasos harakati emas, bu .40 kengaytirilgan klip bilan

Yeah, Gucci is rare, they stop and stare
– Ha, Gucci kamdan-kam uchraydi, ular to’xtab, tikilib turishadi
I remember pullin’ up in the Cavalier
– Men otliqda pullinni eslayman
I remember drivin’ off that drank, can’t steer
– Esimda, drivin ichdi, boshqara olmaydi
Smokin’ on loud pack, nigga, I can’t hear (Yeah)
– Baland ovozda tutun, nigga, men eshitmayapman (Ha)
Louis is rare, they stop and stare
– Lui kamdan-kam uchraydi, ular to’xtab, tikilib turishadi
I remember pullin’ up in the Cavalier
– Men otliqda pullinni eslayman
Can’t drive off the drank, no, I can’t steer
– Ichkilikni haydab bo’lmaydi, yo’q, men boshqara olmayman
Smokin’ on loud pack, nigga, I can’t hear
– Baland ovozda tutun, nigga, men eshitmayapman

Juice WRLD



