Ranse – Altschmerz Ingliz tili Lirika & Ozbekcha Tarjimalar



Lately, I can feel it
– So’nggi paytlarda men buni his qilyapman
But, I don’t wanna feel it at all
– Lekin, men buni umuman his qilishni xohlamayman
Actually, I don’t feel it at all
– Aslida, men buni umuman his qilmayman
But, what can I do?
– Lekin, nima qila olaman?
You left me in the dark
– Siz meni zulmatda qoldirdingiz
Please, show me a way
– Iltimos, menga yo’l ko’rsating
I wanna go
– Men bormoqchiman
I wanna run away
– Men qochib ketmoqchiman
I wanna escape
– Men qochmoqchiman
I wanna close the door
– Men eshikni yopmoqchiman
I wanna leave the apartment
– Men kvartirani tark etmoqchiman
I wanna-
– Men istayman-
– Mm

It’s my fault, I made it
– Bu mening aybim, men buni qildim
But you really made it worse
– Lekin siz haqiqatan ham yomonlashtirdingiz
As I said, I created this city
– Aytganimdek, men bu shaharni yaratdim
(Wanna visit me in the dark?)
– (Zulmatda meni ziyorat qilmoqchimisiz?)
Should’ve left here when you said “farewell”, but I
– Agar “alvido” dedi bu erda tark ayting kerak, lekin men
(When there’s no one around)
– (Atrofda hech kim yo’q bo’lganda)
But I refused it like a child
– Lekin men buni boladek rad etdim
(Hurry up, I’m about to spill my guts)
– (Shoshiling, men jasorat to’kishga haqida emasman)
I never said this before, but
– Men buni hech qachon aytmaganman, lekin
– (Lekin)
I should’ve accepted it, right?
– Men buni qabul qilishim kerak edi, to’g’rimi?

(Did I say that?)
– (Men buni aytdimmi?)
(Did I really say that?)
– (Men buni haqiqatan ham aytdimmi?)

Keep the romance alive, take my hand
– Romantikani tirik saqlang, qo’limni oling
Build a ship and come to my island
– Kema quring va mening orolimga keling
Gimme the taste of love
– Gimme sevgi ta’mi
I guess I just starve myself
– O’ylaymanki, men o’zimni och qoldim
Just for a lie (will you come?)
– Faqat yolg’on uchun (kelasizmi?)
I don’t wanna do this (but)
– Men buni qilishni xohlamayman (lekin)
Can’t help myself anymore
– Endi o’zimga yordam berolmayman
Like I, am I?
– Men kabi, menmi?
Since I left the darkness
– Men zulmatni tark etganimdan beri
– (Nihoyat)
I’m able to say that
– Men buni ayta olaman
(Are you listening?)
– (Siz tinglayapsizmi?)
I never saw it in your eyes
– Men buni sizning ko’zingizda ko’rmaganman
– Nima uchun?
I never stopped asking, why?
– Men hech qachon so’rashni to’xtatmadim, nega?
– (Nima uchun?)
Why can’t I feel it?
– Nega men buni his qila olmayman?
Why can’t you feel it?
– Nega buni his qila olmaysiz?
Why can’t we feel it?
– Nega biz buni his qila olmaymiz?
– Nima uchun?
– Nima uchun?
Each day goes by
– Har bir kun o’tadi
And I never stopped asking why
– Va nima uchun so’rashni to’xtatmadim
But in the end
– Lekin oxirida
It doesn’t even matter, like you and I
– Siz va men kabi bu ham muhim emas
“Farewell”, as I said
– Aytganimdek, “vidolashuv”
And something tells me to run away (run away)
– Va bir narsa menga qochishimni aytadi (qochish)
I wanna run away, mm
– Men qochib ketmoqchiman, mm




