Saturday Night Live – Domingo Ingelesa Hitzak & Euskara Itzulpenak



Hit it
– Jo ezazu

The bridesmaids wanted a celebration
– Andregaiek ospakizun bat nahi zuten
So we took a trip, bachelorette vacation
– Beraz, bidaia bat egin genuen, ezkongabe oporrak
‘Cause we know she needs one
– Badakigu bat behar duela
A break from Matthew
– Mateoren atsedenaldia
Just kidding, Matt
– Txantxetan ari naiz, Matt.
We’re glad she has you
– Pozten gara zu edukitzeaz

We’re out, the shots are flowing, yeah
– Kanpoan gaude, tiroak datoz, bai
Guys on the dance floor grooving, yeah
– Dantza-pistako mutilak. – bai, bai, bai, bai, bai, bai, bai, bai, bai, bai, bai
Yeah, we say, “No thanks, she’s taken,” yeah
– Bai, esaten dugu, “ez, eskerrik asko, eraman egin dute”.
Sing it
– Abestu ezazu

Now she’s with a hot guy, but he looks gay
– Orain tipo bero batekin dago, baina homosexuala dirudi
Heard his name is Domingo
– Domingo du izena
Second location, maybe he’s bi
– Bigarren kokalekua, agian bi
Still dancing with Domingo
– Oraindik Domingorekin dantzan
Third location, fully straight, fully touching Domingo
– Hirugarren kokalekua, Erabat zuzena, Erabat Ukitzen Domingo
“I can’t wait to be his wife”
– “Ezin dut itxaron bere emaztea izateko”
She’s pointing to Domingo
– Domingo seinalatzen ari da

In the bathroom, we take her aside
– Komunean, alde batera uzten dugu
She says, “Don’t worry, we won’t cross the line”
– “Ez kezkatu, ez dugu muga gurutzatuko”.
“Think of your fiancé”
– “Pentsa ezazu zure senargaiarengan”.
She says, “Good reminder”
– Esan zuen: “Gogorarazpen Ona”
Hands me her ring
– Eman eraztuna
Then we can’t find her
– Orduan ezin dugu aurkitu

Now we’re back in the house, in the hot tub
– Orain etxean gaude, bainuontzian
She’s there with Domingo
– Domingorekin dago
Ask him to leave, get a hotel
– Hotelera joateko eskatu, hotelera joateko
She’s vibing with Domingo
– Domingorekin dardarka dago

At the Marriott, googling Domingo
– Marriott – En, Googlen Domingo
Just to make sure he’s not psycho
– Ziur ez dela psiko
But he’s actually a doctor and randomly a model
– Baina benetan medikua da eta ausaz modeloa
And he volunteers with weird sick animals
– Eta boluntario lan egiten du animalia gaixo arraroekin

Is the point of this song just that Kelsey cheated on me all weekend?
– Kelseyk asteburu osoan engainatu nau?
No, the point is, it’s espresso
– Ez, kontua da, espresso da
You’re not even listening to the lyrics
– Hitzak ere ez dituzu entzuten
That’s all I’m listening to
– Hori da entzuten dudan guztia

The next day, she said “Nothing happened”
– Biharamunean, esan zuen: “Ez Da Ezer gertatu”.
They talked all night about you, Matthew
– Gau Osoan hitz egin dute zutaz, Mateo
Then at brunch, she just starts crying
– Orduan, gosaltzen denean, negarrez hasten da
We ask her “Why?”
– Galdetzen diogu ” Zergatik?”
She says, “I’m just so tired”
– Esan zuen: “oso nekatuta nago”.
We say, “Take a nap”
– Esaten dugu, “Hartu siesta bat”
She says, “I’m not that kind of tired”
– Berak dio: “ez naiz hain nekatua”.

Hey Matt, came all this way
– Kaixo Matt, horrela etorri naiz.
Had to explain, direct from Domingo
– Azaldu beharra Dago, Zuzenean Domingotik
Kelsey’s a friend, she’s like my sis
– Kelsey lagun bat da, nire ahizpa bezalakoa
But we did hook up though
– Baina elkartu egin ginen

I hope we can still be friends
– Oraindik lagunak izan gaitezke

Saturday Night Live



