Liam Payne – Strip That Down Engleski Tekst Pjesme & Hrvatski Prijevodi

Video isječak

Tekst Pjesme

Huncho, Quavo
– Rado, draga.
Yo, yo
– Hej, hej.

You know I’ve been taking some time
– Znaš da sam imao malo vremena.
And I’ve been keeping to myself (Self)
– I držao sam se za sebe (sebe)
I had my eyes up on the prize
– Pazio sam na nagradu
Ain’t watching anybody else
– I nije promatrao nikoga drugog
But your love, it hit me hard, girl
– Ali tvoja ljubav, jako me povrijedila, djevojko
Yeah, you’re bad for my health
– Da, štetiš mom zdravlju
I love the cards that I’ve been dealt
– Sviđaju mi se karte koje sam dobio u ruke
Do you feel the same as well?
– Osjećaš li se isto?

You know I used to be in 1D (Now I’m out, free)
– Znate da sam prije bio pobjednik (sada sam slobodan)
People want me for one thing (That’s not me)
– Ljudi me žele samo zbog jedne stvari (to nisam ja)
I’m not changing the way that I (Used to be)
– Neću se mijenjati (kao što sam bio prije)
I just wanna have fun and (Get rowdy)
– Samo se želim zabaviti i (ismijavati)
One Coke and Bacardi (Sippin’ lightly)
– Popijte Coca-Colu i Bacardi (u malim gutljajima)
When I walk inside the party (Girls on me)
– Kad uđem na zabavu (djevojke me gledaju)
F1 type Ferrari (Six gear speed)
– Ferrari Formule 1 (šest brzina)
Girl, I love it when your body (Grinds on me, baby)
– Djevojko, obožavam kad se tvoje tijelo (Privija uz mene, dušo)
Oh yeah, oh
– Oh, Da, Oh.

You know I love it when the music’s loud
– Znaš da volim kad svira glasna glazba
But come on, strip that down for me, baby
– Ali hajde, Svuci Se Za mene, dušo
Now there’s a lot of people in the crowd
– Trenutno je u gomili puno ljudi
But only you can dance with me
– Ali samo ti možeš plesati sa mnom
So put your hands on my body
– Zato stavi ruke na moje tijelo
And swing that round for me, baby (Swing)
– I zavrti se za mene, dušo (Ljuljaj se)
You know I love it when the music’s loud
– Znaš da volim kad je glazba glasna.
But come on, strip that down for me (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
– Ali hajde, skini to zbog mene (Da, Da, Da, da)

Oh, strip that down, girl
– Oh, skini to, djevojko
Love when you hit the ground, girl (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
– Volim kad padneš na zemlju, djevojko (da, Da, Da, da)
Oh, strip that down, girl
– Oh, skini to, djevojko
Love when you hit the ground
– Volim kad padneš na zemlju

You know that since the day I met you
– Znaš to od dana kad sam te upoznao.
Yeah, you swept me off my feet
– Da, udarila si me.
You know that I don’t need no money
– Znaš da mi ne treba novac.
When your love is beside me
– Kad je tvoja ljubav pored mene
Yeah, you opened up my heart
– Da, Otvorila si mi srce.
And then you threw away the key
– A onda je bacila ključ
Girl, now it’s just you and me
– Djevojko, sada smo samo ti i ja ovdje
And you don’t care ’bout where I’ve been
– I nije te briga gdje sam bio

You know I used to be in 1D (Now I’m out, free, free)
– Znaš da sam nekad bio u 1-U (sada sam slobodan)
People want me for one thing (That’s not me)
– Ljudi me žele samo zbog jedne stvari (to nisam ja)
I’m not changing the way that I (Used to be)
– Ne mijenjam se onako kako sam bio (prije)
I just wanna have fun and (Get rowdy, ooh)
– Samo se želim zabaviti i (zezati se, ooh)
One Coke and Bacardi (Sippin’ lightly)
– Popijte Coca-Colu i Bacardi (lagano pijuckajući)
When I walk inside the party (Girls on me)
– Kad uđem na zabavu (djevojke me gledaju)
F1 type Ferrari (Six gear speed)
– Ferrari Formule 1 (šest brzina)
Girl, I love it when your body (Grinds on me, baby)
– Djevojko, volim kad se tvoje tijelo (Privija uz mene, dušo)
– Uh.

You know I love it when the music’s loud
– Znaš da volim kad svira glasna glazba
But come on, strip that down for me, baby
– Ali hajde, učini to tišim za mene, dušo
Now there’s a lot of people in the crowd
– Trenutno je u gomili puno ljudi
But only you can dance with me
– Ali samo ti možeš plesati sa mnom
So put your hands on my body
– Zato stavi ruke na moje tijelo
And swing that round for me, baby (yeah)
– I zavrti se za mene, dušo (duh)
You know I love it when the music’s loud
– Znaš da volim kad svira glasna glazba
But come on, strip that down for me (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
– Ali hajde, skini se za mene (Da, Da, Da, da)

Oh, strip that down, girl (Ayy)
– Oh, Svuci se, dušo (hej)
Love when you hit the ground, girl (Strip it down, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
– Volim kad padneš na zemlju, djevojko (Skini se, da, Da, Da, da)
Oh, strip that down, girl (Oh, ho, ho, ho)
– Oh, skini se djevojko (Oh, ho, ho, ho)
Love when you hit the ground (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
– Volim kad padneš na zemlju (Da, Da, Da, da)
Oh, strip that down, girl (Yeah)
– Oh, skini to, djevojko (duh)
Love when you hit the ground, girl (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
– Volim kad padneš na zemlju, djevojko (da, Da, Da, da)
Oh, strip that down, girl (Ooh, oh)
– Oh, skini to, djevojko (oh, oh)
Love when you hit the ground (Quavo)
– Volim kad padneš na zemlju (Kvavo)

She gon’ strip it down for a thug, yeah (Strip it down)
– Ona će se skinuti do gaćica, da (svući se do gaćica)
Word around town she got the buzz, yeah (Word)
– Po gradu se šuška da je u šoku, da (riječ)
Five shots in, she in love now (Shots)
– Nakon pet hitaca zaljubljena je (pucnjevi)
I promise, when we pull up, shut the club down (Woo, hey)
– Obećavam, kad stignemo, zatvorite klub (Uh, zdravo)
I took her from her man, don’t nobody know (Know)
– Uzeo sam je od njenog dečka, nitko ne zna (ne zna)
If you popped the seal, better drive slow (Slow)
– Ako ste slomili pečat, bolje je ići sporije (sporije).
She know how to make me feel with my eyes closed (Skrrt skrrt)
– Ona zna kako da se osjećam zatvorenih očiju (AML)
Anything goes down with the Huncho (Huncho)
– Ako će nešto ići s nd (nd)

You know I love it when the music’s loud
– Znaš da volim kad je glazba glasna.
But come on, strip that down for me,baby
– Ali hajde, Strip, što je za mene, dušo
Now there’s a lot of people in the crowd
– Trenutno je u gomili puno ljudi
But only you can dance with me
– Ali samo ti možeš plesati sa mnom
So put your hands on my body
– Zato stavi ruke na moje tijelo
And swing that round for me, baby
– I okreni se za mene, dušo
You know I love it when the music’s loud
– Znaš da volim kad svira glasna glazba.
But come on, strip that down for me (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
– Ali hajde, skini se za mene (Da, Da, Da, da)

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
– Da, Da, Da, Da, da.
Come on, strip that down for me (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, ayy)
– Hajde, skini se za mene (Da, Da, Da, da, hej)
Don’t say nothing, girl
– Ne govori ništa, djevojko
Strip that down for me (Strip it down, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
– Skini se za mene (Skini se, da, Da,da)
All I want, girl
– Sve što želim, djevojko
If you strip that down for me (Strip it down, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
– Ako se svučeš za mene (Svučeš se, da, Da,da)
You’re the one, girl
– Ti si jedina, djevojko
Come on, strip that down for me (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
– Hajde, skini mi to (da, Da, Da, da)

Liam Payne



