Halsey – Arsonist Malagasy Tononkira & Malagasy Ny fandikan-teny



Enod ev’uoy taht gnihtyreve htiw seerga dna snoitca ruoy fo lla seifitsuj taht dog a tem uoy taht kniht uoy tub dog sa esiugsid fles emos htiw tem uoy taht dog A
– Enod ev’uoy taht gnihtyreve htiw seerga adn snoitca ruoy fo lla seifitsuj taht alika tem uoy taht kniht alika fandroana uoy uoy save esiugsid mandositra emos htiw tem uoy taht alika a

Arsonist burning down the world to feel its heat
– Fandoroana izao tontolo izao mba hahatsapana ny hafanany
The arsonist doesn’t feel the embers on his feet
– Tsy mahatsapa ny vainafo amin’ny tongony ilay mpandoro
Arsonist, your human starter kit came incomplete
– Arsonista, tsy feno ny kitapom-panombohanao olombelona
My apologies, arsonist, you loved me
– Ny fialantsiny, ny fandoroana, tianao aho

I’m glued to a building that’s on fire
– Miraikitra amin’ny tranobe mirehitra aho
Handcuffed to a narcissistic liar
– Voafatotra amin’ny mpandainga tia tena
Empty space and leather jeans
– Toerana banga sy pataloha jeans hoditra
Eyes are blazed with apathy
– Ny maso dia mirehitra amin’ny tsy firaharahiana
Fool me twice, the shame is on me
– Mamitaka ahy indroa, ny henatra dia amiko
Am I a victim in your game?
– Iharan’ny lalaonao ve aho?
Am I a subtle antique placed?
– Napetraka ve ny antika an-kolaka?
Will you pass me through your bloodline with your ornamental age?
– Handalo ahy amin’ny ranao ve ianao amin’ny taonanao haingo?
Can I take the blame for everything you hate?
– Azoko atao ve ny manome tsiny ny zavatra rehetra halanao?
The punishment and crime are not the same
– Tsy mitovy ny sazy sy ny heloka bevava

Arsonist burning down the world to feel its heat
– Fandoroana izao tontolo izao mba hahatsapana ny hafanany
The arsonist doesn’t feel the embers on his feet
– Tsy mahatsapa ny vainafo amin’ny tongony ilay mpandoro
Arsonist, your human starter kit came incomplete
– Arsonista, tsy feno ny kitapom-panombohanao olombelona
My apologies, arsonist, you loved me
– Ny fialantsiny, ny fandoroana, tianao aho

You built a small container to keep all of me confined
– Nanamboatra kaontenera kely ianao mba hitazomana ahy rehetra
I am water, I am shapeless, I am fluid, I am divine
– Rano aho, tsy manana endrika, ranoka, masina aho
Somebody will love me for the way that I’m designed
– Misy olona ho tia ahy noho ny fomba nanamboarana ahy
Devastation, creation, intertwined
– Faharavana, famoronana, mifamatotra
You don’t love the flames, you just want them for yourself
– Tsy tianao ny lelafo fa ho anao irery no tadiavinao
Douse my head in kerosene, horizon into hell
– Atsofohy amin’ny solitany ny lohako, faravodilanitra mankany amin’ny helo
And you smothered out the glow I grew for you but it was mine too
– Ary nesorinao ny famirapiratana namboleko ho anao fa ahy koa izany

Arsonist burning down the world to feel its heat
– Fandoroana izao tontolo izao mba hahatsapana ny hafanany
The arsonist doesn’t feel the embers on his feet
– Tsy mahatsapa ny vainafo amin’ny tongony ilay mpandoro
Arsonist, your human starter kit came incomplete
– Arsonista, tsy feno ny kitapom-panombohanao olombelona
My apologies, arsonist, you loved me
– Ny fialantsiny, ny fandoroana, tianao aho

Alchemy’s not love, it’s playing God
– Tsy fitiavana ny Alchemy fa milalao An’andriamanitra
And there’s a penance paid for entering the temple like a fraud in your charade
– Ary misy fibebahana aloa amin’ny fidirana ao amin’ny tempoly toy ny hosoka ao amin’ny sarinao
You leave me sleeping in the dark so you can hide away your blade
– Avelanao hatory ao anaty haizina aho mba hahafahanao manafina ny lelanao
And lock the door and trap me right here in the blaze
– Ary hidio ny varavarana ary hamandrika ahy eto amin’ny afo

Arsonist burning down the world to feel its heat
– Fandoroana izao tontolo izao mba hahatsapana ny hafanany
The arsonist doesn’t feel the embers on his feet
– Tsy mahatsapa ny vainafo amin’ny tongony ilay mpandoro
Arsonist, your human starter kit came incomplete
– Arsonista, tsy feno ny kitapom-panombohanao olombelona
My apologies, arsonist, you loved me
– Ny fialantsiny, ny fandoroana, tianao aho

Have you ever been broken and thrown down?
– Efa tapaka sy natsipy ve ianao?
Have you ever been worried that you’d be shot and burned off in a sack?
– Efa nanahy ve ianao sao ho voatifitra sy hodorana ao anaty gony?
Have you ever given the world to somebody as a gift and had it returned?
– Efa nomenao ho fanomezana ve izao tontolo izao ary naverinao?
Did you know the father’s DNA stays inside the mother for seven years?
– Fantatrao ve fa mijanona ao anatin’ny RENY mandritra ny fito taona ny ADN AN’NY rainy?
Have you ever waited seven years?
– Efa niandry fito taona ve ianao?
Have you ever woken from a dream just to realize that you’re still asleep?
– Efa nifoha tamin’ny nofy ve ianao vao nahatsapa fa mbola matory ianao?
Do you ever wish you were still asleep?
– Maniry ve ianao raha mbola matory?
Do you ever wish you wouldn’t wake up?
– Maniry ve ianao tsy hifoha?




