Lyrics from Live Performance
– Tononkira Avy Amin’ny Fampisehoana Mivantana
To the men that love women after heartbreak
– Ho an’ireo lehilahy tia vehivavy aorian’ny ratram po
To the hellos that come after goodbyes
– Ho an’ireo hello izay tonga aorian’ny veloma
To the rain that was falling but watered the gardens
– Ho an’ny orana izay nilatsaka fa nanondraka ny zaridaina
And the ones that bring the flowers back to life
– Ary ireo izay mamelona indray ny voninkazo
To the men that love women after heartbreak
– Ho an’ireo lehilahy tia vehivavy aorian’ny ratram po
To the tears they catch but didn’t make them fall
– Ny ranomaso azon’izy ireo nefa tsy nahatonga azy ireo hianjera
To the strong and sturdy shoulders helping her get older
– Ho an’ny soroka matanjaka sy matanjaka manampy azy ho antitra
And the ones that get forever after all
– Ary ireo izay mahazo mandrakizay
It ain’t fair and it’s hard to understand
– Tsy rariny izany ary sarotra takarina
It ain’t easy but you do it because you can
– Tsy mora izany fa manao izany ianao satria afaka
You don’t see my heart as secondhand
– Tsy hitanao ho toy ny tanana faharoa ny foko
And baby, that’s why it takes a man
– Ary zazakely, izany no antony ilana lehilahy
To love women after heartbreak
– Tia vehivavy aorian’ny ratram-po
To the architect that’s broke down the house
– Ho an’ny mpanao maritrano izay nandrava ny trano
The carpenter and painter
– Ilay mpandrafitra sy mpanao hosodoko
The all night renovator who’s building her up from the ground
– Ilay mpanavao mandritra ny alina izay manangana azy avy amin’ny tany
It ain’t fair and it’s hard to understand
– Tsy rariny izany ary sarotra takarina
It ain’t easy but you do it because you can
– Tsy mora izany fa manao izany ianao satria afaka
You don’t see my heart as secondhand
– Tsy hitanao ho toy ny tanana faharoa ny foko
And baby, that’s why it takes a man
– Ary zazakely, izany no antony ilana lehilahy
To the man that loved this woman after heartbreak
– Ho an’ilay lehilahy tia an’ity vehivavy ity taorian’ny ratram po
Thank you for all you didn’t have to do
– Misaotra anao noho izay rehetra tsy voatery nataonao
When I met you, I was jaded, sad and complicated
– Rehefa nihaona taminao aho dia reraka, nalahelo ary sarotra
You’ll never know how much I needed you
– Tsy ho fantatrao mihitsy hoe tena nilaiko ianao
No, you’ll never know how much I needed you
– Tsia, tsy ho fantatrao mihitsy hoe tena nilaiko ianao