A.J. & Big Justice – We Bring The BOOM! Basa inggris Lirik & Basa sunda Tarjamahan

Vidéo Klip


We bring the Boom, that’s what we do
– Urang mawa Booming, éta naon urang ngalakukeun
We bring the Boom, we bring the Boom to you
– Urang mawa Booming, urang mawa Booming ka anjeun
We bring the Boom, we bring the Boom to everyone
– Urang mawa Booming, urang mawa Booming ka dulur
We bring the Boom, your favorite father and son
– Urang mawa Booming, bapa jeung putra favorit anjeun

Every afternoon on your FYP
– Unggal soré dina FYP anjeun
We’ll be bringing the boom, around a quarter past three
– Urang bakal mawa booming, kira-kira saparapat kaliwat tilu
We bring the boom so loud, the whole earth shakes
– Urang mawa boom jadi nyaring, sakabeh bumi shakes
With double chunk chocolate cookies, and chicken bakes
– Jeung cookies coklat chunk ganda, jeung bakes hayam
Biceps and Triceps bring the boom and everybody deserves
– Biceps Jeung Triceps mawa booming jeung dulur pantes
And we call him Big Justice ’cause that’s what he serves
– Jeung urang nelepon Anjeunna Kaadilan Badag sabab éta naon anjeunna ngawula
We bring the happiness and laughter when we enter the room
– Urang mawa kabagjaan jeung seuri lamun urang asup ka kamar
And we’re changing up the world with the boom or doom
– Jeung urang ngarobah dunya jeung boom atawa doom

We bring the Boom, that’s what we do
– Urang mawa Booming, éta naon urang ngalakukeun
We bring the Boom, we bring the Boom to you
– Urang mawa Booming, urang mawa Booming ka anjeun
We bring the Boom, we bring the Boom to everyone
– Urang mawa Booming, urang mawa Booming ka dulur
We bring the Boom, your favorite father and son
– Urang mawa Booming, bapa jeung putra favorit anjeun

When you subscribe here to our channel, know you’ll never be alone
– Lamun anjeun ngalanggan di dieu kana saluran urang, nyaho anjeun moal pernah jadi sorangan
We bring the boom to you each day right here from Boca Raton
– Urang mawa booming ka anjeun unggal poé katuhu dieu ti Boca Raton
Stick with the Costco Guys and you’ll never get beat
– Tetep Jeung Guys Costco jeung anjeun moal meunang ngéléhkeun
We’ll throw some paper towels and get meat, all meat
– Urang bakal maledog sababaraha anduk kertas jeung meunang daging, sadaya daging
We’re pushing weight in gym, and we’re crushing the ball
– Urang keur ngadorong beurat di gim, jeung urang keur crushing bal
Big Justice brings the boom and puts it over the wall
– Big Justice mawa booming jeung nempatkeun eta leuwih témbok
When your family comes first, it can never be a Doom
– Lamun kulawarga anjeun datang heula, éta moal bisa Jadi Doom a
Ashley and Mother of Big Justice even bring you the Boom
– Ashley Jeung Indung Big Justice malah mawa Anjeun Booming

We bring the Boom, that’s what we do
– Urang mawa Booming, éta naon urang ngalakukeun
We bring the Boom, we bring the Boom to you
– Urang mawa Booming, urang mawa Booming ka anjeun
We bring the Boom, we bring the Boom to everyone
– Urang mawa Booming, urang mawa Booming ka dulur
We bring the Boom, our favorite father and son
– Urang mawa Booming, bapa jeung putra favorit urang

We bring the Boom! That’s what we do
– Urang mawa Booming! Éta naon urang ngalakukeun
We bring the Boom! We bring the Boom to you
– Urang mawa Booming! Urang mawa Booming ka anjeun
We bring the Boom! We bring the Boom to everyone
– Urang mawa Booming! Urang mawa Booming ka dulur
We bring the Boom, your favorite father and son
– Urang mawa Booming, bapa jeung putra favorit anjeun

We bring the boom
– Urang mawa boom




