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There’s guitars ringin’ now from the top floor of this house
– Manche de guitare’ nunc a summo pavimento domus huius
That I’ve learned to rest my soul inside
– Quod ego didici requiem meam intus
Be still, be quiet, this world’s a giant
– Esto adhuc, quietam esse, gigas huius mundi
That I don’t feel like facing tonight
– Quod non placet adversus hac nocte
I don’t have the words yet, I’ll smoke a cigarette
– Non fumant sigarra vel cigarettes
Even though she’ll smell it on my breath
– Etiamsi ipsa youll olfacies super eam spiritus meus
I say I want kids even though I can’t quit
– Ego volo dicere haedos etsi non quieti
The things that make me childish
– Quae me puerile faciunt
But it ain’t all bad, the windows are cracked
– Sed non omnes mali, fenestrae crae sunt
I came down to hear you laughin’ in the kitchen, babe
– Sed eu risus eu leo’ ” coca erat in culina, puer
Let’s pour some wine, there’s still a little time
– Vinum aliquod infundamus, adhuc modicum tempus est
And maybe a little bit left in me to save
– Et fortasse parum relictum est mihi ut salvemini
Be still, be quiet, the world’s a giant
– Esto adhuc, quietam esse, gigas mundi
I ain’t ever had myself a David’s heart
– Ego Autem non Semper Habui cor David
I’ll say sorry to God for all the trouble I caused
– Dicam paenitet Deum pro omni tribulatione quam feci
Maybe that’s a good place for me to start
– Forsitan bonum locum mihi committitur
You’ll be holdin’ to no other holdless boy
– Et tu quidem [65] saeculo illustrando sufficis.
I heard breathin’ this world is the thief of joy
– Ego respiciam ‘ c ‘est le jour qui l’ écrit de la réponse
You’re better off fightin’ than you are dead
– Melior es pugnae quam mortuus es
The time for rest ain’t now ’cause the kids need fed
– Tempus quietis nunc non est ‘ causa haedos opus h
The time for rest ain’t now ’cause the kids need fed
– Tempus quietis nunc non est ‘ causa haedos opus h
Guitars ringin’ now from the top of that house
– Citharae ringin ‘ nunc a summo domus illius
We used to rest our souls inside
– Animas nostras intus quiescere solebamus
Nothing lasts, memories pass
– Non poter condividere i ricordi.
Think of home on an August night
– Se llevó a cabo el pasado fin de semana en
There’s reasons to go, reasons to stay
– Un furto su commissione fortunosamente fallito
Just know you’ll fear it all anyway
– Modo scis te omnes usquam timebis
Be still, be quiet, this world’s a giant
– Esto adhuc, quietam esse, gigas huius mundi
Maybe there’s a little bit left to save
– Forsitan parum superest ut salvet
You’ll be holding to no other holdless boy
– Tu autem tenens non potest alius puer sine tenui
I heard breathin’ this world is the thief of joy
– Ego respiciam ‘ c ‘est le jour qui l’ écrit de la réponse
You’re better off fightin’ than you are dead
– Melior es pugnae quam mortuus es
The time for rest ain’t now ’cause the kids need fed
– Tempus quietis nunc non est ‘ causa haedos opus h
The time for rest ain’t now, the kids need fed
– Tempus quietis non nunc, haedos pasci necesse est