Video Posnetek
Got a couple of Ms, don’t need nothing, I’m close to the ground, tell the camera, “Can’t catch this”
– Imam nekaj Ms, ne potrebujem ničesar, blizu sem tal, povej kameri, “tega ne morem ujeti”
I ain’t text her in a couple of hours, she call me and tell me that she feel neglected (I’m sorry)
– Čez nekaj ur ji ne pošljem besedila, pokliče me in mi pove, da se počuti zapostavljeno (Žal mi je)
I done took me a piece of a X on some stayin’ woke shit, and I’m textin’ my ex-bitch
– Naredil sem mi je kos Na nekem bivanju zbudil sranje, in jaz sem besedilo ‘ moja bivša prasica
I can get ’em sent right to your doorstep, don’t matter the state, boy, I’m really connected
– Lahko jih pošljem naravnost na vaš prag, ne glede na stanje, fant, res Sem povezan
In the cut with a model, Azul by the bottle, I buy Audemars just to flex it
– V kroju z modelom, Azul za steklenico, kupim Audemars samo zato, da ga upognem
Really come from the bottom, I could’ve got shot up, I know for a fact it’s a blessing
– Res prihaja od spodaj, Lahko bi me ustrelili, vem, da je to blagoslov
In Atlanta, I come from the West End
– V Atlanti Prihajam z zahodnega konca
Flyin’ Delta, the choppas gettin’ checked in
– Leteči Delta, choppas se je prijavil
I already got Ms, tryna touch me a B, got her body done, she my investment
– Že imam Ms, poskusi se me dotakniti A B, dobila je svoje telo, ona je moja naložba
For a fact, these lil’ niggas ain’t fuckin’ with me, reached the top, and I ain’t break a sweat, bitch
– Za dejstvo, ti lil ‘niggas ni prekleto’ z mano, dosegel vrh, in nisem prekinil znoj, prasica
I’m the one every time, you can bet that (Bet)
– Jaz sem tisti, vsakič, lahko stavite, da (Stava)
Makin’ checks off of rap and investin’ it (Investin’)
– Makin ‘čeki off rap in investin ‘it (Investin’)
Drugs and guns, bro, my whole hood infested (It’s fucked up)
– Droge in pištole, bratec, moja cela kapuca je okužena(zajebano je)
Want it all, I can’t settle for less then
– Želim si vse, potem se ne morem zadovoljiti z manj
I provide for you, never lie to you, keep you right out the mix
– Poskrbim za vas, nikoli vam ne lažem, obdržite vas iz mešanice
Baby, you would never be involved
– Dojenček, nikoli ne bi bil vpleten
Got me wide open, we been vibin’
– Me je na stežaj odprta, smo bili vibin’
A couple insecurities, I even fell in love with all your flaws
– Nekaj negotovosti, celo zaljubil sem se v vse vaše pomanjkljivosti
You know I’m always workin’, but I answer all your calls
– Veš, da vedno delam, ampak odgovarjam na vse tvoje klice
Ain’t no hidden motives, I be doin’ it just because
– Ni skritih motivov, to počnem samo zato, ker
Got me wide open, we been vibin’
– Me je na stežaj odprta, smo bili vibin’
A couple insecurities, I even fell in love with all your flaws
– Nekaj negotovosti, celo zaljubil sem se v vse vaše pomanjkljivosti
Your smile the cutest, your eyes look like they from heaven
– Tvoj nasmeh je srčkan, tvoje oči so videti kot iz nebes
Your body, I’ll do it honestly, you laughin’
– Tvoje telo, to bom naredil pošteno, smejiš se
They all can say I’m a dog, but they don’t regret me
– Vsi lahko rečejo, da sem pes, vendar me ne obžalujejo
Ferrari, the SF90, you can’t catch me
– Ferrari, SF90, ne moreš me ujeti
You would die right here if you tried it, don’t test me
– Tukaj bi umrl, če bi poskusil, ne preizkušaj me
Fuck all of them niggas all in your text message
– Jebi vse od njih niggas vse v svojem besedilnem sporočilu
I’m richer, I’m way cooler, I’m not flexin’
– Bogatejši sem, hladnejši sem, ne upogibam se
I’m always thinkin’ about money, I can’t help it
– Vedno razmišljam o denarju, ne morem si pomagati
If it happens, it’s meant to happen, I can’t stress it
– Če se to zgodi, naj bi se zgodilo, tega ne morem poudariti
In Dubai with some super fine shit, we on a jet ski
– V Dubaju z nekaj super fino sranje, smo na jet ski
I heard you got a boyfriend, you need to dead that
– Slišal sem, da imaš fanta, morate mrtev, da
Talkin’ to you, tryna figure out where your head at
– Ko govorim s tabo, poskusi ugotoviti, kje imaš glavo
I know it get tight payin’ bills, I’ll take care of that
– Vem, da je dobil tesen plačevanje računov, bom poskrbel za to
I know you been wantin’ to tour the world, we can go anywhere
– Vem, da ste želeli obiskati svet, lahko gremo kamor koli
If I fuck with her game, she in Chanel, girl
– Če sem vraga z njeno igro, je v Chanel, dekle
If you go tatt my name, you a Hermès girl
– Če greš tatt moje ime, si Hermer
I provide for you, never lie to you, keep you right out the mix
– Poskrbim za vas, nikoli vam ne lažem, obdržite vas iz mešanice
Baby, you would never be involved
– Dojenček, nikoli ne bi bil vpleten
Got me wide open, we been vibin’
– Me je na stežaj odprta, smo bili vibin’
A couple insecurities, I even fell in love with all your flaws
– Nekaj negotovosti, celo zaljubil sem se v vse vaše pomanjkljivosti
You know I’m always workin’, but I answer all your calls
– Veš, da vedno delam, ampak odgovarjam na vse tvoje klice
Ain’t no hidden motives, I be doin’ it just because
– Ni skritih motivov, to počnem samo zato, ker
Got me wide open, we been vibin’
– Me je na stežaj odprta, smo bili vibin’
A couple insecurities, I even fell in love with all your flaws
– Nekaj negotovosti, celo zaljubil sem se v vse vaše pomanjkljivosti
Your smile the cutest, your eyes look like they from heaven
– Tvoj nasmeh je srčkan, tvoje oči so videti kot iz nebes
Your body, I’ll do it honestly, you laughin’
– Tvoje telo, to bom naredil pošteno, smejiš se
Your body, I’ll do it honestly
– Tvoje telo, to bom naredil pošteno