Nicki Minaj – Arctic Tundra Basa inggris Lirik & Basa sunda Tarjamahan

Vidéo Klip


Bad bitches run the world, let me make it clear
– Bad bitches ngajalankeun dunya, hayu atuh nyieun jelas
When I leave Juice WRLD, I’m back to pink hair
– Bila ku lepas RAMBUT HIJAU, ku kembali ke rambut hijau
(Haha, Max Lord in this bitch preachin’, haha)
– (Haha, Max Gusti Di bitch ieu da ‘wah’, haha)
– (Gezin)
(Fuck the blunt up, haha, yeah)
– (Hihihihihihihihihihihihi)
I’m on marijuana (Marijuana)
– Abdi dina ganja (Ganja)
My lean plug said he’ll be here in a second (Pull up)
– My lean plug ngomong yén manéhna bakal di dieu dina kadua (Tarik nepi)
I’m gettin’ high, I’m feelin’ restless (I’m sad)
– Aku jadi sedih, aku jadi sedih (aku sedih)
Feel like I’m finna die (R.I.P.)
– Rasa macam nak kawen Je Lah .. Hehe

Fuck the blunt up, then fuck your momma (Uh-huh)
– Sial bgt sih, jadi ngiler bgt sama mama … hihihi …
My VVS cold like an arctic tundra
– Vvs abdi tiis kawas tundra arktik
The .40 on me, woah, you don’t want no problems
– Nu .40 dina kuring, woah, anjeun teu hayang euweuh masalah
And you best proceed with some caution, yeah
– Jeung anjeun pangalusna neruskeun kalawan sababaraha caution, enya
This song for the girl with the blonde hair
– Lagu ieu pikeun gadis jeung rambut pirang
Suck me up good, give me Becky like, “Yeah”
– Nyedot kuring nepi alus, méré kuring Becky kawas, ” Enya”
She ride it like, “Yeah,” in a Versace chair
– Manéhna numpak eta kawas, “Yeah,” dina korsi Versace
Her boyfriend heated like a grill, no Hibachi, yeah
– Pacar nya dipanaskeun kawas grill a, no Hibachi, hehehehe

This Young Money ENT
– Duit Muda Nih ENT
Fuck a negative Nancy
– Fuck hiji nancy négatip
I’m still ballin’, I’m still ballin’, NBA on TNT
– Abdi masih ballin’ ,abdi masih ballin’, NBA dina TNT
Came through drippin’, D&G
– Datang ngaliwatan drippin’, d&Amp;G
Always duckin’ TMZ
– Salawasna ducking ‘ TMZ
Flow still need that EMT
– Aliran masih kudu nu EMT
Tell her get at me and see
– Ngabejaan nya meunang di kuring tur tingal
I’m the topper-topper
– Abdi topper-topper
Bitches is a Khan like Chaka
– Bitches nyaéta Khan kawas Chaka
I get it before they cop it
– Kuring meunang eta saméméh maranéhanana cop eta
Always been that type of shopper
– Sok geus tipe nu balanja
And I never tell a lie, I just put one in the sky
– Jeung kuring pernah ngabejaan bohong, kuring ngan nempatkeun hiji di langit
I just popped me a transformer, gettin’ money ’til we die
– Kuring ngan popped kuring trafo, meunang ‘duit’ nepi ka urang maot
‘Til we die, we gon’ be fly, made a milli’ in Shanghai
– ‘Nepi urang maot, urang gon’ jadi ngapung, dijieun milli ‘ di Shanghai
I don’t need job applications for that pressure I apply
– Kuring teu kudu aplikasi pakasaban pikeun tekanan nu kuring nerapkeun
That is why they gotta lie, that is just how they get by
– Éta sababna maranéhna kudu bohong, éta ngan kumaha maranéhna meunang ku
But my flow still gon’ be wavy, and your flow still gon’ be dry
– Tapi aliran kuring masih gon ‘jadi wavy, jeung aliran anjeun masih gon’ jadi garing
I done fucked the world up in ten short years
– Kuring ngalakukeun fucked dunya nepi dina sapuluh taun pondok
Had teachers like Weezy F. and been all ears
– Boga guru kawas Weezy F. jeung geus sagala ceuli
Lose studs that’s VVS, then get more pairs
– Leungit studs éta VVS, lajeng meunang leuwih pasangan
They been prayin’ on my downfall, still need more prayers
– Maranéhanana geus solat ‘ dina ragrag mah, masih kudu leuwih solat
I’ma fuck the bag up and fuck your daddy
– Kuring fuck kantong nepi jeung fuck daddy anjeun
I’ma stay up like I popped three Addys
– Kuring tetep nepi kawas kuring popped tilu Addys
Girl with the blonde hair, they call me Barbie
– Gadis jeung rambut pirang, maranéhanana nelepon kuring Barbie
Now let’s get faded and have a party, yeah
– Ayeuna hayu urang meunang faded jeung boga pihak, yeah
If you got that bomb, put your hands in the air
– Lamun anjeun meunang bom nu, nempatkeun leungeun anjeun dina hawa
Bad bitches run the world, let me make it clear
– Bad bitches ngajalankeun dunya, hayu atuh nyieun jelas
When I leave Juice WRLD, I’m back to pink hair
– Bila ku lepas RAMBUT HIJAU, ku kembali ke rambut hijau
Catch me somewhere fuckin’ a blunt up
– Nangkep kuring di tempat fucking ‘ a blunt up
And fuckin’ on your momma
– Jeung fucking ‘ dina mommy anjeun

Fuck the blunt up, then fuck your momma (Uh-huh)
– Sial bgt sih, jadi ngiler bgt sama mama … hihihi …
My VVS cold like a arctic tundra
– Vvs abdi tiis kawas tundra arktik
The .40 on me, woah, you don’t want no problems
– Nu .40 dina kuring, woah, anjeun teu hayang euweuh masalah
And you best proceed with some caution, yeah
– Jeung anjeun pangalusna neruskeun kalawan sababaraha caution, enya
This song for the girl with the blonde hair
– Lagu ieu pikeun gadis jeung rambut pirang
Suck me up good, give me Becky like, “Yeah”
– Nyedot kuring nepi alus, méré kuring Becky kawas, ” Enya”
She ride it like, “Yeah,” in a Versace chair
– Manéhna numpak eta kawas, “Yeah,” dina korsi Versace
Her boyfriend heated like a grill, no Hibachi, yeah
– Pacar nya dipanaskeun kawas grill a, no Hibachi, hehehehe

I’m high as hell, mind everywhere
– Kuring luhur salaku naraka, pikiran madhab
Still mind over matter
– Masih pikiran leuwih zat
Pockets gettin’ fatter
– Kantong meunang ‘ fatter
Elevate like a ladder
– Ngangkat kawas tangga
Thirty in that .40 make you percolate like a dancer
– Tilu puluh dina éta .40 make percolate kawas penari a
I’m colder than the North Pole, Blitzen and Prancer
– Abdi leuwih tiis Ti Kutub Kalér, Blitzen jeung Prancer
She say she from the strip pole, she a dirty dancer
– Manéhna nyebutkeun manéhna ti kutub strip, manéhna penari kotor
Her ex-nigga too low, she don’t got no standards
– Mantan nigga nya teuing low, manéhna teu boga standar
He ain’t right
– Manéhna teu bener
You don’t live a better life
– Anjeun teu hirup hirup leuwih alus
Run it up like Jerry Rice
– Ngajalankeun eta nepi kawas Jerry Rice
I don’t gotta say it twice
– Kuring teu kudu nyebutkeun eta dua kali
This is real life
– Ieu kahirupan nyata
Your nigga is Fisher-Price
– Nigga anjeun Nyaéta Fisher-Harga
Now you read minds
– Ayeuna anjeun maca pikiran
You was thinkin’ ’bout how I’m that nigga, right?
– Anjeun mikir ‘ bout kumaha kami nu nigga, bener?

Fuck the blunt up, then fuck your momma (Uh-huh)
– Sial bgt sih, jadi ngiler bgt sama mama … hihihi …
My VVS cold like a arctic tundra
– Vvs abdi tiis kawas tundra arktik
The .40 on me, woah, you don’t want no problems
– Nu .40 dina kuring, woah, anjeun teu hayang euweuh masalah
And you best proceed with some caution, yeah
– Jeung anjeun pangalusna neruskeun kalawan sababaraha caution, enya
This song for the girl with the blonde hair
– Lagu ieu pikeun gadis jeung rambut pirang
Suck me up good, give me Becky like, “Yeah”
– Nyedot kuring nepi alus, méré kuring Becky kawas, ” Enya”
She ride it like, “Yeah,” in a Versace chair
– Manéhna numpak eta kawas, “Yeah,” dina korsi Versace
Her boyfriend heated like a grill, no Hibachi, yeah
– Pacar nya dipanaskeun kawas grill a, no Hibachi, hehehehe

Said he want the pretty girl with the blonde hair
– Ceuk manéhna hayang gadis geulis jeung rambut pirang
Fatty on the Max like some Nike Air
– Lemak Dina Max kawas Sababaraha Nike Air
Fuck his last girl ’cause I am her nightmare
– Fuck gadis panungtungan-na ‘ sabab kami ngimpina nya
Lookin’ this good shouldn’t even be fair
– Tingali ieu alus malah teu kudu adil
Said he want the pretty girl with the blonde hair
– Ceuk manéhna hayang gadis geulis jeung rambut pirang
Fatty on the Max like some Nike Air
– Lemak Dina Max kawas Sababaraha Nike Air
Fuck his last girl ’cause I am her nightmare
– Fuck gadis panungtungan-na ‘ sabab kami ngimpina nya
Lookin’ this good shouldn’t even be—
– Tingali ieu alus teu kudu malah jadi—

Fuck the girls that just hate on baddies
– Fuck katresna nu ngan hate dina baddies
Shout the bad bitches that act all bratty
– Ngagorowok nu bad bitches nu meta sadaya bratty
Nothin’ but all this designer on me
– Teu aya tapi sadaya desainer ieu dina kuring
All of my niggas throwin’ up gang signs for me
– Sadaya niggas kuring throwing ‘ up gang tanda pikeun kuring

Nicki Minaj



