ROSÉ – toxic till the end Basa inggris Lirik & Basa sunda Tarjamahan

Vidéo Klip


Lyrics from listening party
– Lirik tina listening party

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you: The X
– Ladies jeung gentlemen, kuring nampilkeun ka anjeun: Nu X

Lyrics from Instagram live
– Lirik Tina instagram live

Call this what we are
– Nelepon ieu naon urang
Toxic from the start
– Toksik ti mimiti
Can’t pretend that I was in the dark
– Tak bisa ku pura – pura ku di gelap
When you met my friends
– Bila kau bertemu sahabat ku
You didn’t even try with them
– Anjeun malah teu coba sareng maranehna
I shut them out and you were jealous and possessive
– Kuring cicing aranjeunna kaluar jeung anjeun jealous jeung possessive
So manipulating
– Jadi manipulasi
Honestly, impressive
– Jujur, impressive
You had me participating
– Anjeun geus kuring milu

Back then, when it was starting
– Balik deui, nalika éta dimimitian




