Vidéo Klip
– Glorila
It’s Glo the motherfuckin’ P, y’all know what the fuck goin’ on (AceC, turn that heat up, nigga)
– Eta sacara Glo nu motherfuckin’ P, y ‘all nyaho naon fuck nu goin’ dina (AceC, ngahurungkeun nu panas nepi, nigga)
(Ugh, ugh, ugh, ugh) On gang, gang
– (ghh ,ghh ,ghh, )h) Dina geng, geng
(Ugh, ugh, ugh, ugh) On gang, gang
– (ghh ,ghh ,ghh, )h) Dina geng, geng
Bitch, I’m from Memphis, what you know about me?
– Hmmmmmmmmmmm……….. saya dari Bandung apa ya?
Big G-L-O in that GLE (Ugh, ugh)
– G-l-o gedé dina ÉTA GLE (ghh ,ghh)
Fifty thousand, new Chanel shopping spree
– Lima puluh rebu, anyar chanel balanja spree
And every time I pop it out, you know I A-T-E (Ayy, ayy)
– Tiap-tiap kali ku buka, kau tahu Ku A-T-E (Ayy, ayy)
I’m that bitch, ho, get like me
– Hmmmmmmmmmmm…. jadi pengen kayak gw
You know it’s YWR, big CMG (Wipe me down)
– Anjeun nyaho eta sacara YWR, gedé CMG (Ngusap kuring turun)
Small niggas, tall niggas, long paper, no small figures
– Niggas leutik, niggas jangkung, kertas panjang, teu inohong leutik
Fifty bitches, all pretty, and we all litty (On gang)
– Lima puluh bitches, sadaya geulis, jeung urang sadaya litty (Dina gang)
I’m wearin’ booty shorts (Bow), ’cause my paper long (On God)
– Kuring ngagem ‘booty calana pondok (Bow),’ sabab kertas kuring panjang (Dina Allah)
It’s a Friday night (What’s up?), my nigga ain’t at home (Let’s go)
– Ieu jumaah peuting (Naon up?), nigga abdi teu di imah (Hayu urang indit)
I pour my bitches shots (Uh-huh), ’cause I don’t drink alone (Hell nah)
– Hehehe … aku tak minum sendirian … tapi aku tak minum sendirian … hehehe…
I’m outside again (Let’s get it), ’cause, bitch, I hate at home (The fuck?)
– Kuring di luar deui (Hayu urang meunangkeun eta), ‘ sabab, bitch, kuring hate di imah (the fuck?)
It’s giving hair, face, ass, titties (Woo, aye, ugh, yeah)
– Ieu méré rambut, beungeut, burit, titties (Woo, aye ,ghh, enya)
Hair, face, ass, titties (Woo, aye, ugh, yeah)
– Rambut, beungeut, burit, titties (Woo, aye ,ghh, enya)
It’s giving hair, face, ass, titties (Woo, aye, ugh, yeah)
– Ieu méré rambut, beungeut, burit, titties (Woo, aye ,ghh, enya)
Hair, face, ass, titties (Woo, aye, ugh, yeah) (On God)
– Rambut, beungeut, burit, titties (Woo, aye ,ghh, enya) (Dina Allah)
S-S-E-X-Y-Y-R-E-D (Uh)
– S-S-E-X-Y-Y-R-E-D (h)
You play with me, I put a pole in your teeth (Grrr, bow)
– Anjeun muterkeun jeung kuring, kuring nunda kutub dina huntu anjeun (Grrr, ruku)
I-I-I’m with my peoples, and we comin’ fifty deep
– I-I-i ‘m jeung rahayat mah, jeung urang datang’ lima puluh jero
Ye ain’t know I was a hitta ’cause I’m always lookin’ fleek (Yeah, yeah, ah, ah)
– Ye tak tahu aku jadi hantu karena aku selalu melihat hantu (Yeah, yeah, ah, ah)
C-C-Cash out new ball, AMG
– C-C-Cash kaluar bal anyar, AMG
Outside bubble gum with some bloody red seat (Skrrt, skrrt, skrrt, skrrt, skrrt, skrrt), vroom
– Gum gelembung luar jeung sababaraha jok beureum katurunan (Skrrt, skrrt, skrrt, skrrt, skrrt, skrrt), vroom
I-I like ratchet bitches twerkin’ to the beat (Ah, uh, yeah)
– Abdi resep ratchet bitches twerkin ‘ ka ketukan (Ah ,h, enya)
If you hear this song playin’, shake that ass for Glo and me (Bow, bow, bow, bow)
– Lamun ngadéngé lagu ieu maén’, ngocok burit nu Keur Glo jeung kuring (Ruku, ruku, ruku, ruku)
I’m wearin’ booty shorts (Bow), ’cause my paper long (On God)
– Kuring ngagem ‘booty calana pondok (Bow),’ sabab kertas kuring panjang (Dina Allah)
It’s a Friday night (What’s up?), my nigga ain’t at home (Let’s go)
– Ieu jumaah peuting (Naon up?), nigga abdi teu di imah (Hayu urang indit)
I pour my bitches shots (Uh-huh), ’cause I don’t drink alone (Hell nah)
– Hehehe … aku tak minum sendirian … tapi aku tak minum sendirian … hehehe…
I’m outside again (Let’s get it), ’cause, bitch, I hate at home (The fuck?)
– Kuring di luar deui (Hayu urang meunangkeun eta), ‘ sabab, bitch, kuring hate di imah (the fuck?)
It’s giving hair, face, ass, titties (Woo, aye, ugh, yeah)
– Ieu méré rambut, beungeut, burit, titties (Woo, aye ,ghh, enya)
Hair, face, ass, titties (Woo, aye, ugh, yeah)
– Rambut, beungeut, burit, titties (Woo, aye ,ghh, enya)
It’s giving hair, face, ass, titties (Woo, aye, ugh, yeah)
– Ieu méré rambut, beungeut, burit, titties (Woo, aye ,ghh, enya)
Hair, face, ass, titties (Woo, aye, ugh, yeah)
– Rambut, beungeut, burit, titties (Woo, aye ,ghh, enya)
Coochie drive ’em crazy, CDC
– Coochie drive ‘ em gélo, CDC
He a dog for the pussy, and you know I got the treat
– Manéhna anjing pikeun pussy, jeung anjeun nyaho kuring meunang ngubaran
Private entry through the club, fuck a fee
– Asup swasta ngaliwatan klub, fuck fee a
Bitch play with gang tonight, her face goin’ on a tee (Buh, buh)
– Bitch ulin jeung gang peuting, beungeutna goin ‘ on a tee (Buh, buh)
Bad bitch, you know I’m thick as Coachella
– Waduhhhhhhhhhhhh jadi pengen kesana gan
You won’t never catch me slippin’, I ain’t no fuckin’ Cinderella (Stupid bitch)
– Kau tak pernah kacau aku, aku tak kacau Kau Cinderella (bitch Bodo)
Glo the P, and the P stand for poppin’
– P, jeung p nangtung pikeun poppin’
Neck on faucet, do my dance on them bitches since they watchin’ (On the gang)
– Hahahahahaha … jadi pengen nonton nih … nonton dari mereka…:)))))))))))
I’m wearin’ booty shorts (Bow), ’cause my paper long (On God)
– Kuring ngagem ‘booty calana pondok (Bow),’ sabab kertas kuring panjang (Dina Allah)
It’s a Friday night (What’s up?), my nigga ain’t at home (Let’s go)
– Ieu jumaah peuting (Naon up?), nigga abdi teu di imah (Hayu urang indit)
I pour my bitches shots (Uh-huh), ’cause I don’t drink alone (Hell nah)
– Hehehe … aku tak minum sendirian … tapi aku tak minum sendirian … hehehe…
I’m outside again (Let’s get it), ’cause, bitch, I hate at home (The fuck?)
– Kuring di luar deui (Hayu urang meunangkeun eta), ‘ sabab, bitch, kuring hate di imah (the fuck?)
It’s giving hair, face, ass, titties (Woo, aye, ugh, yeah)
– Ieu méré rambut, beungeut, burit, titties (Woo, aye ,ghh, enya)
Hair, face, ass, titties (Woo, aye, ugh, yeah)
– Rambut, beungeut, burit, titties (Woo, aye ,ghh, enya)
It’s giving hair, face, ass, titties (Woo, aye, ugh, yeah)
– Ieu méré rambut, beungeut, burit, titties (Woo, aye ,ghh, enya)
Hair, face, ass, titties (Woo, aye, ugh, yeah)
– Rambut, beungeut, burit, titties (Woo, aye ,ghh, enya)