Wicked Movie Cast & Ariana Grande – No One Mourns the Wicked Basa inggris Lirik & Basa sunda Tarjamahan

Vidéo Klip


Good news! The Witch, she’s dead!
– Warta alus! Tukang Sihir, manéhna geus maot!
Come out, come out, she’s gone!
– Kaluar, kaluar, manéhna geus indit!

Good news
– Warta alus
She’s dead
– Manéhna geus maot
The Witch of the West is dead
– Tukang Sihir Kulon geus maot
The wickedest witch there ever was
– Tukang sihir nu pangjahatna di dinya téh
The enemy of all of us here in Oz
– Musuh urang sadaya di Dieu Di Oz
Is dead
– Geus maot
Good news
– Warta alus
Good news
– Warta alus

Look! It’s Glinda!
– Tingali! Ieu Glinda!

Let us be glad
– Hayu urang bungah
Let us be grateful
– Hayu urang bersyukur
Let us rejoicify that goodness could subdue
– Hayu urang rejoicify nu kahadean bisa nungkulan
The wicked workings of you-know-who
– Karya jahat anjeun-nyaho-saha
Isn’t it nice to know?
– Tak baik tau tak?
That good will conquer evil?
– Nu alus bakal nalukkeun jahat?
The truth we all believe’ll by and by
– Kabeneran urang sadaya percaya bakal ku jeung ku
Outlive a lie
– Hirup leuwih ti bohong
For you and—
– Pikeun anjeun jeung—

No one mourns the Wicked
– Teu aya anu ngilu ka nu Jahat

No one cries, “They won’t return”
– Teu aya anu ceurik, ” Maranehna moal mulang”

No one lays a lily on their grave
– Teu aya anu nempatkeun kembang lily dina kuburan maranéhanana

The good man scorns the Wicked
– Nu alus ngahina Nu Jahat

Through their lives, our children learn
– Ngaliwatan kahirupan maranéhanana, barudak urang diajar

What we miss when we misbehave
– Naon urang sono lamun urang misbehave

And Goodness knows the Wicked’s lives are lonely
– Jeung Kahadean weruh kahirupan Jahat urang nu sepi
Goodness knows the Wicked die alone
– Allah tahu jahat mati sorang-sorang
It just shows, when you’re wicked
– Cuma kalau kau jahat
You’re left only on your own
– Tapi kau tetap sendiri

Yes, Goodness knows the Wicked’s lives are lonely
– Ya, Allah tahu hidup manusia kesepian
Goodness knows the Wicked cry alone
– Aduh aduh aduh aduh aduh aduh aduh aduh aduh aduh aduh aduh aduh aduh
Nothing grows for the Wicked
– Euweuh tumuwuh pikeun Jahat
They reap only what they’ve sown
– Maranéhanana reap ngan naon maranéhna geus sown

Miss Glinda
– Cik Glinda
Why does Wickedness happen?
– Ku naon Kajahatan téh bisa kajadian?

That’s a good question
– Éta pertanyaan alus
Are people born Wicked?
– Naha jalma-jalma lahir Jahat?
Or do they have Wickedness thrust upon them?
– Atawa maranéhna geus wickedness nyorong kana eta?
After all, the Wicked Witch had a childhood
– Barina ogé, Nu Wicked Witch kungsi budak leutik
She had a father, who by the way, had been appointed Governor of Munchkinland
– Manéhna boga bapa, nu ku jalan, geus diangkat Jadi Gubernur Munchkinland

I’m off to the assembly, dear
– Abdi ka majelis, dear

And she had a mother, as so many do
– Jeung manéhna kungsi indung, sakumaha jadi loba ngalakukeun

How I hate to go and leave you lonely
– Kumaha kuring hate indit jeung ninggalkeun anjeun sepi

That’s alright, it’s only just one night
– Tapi tak apalah, hanya satu malam saja

But know that you’re here in my heart
– Tapi tahu kau ada di hatiku
While I’m out of your sight
– Walau ku tak melihatmu

And, like every family, they had their secrets
– Jeung, kawas unggal kulawarga, maranéhanana geus rahasia maranéhanana

Have another drink, my dark-eyed beauty
– Boga inuman sejen, kageulisan hideung-eyed mah
I’ve got one more night left here in town
– Kuring geus meunang hiji peuting deui ditinggalkeun di dieu di kota
So have another drink of green elixir
– Jadi boga inuman sejen tina éksir héjo
And we’ll have ourselves a little mixer
– Jeung urang bakal boga diri urang sorangan hiji mixer saeutik
Have another little swallow, little lady
– Boga swallow saeutik sejen, nona saeutik
And follow me down
– Tuturkeun kami

And one thing led to another, as it so often does
– Jeung hiji hal ngarah ka sejen, sakumaha eta jadi mindeng teu

– Henteu!

But from the moment the witch was born, she was, well, different
– Tapi ti momen penyihir lahir, manéhna, ogé, béda

It’s coming
– Ieu datang

– Ayeuna?

The baby is coming
– Orok datang

Oh, and how!
– Jeung kumaha!

I see a nose
– Kuring ningali irung

I see a curl
– Kuring ningali curl a

It’s a healthy, perfect, lovely, little—
– Éta séhat, sampurna, éndah, saeutik—

– Oh! (basa inggris)

Oh! Sweet Oz! Oh!
– Oh! (basa inggris) Oz Amis! Oh! (basa inggris)

How can it be?
– Kumaha carana?

What does it mean?
– Naon hartina?

It’s uncanny
– Ieu uncanny

It’s obscene
– Éta kotor

Like a froggy, ferny cabbage
– Kawas froggy, ferny kol
The baby is unnaturally
– Orok téh teu alami

– Héjo

Take it away
– Candak eta jauh
Take it away!
– Candak eta jauh!

And so, it couldn’t have been easy
– Jadi, éta teu bisa geus gampang

No one mourns the Wicked
– Teu aya anu ngilu ka nu Jahat
Now, at last, she’s dead and gone
– Ayeuna, tungtungna, manéhna maot jeung indit
Now, at last, there’s joy throughout the land
– Ayeuna, tungtungna, aya kabagjaan di sakuliah tanah
And Goodness knows
– Jeung Kahadean weruh

Goodness knows
– Kahadéan nyaho

We know what Goodness is
– Urang nyaho Naon Kahadean téh

Oh, ooh
– Oh, ooh

Goodness knows the Wicked die alone
– Allah tahu jahat mati sorang-sorang

She died alone
– Manéhna maot sorangan

Woe to those (Woe to those)
– Cilaka ka jalma-jalma (Cilaka ka jalma-jalma)
Who spurn what Goodnesses
– Saha anu nolak Naon Kahadéan
They are shown
– Aranjeunna ditémbongkeun
No one mourns the Wicked
– Teu aya anu ngilu ka nu Jahat

Good news
– Warta alus

No one mourns the Wicked
– Teu aya anu ngilu ka nu Jahat

Good news
– Warta alus

No one mourns the Wicked
– Teu aya anu ngilu ka nu Jahat
– Jahat
– Jahat

Wicked Movie Cast



