Kendrick Lamar – wacced out murals Basa inggris Lirik & Basa sunda Tarjamahan

Vidéo Klip


Siento aquí tu presencia
– Siento aquí tu presénsia
La noche de anoche
– La noche de anoche (basa inggris)
Y nos ponemos a llorar
– Y nos ponemos hiji llorar

Yesterday, somebody whacked out my mural
– Kamari, aya nu ngaluarkeun mural kuring
That energy’ll make you niggas move to Europe
– Énergi éta bakal ngajantenkeun anjeun niggas ngalih Ka Éropa
But it’s regular for me, yeah, that’s for sure
– Tapi éta biasa pikeun kuring, enya, éta pasti
The love and hate is definite without a cure
– Cinta jeung hate pasti tanpa ubar
All this talk is bitch-made, that’s on my Lord
– Sadaya omongan ieu bitch-dijieun, éta Dina Gusti abdi
I’ll kill ’em all before I let ’em kill my joy
– Kuring bakal maehan ’em sadayana sateuacan kuring ngantep’ em maehan kabagjaan kuring
I done been through it all, what you endure?
– Kuring geus ngaliwatan eta sadayana, naon anjeun endure?
It used to be fuck that nigga, but now it’s plural
– Iya mbak, tapi sekarang udah ngerasain si nigga … hihihi …
Fuck everybody, that’s on my body
– Fuck everybody, éta dina awak kuring
My blick first, then God got me
– Kuring blick kahiji, lajeng Allah ngagaduhan kuring
I watch ’em pander with them back-handed compliments
– Kuring ningali ‘ em pander sareng aranjeunna pujian back-handed
Put they head on a Cuban link as a monument
– Nempatkeun aranjeunna sirah dina link Kuba salaku tugu
I paid homage and I always mind my business
– Kuring mayar upeti jeung kuring sok kapikiran bisnis kuring
I made the—
– Kuring dijieun—
I never lost who I am for a rap image
– Kuring teu kungsi leungit saha kami pikeun gambar rap
It’s motivation if you wonder how I did it
– Ieu motivasi lamun heran kumaha atuh eta

Yeah, nigga, go and up your rank
– Enya, nigga, indit jeung nepi pangkat anjeun
Know you a god even when they say you ain’t
– Kau tahu kau allah walau kau tak tahu
Yeah, nigga, keep your feelings out the way
– Hehehe, nigga, tetep parasaan anjeun kaluar jalan
Never let no one put smut up on your name
– Ulah ngantep taya sahijieun nempatkeun smut nepi dina ngaran anjeun
Yeah, nigga, keep your head down and work like I do
– Yeah, nigga, tetep sirah anjeun ka handap jeung karya kawas kuring ngalakukeun
But understand everybody ain’t gon’ like you
– Tapi ngarti dulur teu gon ‘ kawas anjeun
Yeah, nigga, if they say it’s love, you’ve been lied to
– Hahaha … iya kak … tapi kalau bohong ya bohong …
A couple rules of engagements, I’ma guide you
– Sababaraha aturan tina papacangan, abdi pituduh anjeun

Que refleja en tu mirada
– Réfleja en tu mirada
La noche, tú y yo
– La noche, tú yo

Ridin’ in my GNX with Anita Baker in the tape deck, it’s gon’ be a sweet love
– Ridin ‘in my GNX jeung Anita Baker dina dek pita, éta gon’ jadi cinta amis
Fuck apologies, I wanna see y’all geeked up
– Hapunten, abdi hoyong ningali y ‘ all geeked up
Don’t acknowledge me, then maybe we can say it’s fair
– Ulah ngaku kuring, mangka meureun urang bisa nyebutkeun éta adil
Take it to the internet and I’ma take it there
– Bawa ka internet jeung kuring bakal mawa eta aya
Miss my uncle Lil’ Mane, he said that he would kill me if I didn’t make it
– Cik paman lil ‘ Mane, manéhna ngomong yén manéhna bakal maehan kuring lamun kuring teu nyieun eta
Now I’m possessed by a spirit and they can’t take it
– Ayeuna kuring geus possessed ku sumanget jeung maranehna teu bisa nyokot eta
Used to bump Tha Carter III, I held my Rollie chain proud
– Dipaké pikeun nabrak Tha Carter III, kuring ngayakeun ranté rollie kuring reueus
Irony, I think my hard work let Lil Wayne down
– Ironi, jigana gawé teuas mah hayu lil wayne handap
Whatever, though, call me crazy, everybody questionable
– Naon bae, sanajan, nelepon kuring gila, dulur questionable
Turn me to an eskimo, I drew the line and decimals
– Geura geura geura geura geura geura geura geura geura geura geura geura geura
Snoop posted “Taylor Made,” I prayed it was the edibles
– Snoop dipasang “Taylor Dijieun,” kuring ngado ‘ a éta edibles
I couldn’t believe it, it was only right for me to let it go
– Kuring teu bisa percaya eta, éta ngan katuhu pikeun kuring pikeun ngantep eta balik
Won the Super Bowl and Nas the only one congratulate me
– Meunang Super Saeful jeung Nas ngan hiji congratulate kuring
All these niggas agitated, I’m just glad they showin’ they faces
– Sadaya niggas ieu agitated, kami ngan bungah aranjeunna showin ‘ aranjeunna nyanghareupan
Quite frankly, plenty artists, but they outdated
– Jujur, loba seniman, tapi maranéhanana geus ketinggalan jaman
Old-ass flows, tryna convince me that you they favorite
– Tryna ngayakinkeun kuring yén anjeun aranjeunna favorit
This is not for lyricists, I swear it’s not the sentiments
– Ieu teu keur lyricists, kuring sumpah éta teu sentimen
Fuck a double entendre, I want y’all to feel this shit
– Waduh, jadi pengen kesana nih
Old soul, bitch, I probably built them pyramids
– Jiwa heubeul, bitch, kuring meureun diwangun aranjeunna piramida
Ducking strays when I rap battled in the Nickersons
– Ducking strays lamun kuring rap battled di Nickersons
Where you from? Not where I’m from, we all indigenous
– Ti mana asalna? Lain ti mana asalna, urang kabéh pribumi
Against all odds, I squabbled up for them dividends
– Dina sagala hal, kuring sengketa pikeun aranjeunna dividen
Against all odds, I showed up as a gentleman
– Ntar kalo udah jadi gentleman gw jadi gentleman
I done lost plenty friends, sixteen to be specific
– Kuring geus leungit loba babaturan, genep belas jadi husus
Put that on my kids’ children, we gon’ see the future first
– Pasang nu dina barudak mah’ barudak, urang gon ‘ tempo mangsa nu bakal datang kahiji
They like, “Dot big trippin,” I just want what I deserve
– Maranéhanana kawas, “Dot big trippin,” kuring ngan hayang naon atuh pantes
What bridge they done burnt? All of them, it’s over with
– Naon sasak maranéhna dipigawé dibeuleum? Kabéh, éta leuwih jeung
I’m doin’ what COVID did, they’ll never get over it
– Kuring ngalakukeun NAON ANU DILAKUKEUN KU COVID, aranjeunna moal pernah ngalangkungan éta

Yeah, nigga, go and up your rank
– Enya, nigga, indit jeung nepi pangkat anjeun
Know you a god even when they say you ain’t
– Kau tahu kau allah walau kau tak tahu
Yeah, nigga, keep your feelings out the way
– Hehehe, nigga, tetep parasaan anjeun kaluar jalan
Never let no one put smut up on your name
– Ulah ngantep taya sahijieun nempatkeun smut nepi dina ngaran anjeun
Yeah, nigga, keep your head down and work like I do
– Yeah, nigga, tetep sirah anjeun ka handap jeung karya kawas kuring ngalakukeun
But understand everybody ain’t gon’ like you
– Tapi ngarti dulur teu gon ‘ kawas anjeun
Yeah, nigga, if they say it’s love, you’ve been lied to
– Hahaha … iya kak … tapi kalau bohong ya bohong …
A couple rules of engagements, here to guide you
– Sababaraha aturan tina papacangan, di dieu pikeun pituduh anjeun

Niggas from my city couldn’t entertain old boy
– Niggas ti kota kuring teu bisa ngahibur old boy
Promisin’ bank transactions and even bitcoin
– Janji ‘ transaksi bank komo bitcoin
I never peaced it up, that shit don’t sit well with me
– Kuring pernah peaced eta nepi, nu shit teu diuk ogé jeung kuring
Before I take a truce, I’ll take ’em to Hell with me
– Sateuacan kuring nyandak gencatan senjata, kuring bakal nyandak ‘ em Ka Naraka sareng kuring
If that money got in the hands of a crash dummy
– Lamun duit nu meunang di leungeun hiji dummy kacilakaan
Could jeopardize my family and burden the ones who love me
– Bisa jeopardize kulawarga kuring jeung beungbeurat jalma anu cinta kuring
Niggas mad ’cause I decided not to pretend
– Niggas mad sabab kuring mutuskeun teu pretend
Y’all stay politically correct, I’ma do what I did
– Y ‘all tetep politis bener, i’ ma ngalakukeun naon atuh
Ain’t no sympathy here, this shit’s hilarious
– Bukan taknak kacau dia, kacau dia kacau dia
It’s a lot of opinions, but no power to carry it
– Banyak pendapat, tapi tak ada kuasa untuk bertahan
2025, they still movin’ on some scary shit
– 2025, maranéhanana masih pindah ‘ dina sababaraha shit scary
Tell ’em quit they job and pay the real niggas they severance
– Ngabejaan ‘ em kaluar aranjeunna pakasaban jeung mayar niggas nyata aranjeunna severance
Don’t insult my intelligence, I’m not just for the television
– Ulah ngahina kecerdasan kuring, kuring teu ngan pikeun televisi
Teleport to Bullets Road and dig up all my relatives
– Teleport Ka Bullets Jalan jeung ngagali nepi sadaya baraya mah
Okay, nigga, let’s settle it, these niggas been fake loyal
– Oke, nigga, hayu urang settle eta, ieu niggas geus satia palsu
Since y’all pandering to choose a side, let me do it for you
– Kusabab anjeun sadayana pandering milih sisi, hayu atuh ngalakukeun hal eta pikeun anjeun
Okay, fuck your hip-hop, I watched the party just die
– Oke, fuck hip-hop anjeun, kuring diawaskeun pihak ngan maot
Niggas cackling about— while all of y’all is on trial
– Niggas cackling ngeunaan-bari sakabéh y ‘ all aya dina sidang
Niggas thought that I was antisocial when I stayed inside of my house
– Niggas mikir yén kuring anti sosial nalika kuring cicing di jero imah kuring
You better off to have one woman, everything tricky right now
– Anjeun leuwih alus off boga hiji awewe, sagalana tricky ayeuna
You niggas live in denial
– Anjeun niggas hirup dina panolakan
Ayy, fuck anybody empathetic to the other side, I vow
– Hahaha … sapa-sapa yang berani menghadapi kesalahan-kesalahan yang lain, aku berani menghadapi
A bitch nigga love bitch niggas, they exist with ’em in style
– A bitch nigga cinta bitch niggas, aranjeunna aya kalawan ‘ em dina gaya
Exterminate ’em right now
– Ngabasmi ‘ em ayeuna
Make Katt Williams and them proud, the truth ’bout to get loud
– Jieun Katt Williams jeung maranehna reueus, bebeneran ‘ bout pikeun meunangkeun nyaring
No juice inside of my cup, I sober up and knock ’em all off
– Teu aya jus di jero cangkir kuring, kuring sober nepi jeung knock ‘ em sadayana kaluar
Don’t let no white comedian talk about no Black woman, that’s law
– Ulah ngantep euweuh komedian bodas ngobrol ngeunaan euweuh awéwé Hideung, éta hukum
I know propaganda work for them, and fuck whoever that’s close to them
– Kuring nyaho propaganda dianggo pikeun aranjeunna, jeung fuck saha nu deukeut ka aranjeunna
The niggas that coon, the niggas that bein’ groomed, slide on both of them
– Nu niggas nu coon, nu niggas nu keur groomed, ngageser dina duanana
You ever ate Cap’n Crunch and proceeded to pour water in it?
– Anjeun kantos ate Cap ‘ n Crunch jeung diteruskeun ka tuang cai di dinya?
Pulled over by the law, you ridin’ dirty, so you can’t argue with ’em?
– Diatur ku hukum, anjeun ridin ‘kotor, jadi anjeun teu bisa ngajawab jeung’ em?
Then make it to be a star, bare your soul and put your heart up in it?
– Lajeng nyieun eta janten béntang, bare jiwa anjeun sarta nempatkeun haté anjeun nepi di dinya?
Well, I did
– Nah, kuring teu
Whacked the murals out, but it ain’t no legends if my legend ends
– Menghindari kesalahan-kesalahan, tapi tidak ada legenda jika kesalahan-kesalahan saya akhirnya

Kendrick Lamar



