Kendrick Lamar – tv off Basa inggris Lirik & Basa sunda Tarjamahan

Vidéo Klip


All I ever wanted was a black Grand National
– Nu kuring hayang ngan Hiji grand Nasional hideung
Fuck being rational, give ’em what they ask for
– Fuck keur rasional, méré ‘ em naon maranéhna ménta

It’s not enough (Ayy)
– Tapi tak cukup (Ayy)
Few solid niggas left, but it’s not enough
– Walaupun banyak niggas tapi tak cukup
Few bitches that’ll really step, but it’s not enough
– Walaupun cuma sekecil-kecil saja, tapi tidak cukup
Say you bigger than myself, but it’s not enough (Huh)
– Cakap macam tak cukup tapi tak cukup … hehehe
I get on they ass, yeah, somebody gotta do it
– Kuring meunang dina aranjeunna burit, enya, batur kudu ngalakukeun hal eta
I’ll make them niggas mad, yeah, somebody gotta do it
– Kuring bakal nyieun eta niggas mad, enya, batur kudu ngalakukeun hal eta
I’ll take the G pass, shit, watch a nigga do it
– Kuring gé nyokot G lulus, shit, lalajo nigga ngalakukeun hal eta
Huh, we survived outside, all from the music, nigga, what?
– Huh, urang salamet di luar, sadaya ti musik, nigga, naon?

They like, “What he on?”
– Maranéhanana resep, ” Naon manéhna?”
It’s the alpha and omega, bitch, welcome home
– Ieu alpha jeung omega, bitch, wilujeng sumping di imah
This is not a song
– Ieu lain lagu
This a revelation, how to get a nigga gone
– Ieu wahyu, kumaha carana meunang hiji nigga isro
You need you a man, baby, I don’t understand, baby
– Kau butuh seseorang, sayang, ku tak paham, sayang
Pay your bill and make you feel protected like I can, baby
– Mayar tagihan anjeun sarta nyieun anjeun ngarasa ditangtayungan kawas kuring bisa, orok
Teach you somethin’ if you need correction, that’s the plan, baby
– Ngajarkeun anjeun hal ‘ lamun anjeun kudu koreksi, éta rencana, orok
Don’t put your life in these weird niggas’ hands, baby (Woah)
– Ulah nempatkeun kahirupan anjeun dina leungeun niggas aneh ieu, orok (Woah)

It’s not enough (Ayy)
– Tapi tak cukup (Ayy)
Few solid niggas left, but it’s not enough
– Walaupun banyak niggas tapi tak cukup
Few bitches that’ll really step, but it’s not enough
– Walaupun cuma sekecil-kecil saja, tapi tidak cukup
Say you bigger than myself, but it’s not enough (Huh)
– Cakap macam tak cukup tapi tak cukup … hehehe
I get on they ass, yeah, somebody gotta do it
– Kuring meunang dina aranjeunna burit, enya, batur kudu ngalakukeun hal eta
I’ll make them niggas mad, yeah, somebody gotta do it
– Kuring bakal nyieun eta niggas mad, enya, batur kudu ngalakukeun hal eta
I’ll take the G pass, shit, watch a nigga do it
– Kuring gé nyokot G lulus, shit, lalajo nigga ngalakukeun hal eta
Huh, we survived outside, all from the music, nigga, what?
– Huh, urang salamet di luar, sadaya ti musik, nigga, naon?

Hey, turn his TV off
– Hey, mareuman TV-NA
Ain’t with my type activities? Then don’t you get involved
– Teu jeung kagiatan tipe mah? Jadi ulah anjeun meunangkeun aub
Hey, what, huh, how many should I send? Send ’em all
– Hey, naon, huh, sabaraha kuring kudu ngirim? Kirimkeun ‘ em sadaya
Take a risk or take a trip, you know I’m trippin’ for my dog
– Candak resiko atawa nyandak lalampahan, anjeun terang kami trippin ‘ pikeun anjing kuring
Who you with? Couple sergeants and lieutenants for the get back
– Saha anjeun jeung? Pasangan sarjan jeung letnan pikeun meunangkeun deui
This revolution been televised, I fell through with the knick-knacks
– Revolusi ieu geus televised, kuring murag ngaliwatan jeung knick-knacks
Hey, young nigga, get your chili up, yeah, I meant that
– Hihihi … jadi pengen kesana nih, hihihi …
Hey, black out if they act out, yeah, I did that
– Hmmmmmmmmmmm……….. kalau mereka berlagak, ya, aku buat
Hey, what’s up, though?
– Tapi apa jadi?
I hate a bitch that’s hatin’ on a bitch and they both hoes
– Kuring hate hiji bitch nu hatin ‘ dina bitch jeung duanana hoes
I hate a nigga hatin’ on them niggas and they both broke
– Kuring hate a nigga hatin ‘ on aranjeunna niggas jeung duanana peupeus
If you ain’t coming for no chili, what you come for?
– Lamun anjeun teu datang pikeun euweuh chili, naon datang pikeun?
Nigga feel like he entitled ’cause he knew me since a kid
– Nigga ngarasa kawas manéhna dijudulan ‘ sabab manéhna terang kuring saprak anak
Bitch, I cut my granny off if she don’t see it how I see it, hm
– Anjing, kuring motong granny mah off lamun manéhna teu nempo kumaha kuring ningali eta, hm
Got a big mouth but he lack big ideas
– Boga sungut badag tapi anjeunna kakurangan gagasan badag
Send him to the moon, that’s just how I feel, yellin’
– Kirim surélék manéhna ka bulan, éta ngan kumaha kuring ngarasa, yellin’

It’s not enough (Ayy)
– Tapi tak cukup (Ayy)
Few solid niggas left, but it’s not enough
– Walaupun banyak niggas tapi tak cukup
Few bitches that’ll really step, but it’s not enough
– Walaupun cuma sekecil-kecil saja, tapi tidak cukup
Say you bigger than myself, but it’s not enough
– Ucapkeun anjeun leuwih badag ti sorangan, tapi teu cukup

– Huh (basa inggris)
Huh, huh
– Huh, huh
– Hei
Hey (Mustard on the beat, ho)
– (Dialihkeun ti beats, ho)

– Mustard
Niggas actin’ bad, but somebody gotta do it
– Niggas actin ‘ goréng, tapi batur kudu ngalakukeun hal eta
Got my foot up on the gas, but somebody gotta do it
– Kaki ku di atas gas, tapi ada yang harus
Huh, turn his TV off, turn his TV off
– HUH, mareuman TV-NA, mareuman TV-NA
Huh, turn his TV off, turn his TV off
– HUH, mareuman TV-NA, mareuman TV-NA
Huh, turn his TV off, turn his TV off
– HUH, mareuman TV-NA, mareuman TV-NA
Huh, turn his TV off, turn his TV off
– HUH, mareuman TV-NA, mareuman TV-NA

Ain’t no other king in this rap thing, they siblings
– Teu aya raja séjén dina hal rap ieu, aranjeunna duduluran
Nothing but my children, one shot, they disappearin’
– Teu aya nanaon tapi barudak kuring, hiji shot, aranjeunna ngaleungit’
I’m in the city where the flag be gettin’ thrown like it was pass interference
– Kuring di kota dimana bendera bakal meunang ‘ dialungkeun kawas éta gangguan lulus
Padlock around the building
– Gembok di sabudeureun wangunan
Crash, pullin’ up in unmarked truck just to play freeze tag
– Kacilakaan, pullin ‘ up di treuk unmarked ngan maén tag freeze
With a bone to pick like it was sea bass
– Jeung tulang pikeun nyokot kawas éta bass laut
So when I made it out, I made about 50K from a show
– Jadi, waktu kuring kaluar, kuring nyieun kira-KIRA 50K ti acara
Tryna show niggas the ropes before they hung from a rope
– Tryna némbongkeun niggas tali saméméh maranéhna ngagantung tina tali
I’m prophetic, they only talk about it how I get it
– Kuring prophetic, aranjeunna ngan ngobrol ngeunaan eta kumaha kuring meunang eta
Only good for saving face, seen the cosmetics
– Ngan alus pikeun nyimpen beungeut, katempo kosmétik
How many heads I gotta take to level my aesthetics?
– Sabaraha huluna kuring gotta nyandak ka level estetika mah?
Hurry up and get your muscle up, we out the plyometric
– Buru-buru naek otot anjeun, urang kaluar plyometric nu
Nigga ran up out of luck soon as I upped the highest metric
– Nigga lumpat kaluar tina tuah pas kuring upped métrik pangluhurna
The city just made it sweet, you could die, I bet it
– Kota cuma bisa mati, bisa mati, bisa mati
They mouth get full of deceit, let these cowards tell it
– Maranéhanana sungut meunang pinuh ku tipu daya, hayu ieu cowards ngabejaan eta
Walk in New Orleans with the etiquette of LA, yellin’
– Leumpang Di New Orleans jeung tata KRAMA LA, yellin’

Mustard (Ah, man)
– Mustard (ah, lalaki)
Niggas actin’ bad, but somebody gotta do it
– Niggas actin ‘ goréng, tapi batur kudu ngalakukeun hal eta
Got my foot up on the gas, but somebody gotta do it
– Kaki ku di atas gas, tapi ada yang harus
Huh, turn his TV off, turn his TV off
– HUH, mareuman TV-NA, mareuman TV-NA
Huh, turn his TV off, turn his TV off
– HUH, mareuman TV-NA, mareuman TV-NA
Huh, turn his TV off, turn his TV off
– HUH, mareuman TV-NA, mareuman TV-NA
Huh, turn his TV off, turn his TV off
– HUH, mareuman TV-NA, mareuman TV-NA

Shit gets crazy, scary, spooky, hilarious
– Shit meunang gélo, scary, spooky, hilarious
Crazy, scary, spooky, hilarious
– Gila, pikasieuneun, pikasieuneun, pikaseurieun
Shit gets crazy, scary, spooky, hilarious
– Shit meunang gélo, scary, spooky, hilarious
Crazy, scary, spooky, hilarious
– Gila, pikasieuneun, pikasieuneun, pikaseurieun
Shit gets crazy, scary, spooky, hilarious
– Shit meunang gélo, scary, spooky, hilarious
Crazy, scary, spooky, hilarious
– Gila, pikasieuneun, pikasieuneun, pikaseurieun
Shit gets crazy, scary, spooky, hilarious
– Shit meunang gélo, scary, spooky, hilarious
Crazy, scary, spooky, hilarious
– Gila, pikasieuneun, pikasieuneun, pikaseurieun

Kendrick Lamar



