Vidéo Klip
Load up the Pro Tools and press three
– Beban nepi Pro Pakakas jeung pencét tilu
Studio filled with Jack In The Box and Pepsis
– Studio ngeusi Jack Dina Kotak Jeung Pepsis
Niggas watchin’ WorldStar videos, not the ESPYs
– Niggas lalajo ‘ WorldStar video, teu ESPYs
Laughin’ at B. Pumper, stomach turnin’, I get up and proceeded to write somethin’
– Laughin ‘di B. Pumper, beuteung turnin’, kuring meunang nepi jeung nuluykeun nulis hal’
Ab-Soul in the corner mumblin’ raps, fumblin’ packs of Black & Milds
– Ab-Jiwa di juru mumblin ‘raps, fumblin’ bungkus Hideung &Amp; Hampang
Crumblin’ kush ’til he cracked a smile
– Crumblin ‘kush’ nepi ka anjeunna retak seuri
His words legendary, wishin’ I could rhyme like him
– Kecap-kecapna legendaris, wishing ‘ I bisa sajak kawas anjeunna
Studied his style to define my pen
– Diajar gaya pikeun ngartikeun kalam kuring
That was back when the only goal was to get Jay Rock through the door
– Éta deui nalika hiji hijina tujuan éta pikeun meunangkeun Jay Rock ngaliwatan panto
Warner Brother Records, hope Naim Ali would let us know
– Catetan Brother Warner, asa Naim Ali bakal hayu urang nyaho
Was excited just to go to them label meetings
– Ieu bungah ngan pikeun buka aranjeunna rapat labél
Wasn’t my record deal, but still, I couldn’t believe it
– Teu deal rékaman kuring, tapi masih, kuring teu bisa percaya eta
Me and Rock inside the booth hibernatin’
– Kuring Jeung Rock jero stan hibernatin’
It was simple math, if he made it, that mean I made it
– Ieu math basajan, lamun manéhna dijieun eta, nu hartosna kuring dijieun eta
Everything I had was for the team, I remained patient
– Semua yang ku punya untuk tim, ku tetap sabar
Grindin’ with my brothers, it was us against them, no one above us, bless our hearts
– Grinding ‘ jeung baraya kuring, éta urang ngalawan aranjeunna, taya sahijieun di luhur urang, ngaberkahan hate urang
Use your heart and not your eyes (Baby, just relax your mind)
– Paké jantung anjeun jeung teu panon anjeun (Orok, ngan bersantai pikiran anjeun)
If you got time, then I got time (Yeah, yeah)
– Kalau ada masa, saya dapat masa (Yeah, yeah)
Free your thoughts and watch them fly
– Leupaskeun pikiran anjeun sarta lalajo aranjeunna ngapung
Use your heart and not your eyes (Mm-hmm)
– Make jantung anjeun jeung teu panon anjeun (Mm-hmm)
My nigga Dave had a champagne Acura
– Nigga dave kuring kungsi acura sampanye
A bunch of instrumentals I freestyled in the passenger
– A kebat tina instrumentals kuring freestyled di panumpang
That nigga wore several hats, a producer, a manager, director, and DJ
– Nigga éta maké sababaraha topi, produser, manajer, sutradara, JEUNG DJ
A hothead squabblin’, Bloods, Pirus, and Keeways
– A hothead squabblin’, Getih, Pirus, Jeung Keeways
For this little thing of ours we called TDE
– Pikeun hal saeutik ieu urang disebut TDE
I watched you take some penitentiary chances to say the least
– Kuring ningali anjeun nyandak sababaraha kasempetan panjara pikeun nyebutkeun sahenteuna
Remember in the county building with MixedByAli
– Inget di gedong county Jeung MixedByAli
We tried to freak the system just to make a couple ends meet
– Urang nyoba freak sistem ngan nyieun sababaraha tungtung papanggih
That’s my nigga for shit sure
– Éta nigga kuring pikeun shit pasti
He brought Q over, but Q didn’t rap, but he learned from our inspo
– Manéhna mawa Q leuwih, tapi Q teu rap, tapi manéhna diajar ti inspo urang
We split Louisiana chicken riverboat specials
– Urang ngabagi louisiana hayam riverboat specials
Sleepin’ next to 02R consoles to be our refuge
– Saré ‘ gigireun 02R konsol jadi ngungsi urang
He was homeless and I left home
– Manéhna teu boga imah jeung kuring ninggalkeun imah
Q said, “Dot, you won’t be slept on, you the nigga to bet on” (Use your h—)
– Q ngomong, “Dot, anjeun moal saré dina, anjeun nigga bet dina” (Paké h—anjeun)
Top had given us dominion in the home he lived in
– Top geus méré urang dominasi di imah manéhna cicing di
Hopin’ that we see some millions, God bless our hearts
– Hopin ‘ nu urang tingali sababaraha jutaan, Allah ngaberkahan hate urang
Use your heart and not your eyes (Baby, just relax your mind)
– Paké jantung anjeun jeung teu panon anjeun (Orok, ngan bersantai pikiran anjeun)
If you got time, then I got time (Yeah, yeah)
– Kalau ada masa, saya dapat masa (Yeah, yeah)
Free your thoughts and watch them fly
– Leupaskeun pikiran anjeun sarta lalajo aranjeunna ngapung
Use your heart and not your eyes
– Paké haté anjeun jeung teu panon anjeun
Punch played Phil Jackson in my early practices
– Punch maénkeun Phil Jackson dina latihan awal kuring
Strategies on how to be great amongst the averages
– Strategi ngeunaan kumaha janten hébat diantara rata-rata
I picked his brain on what was ordained, highly collaborative
– Kuring milih uteukna dina naon anu ditahbiskeun, kolaborasi pisan
RET pushed the label the same, amongst the savages
– Ret ngadorong label sarua, diantara savages
Moose kept my name in the function that he would run in
– Moose tetep ngaran kuring dina fungsi yén anjeunna bakal ngajalankeun di
TEEZ kept the vultures away from me that was comin’
– TEEZ ngajaga nu vultures jauh ti kuring nu ieu datang’
Sounwave let me borrow his clothes for shows as a hype man
– Sounwave hayu atuh nginjeum baju na pikeun acara salaku hype man
To cook up in this room ’til the night ends
– Masak di kamar ieu ‘ nepi ka peuting ends
Time flies, I’m carryin’ debates of a top five
– Waktu ngapung, kuring mawa ‘ debat tina lima luhur
Buryin’ my opps and allies
– Buryin ‘ opps kuring jeung sekutu
But I’d done a half job communicatin’ feelings of being stagnant
– Tapi kuring geus dipigawé satengah pakasaban communicating ‘ perasaan keur stagnant
Life was gettin’ bigger than just rappin’
– Kahirupan ieu meunang ‘leuwih badag ti ngan rappin’
The business, what I was lackin’
– Bisnisna, naon anu kuring kurang’
Top used to record me back when it was poor me
– Top dipaké pikeun ngarekam kuring deui lamun éta goréng kuring
And now we at the round table for what assures me
– Jeung ayeuna urang di round table pikeun naon assures kuring
I guess my motivation was the yearnin’ for independence
– Kuring nebak motivasi kuring éta yearnin ‘ pikeun kamerdikaan
Poured everything I had left in the family business
– Tuang sagalana kuring geus ditinggalkeun dina bisnis kulawarga
Now it’s about Kendrick, I wanna evolve, place my skillset as a Black exec’
– Ayeuna éta ngeunaan Kendrick, abdi hoyong mekar, nempatkeun skillset abdi salaku exec Hideung’
I jog my memory, knowin’ Black Hippy didn’t work ’cause of me
– Kuring jog memori kuring, nyaho ‘Hideung Hippy teu dianggo’ ngabalukarkeun kuring
Creatively, I moved on with new concepts in reach
– Kreatif, kuring pindah ka hareup jeung konsep anyar dina jangkauan
Top, remember all them sessions we would strategize
– Luhur, inget sadaya eta sesi urang bakal strategize
To hit the streets, then come back, record three records? Ah
– Pikeun pencét jalan, mangka datang deui, ngarekam tilu rékaman? Ah
To tell the truth, it fucked me up when D-Man passed
– Pikeun nyaritakeun bebeneran, eta x_x kuring nepi lamun D-Manusa diliwatan
The motive was the condolences, but the pride crashed
– Motifna nyaéta takziah, tapi kareueus nabrak
I had to bypass old mythologies I had
– Kuring kungsi bypass mitologi heubeul kuring kungsi
Put my heart on display like it was an iMac
– Hati ku terbuat macam hati ku ini hmmmmmmmmmmm
To all my young niggas, let me be the demonstration
– Pikeun sakabéh niggas ngora mah, hayu atuh jadi demonstrasi
How to conduct differences with a healthy conversation
– Kumaha ngalereskeun masalah sareng ngobrol anu séhat
If that’s your family, then handle it as such
– Lamun éta kulawarga anjeun, mangka nanganan eta saperti
Don’t let the socials gas you up or let emotions be your crutch
– Ulah ngantep gas sosial anjeun nepi atawa ngantep émosi jadi crutch anjeun
Pick up the phone and bust it up before the history is lost
– Pick up telepon jeung bust eta nepi saméméh sajarah leungit
Hand-to-handshake is good when you have a heart-to-heart
– Tangan-to-handshake téh alus lamun anjeun boga haté-to-heart
Use your heart and not your eyes (Baby, just relax your mind)
– Paké jantung anjeun jeung teu panon anjeun (Orok, ngan bersantai pikiran anjeun)
If you got time and I got time (Yeah, yeah)
– Kalau ada masa, saya dapat masa (Yeah, yeah)
Free your thoughts and watch them fly
– Leupaskeun pikiran anjeun sarta lalajo aranjeunna ngapung
Use your heart and not your eyes (Mm-hmm)
– Make jantung anjeun jeung teu panon anjeun (Mm-hmm)