Clip Fideo
Dearest, darlingest Momsie and Popsicle
– Dear, darlingest Momsie and Popsicle
My dear father
– Fy annwyl dad
There’s been some confusion over rooming here at Shiz
– Mae rhagor o wybodaeth ar gael ar Wefan Shwmae su’mae yma
But of course, I’ll care for Nessa
– I’ll care Nessa mae
But of course, I’ll rise above it
– Ond wrth gwrs, byddaf yn codi uwch ei ben
For I know that’s how you’d want me to respond, yes
– Oherwydd fy mod yn gwybod mai dyna sut y byddech am i mi ymateb, ie
There’s been some confusion for, you see, my roommate is
– Mae yna ychydig o ddryswch am, byddwch yn gweld, mae fy roommate yn
Unusually and exceedingly peculiar
– Odd and exceedingly odd
And altogether quite impossible to describe
– Ac yn gyfan gwbl yn eithaf amhosibl i ddisgrifio
– Blonde
What is this feeling, so sudden, and new?
– Beth yw’r teimlad hwn, mor sydyn, a newydd?
I felt the moment I laid eyes on you
– Teimlais yr eiliad y gosodais lygaid arnoch
My pulse is rushing
– Mae fy mhwls yn rhuthro
My head is reeling
– Mae fy mhen yn reeling
My face is flushing
– Mae fy wyneb yn fflysio
What is this feeling?
– Beth yw’r teimlad hwn?
Fervid as a flame
– Fervid fel fflam
Does it have a name?
– Oes ganddo enw?
– Ie
– Loathing
Unadulterated loathing
– Unafraid unafraid
For your face
– Ar gyfer eich wyneb
Your voice
– Eich llais
Your clothing
– Eich dillad
Let’s just say
– Dim ond dweud
I loathe it all
– I loathe it all
Every little trait, however small
– Pob nodwedd fach, waeth pa mor fach
Makes my very flesh begin to crawl
– Yn gwneud i’m cnawd iawn ddechrau cropian
With simple, utter loathing
– Gyda syml, utter loathing
There’s a strange exhilaration
– An odd exhilaration
In such total detestation
– In such total detestation saesneg
It’s so pure, so strong
– Mor gryf, mor gryf
Though I do admit, it came on fast
– Er fy mod yn cyfaddef, daeth ymlaen yn gyflym
Still, I do believe that it can last
– Ond yr wyf yn credu y gall y diwedd
And I will be loathing
– A bydda i’n digalonni
Loathing you my whole life long
– Loathing you all my life long saesneg
Dear Galinda, you are just too good
– Llanwydd: you’re too good
How do you stand it? I don’t think I could
– Sut ydych chi’n ei sefyll? Nid wyf yn credu y gallwn
She’s a terror, she’s a Tartar, we don’t mean to show a bias
– Mae hi’n arswyd, mae Hi’n Tartar, nid ydym yn golygu dangos rhagfarn
But, Galinda, you’re a martyr
– Llanwydd: You’re a martyr
Well, these things are sent to try us
– Wel, mae’r pethau hyn yn cael eu hanfon i roi cynnig arnom
Poor Galinda, forced to reside
– Galinda druan, wedi’i orfodi i fyw
With someone so disgusticified
– Gyda rhywun mor ffiaidd
We just want to tell you, we’re all on your side!
– Dim ond eisiau dweud wrthych chi, rydyn ni i gyd ar eich ochr chi!
We share your…
– Rydym yn rhannu eich…
What is this feeling, so sudden and new?
– Beth yw’r teimlad hwn, mor sydyn a newydd?
Loathing, unadulterated loathing
– Unafraid, unafraid unafraid
I felt the moment I laid eyes on you
– Teimlais yr eiliad y gosodais lygaid arnoch
For her face, her voice, her clothing
– Ar gyfer ei wyneb, ei lais, ei ddillad
My pulse is rushing, my head is reeling
– Mae fy mhwls yn rhuthro, mae fy mhen yn rhuthro
Let’s just say we loathe it all
– We say we loathe it all y’all
Oh, what is this feeling?
– Beth yw’r teimlad hwn?
Every little trait, however small
– Pob nodwedd fach, waeth pa mor fach
Does it have a name? Yes
– Oes ganddo enw? Ie
Makes our very flesh begin to crawl
– Yn gwneud i’n cnawd iawn ddechrau cropian
– Ahhh
Loathing (Loathing)
– Loathing (Loathing)
There’s a strange exhilaration (Loathing)
– One odd exhilaration (Odd Exhilaration)
In such total detestation (Loathing)
– Yn y fath ffieidd-dra (Loathing)
It’s so pure, so strong (So strong)
– Mor gryf (so strong)
Though I do admit, it came on fast
– Er fy mod yn cyfaddef, daeth ymlaen yn gyflym
Still, I do believe that it can last!
– Rwy’n credu y gall barhau!
And I will be loathing (Loathing)
– A bydda i’n casáu (I will be loathing)
For forever, loathing (Loathing)
– For forever, loathing (am byth, loathing)
Truly deeply, loathing you (Loathing, loathing you)
– Yn ddwfn iawn, yn dy gasáu di (Loathing, loathing you)
My whole life long (Loathing, unadulterated loathing)
– My long life (loathing, unadulterated loathing) (fy holl fywyd hir (Loathing, unadulterated loathing))
– BOO!
– Ahhh!