To the tempo of your uptight
– Zure erritmoan
Is the flicker of a street light
– Kaleko argiaren keinua da
You know this moment, don’t ya
– Badakizu momentu hau, ezta
And time is strangely calm now
– Eta denbora lasai dago orain
‘Cause everybody’s gone it’s
– Denak joan dira.
Just you and your anger
– Zu eta zure haserrea
Oh, golden boy, don’t act like you were kind
– O, urrezko mutila, ez jokatu zu bezalakoa.
You were mine but you were awful every time
– Nirea zinen baina ikaragarria
So don’t tell them what you told me
– Ez esan zer esan didazun
Don’t hold me like you know me
– Ez nazazu harrapatu ezagutzen nauzun bezala
I would rather burn forever
– Nahiago dut betiko erre
But you should know that I died slow
– Baina jakin behar duzu astiro hil nintzela
Running through the halls of your haunted home
– Zure etxe sorginduaren aretoetan barrena korrika
And the toughest part is that we both know
– Eta gogorrena da biok dakigula
What happened to you
– Zer gertatu zaizu
Why you’re out on your own
– Zergatik zaude bakarrik
Merry Christmas, please don’t call
– Eguberri on, mesedez, ez deitu
You really left me on the line, kid
– Benetan utzi nauzu lerroan, mutiko
Holding all your baggage
– Zure ekipaje guztia gordetzea
You know I’m not your father
– Badakizu ez naizela zure aita
Who says welcome to your uptight
– Nork esaten du ongi etorri zure uptight
While it flickers like a street light
– Kaleko argi bat dirudi
He flickers through your damage
– Zure kalteak argitzen ditu
Oh, golden boy, you shined a light on your home
– O, urrezko mutila, argi bat piztu duzu zure etxean
And at your best you were magic, I was sold
– Eta zure onena magia izan zen, saldu egin ninduten
But don’t tell ’em what you told me
– Baina ez esan zer esan didazun
Don’t even tell ’em that you know me
– Ez esan ezagutzen nauzula
I would rather hurt forever
– Nahiago dut min egin betiko
But you should know that I died slow
– Baina jakin behar duzu astiro hil nintzela
Running through the halls of your haunted home
– Zure etxe sorginduaren aretoetan barrena korrika
And the toughest part is that we both know
– Eta gogorrena da biok dakigula
What happened to you
– Zer gertatu zaizu
Why you’re out on your own
– Zergatik zaude bakarrik
Merry Christmas, please don’t call
– Eguberri on, mesedez, ez deitu
One ticket out of your heavy gaze
– Txartel bat zure begirada astunetik
I want one ticket off of your carousel
– Txartel bat nahi dut zure karruselatik
I want one ticket out of your heavy gaze
– Txartel bat nahi dut zure begirada astunetik
I want one ticket off of your carousel
– Txartel bat nahi dut zure karruselatik
But you should know that I died slow
– Baina jakin behar duzu astiro hil nintzela
Running through the halls of your haunted home
– Zure etxe sorginduaren aretoetan barrena korrika
And the toughest part is that we both know
– Eta gogorrena da biok dakigula
What happened to you
– Zer gertatu zaizu
Why you’re out on your own
– Zergatik zaude bakarrik
Merry Christmas, please don’t call
– Eguberri on, mesedez, ez deitu
Merry Christmas, I’m not yours at all
– Eguberri on, ez naiz zurea
Merry Christmas, please don’t call me
– Eguberri on, mesedez, ez deitu
Please don’t call me
– Mesedez ez deitu
Please don’t call me
– Mesedez ez deitu
Please don’t call me
– Mesedez ez deitu