Video Posnetek
I once knew a nigga whose real name was William
– Nekoč sem poznal črnuha, ki mu je bilo pravo ime Viljem
His primary concern was makin’ a million
– Njegova glavna skrb je bila, da je zaslužil milijon
Bein’ the illest hustler that the world ever seen
– Biti najhujši prevarant, kar jih je svet kdaj videl
He used to fuck movie stars and sniff coke in his dreams
– Včasih je fukal filmske zvezde in vohal kokakolo v sanjah
A corrupted young mind at the age of 13
– Pokvarjen mlad um pri 13 letih
Nigga never had a father and his mom was a fiend
– Črnuh nikoli ni imel očeta in njegova mama je bila hudič
She put the pipe down, but for every year she was sober
– Odložila je cev, a za vsako leto je bila trezna
Her son’s heart simultaneously grew colder
– Srce njenega sina je hkrati postalo hladnejše
He started hangin’ out, sellin’ bags in the projects
– Začel se je družiti, prodajati torbe v projektih
Checkin’ the young chicks, lookin’ for hit-and-run prospects
– Preverjanje mladih piščancev, iskanje možnosti za hit-and-run
He was fascinated by material objects
– Očarali so ga materialni predmeti
But he understood money never bought respect
– Toda razumel je, da denar nikoli ni kupil spoštovanja
He built a reputation, ’cause he could hustle and steal
– Zgradil si je ugled ,ker je lahko drvel in kradel
But got locked once and didn’t hesitate to squeal
– Toda enkrat sem se zaklenil in nisem okleval zacviliti
So criminals he chilled with didn’t think he was real
– Torej kriminalci, s katerimi se je ohladil, niso mislili, da je resničen
You see, me and niggas like this have never been equal
– Vidiš, jaz in črnuhi, kot je ta, še nikoli niso bili enaki
I don’t project my insecurities on other people
– Svoje negotovosti ne projiciram na druge ljudi
He fiended for props like addicts with pipes and needles
– Zasmehoval se je za rekvizite, kot so odvisniki s cevmi in iglami
And so he felt he had to prove to everyone he was evil
– In tako je čutil, da mora vsem dokazati, da je zloben
A feeble-minded young man with infinite potential
– Slaboten mladenič z neskončnim potencialom
The product of a ghetto-bred capitalistic mental
– Produkt kapitalističnega mentalnega duha, vzgojenega v getu
Coincidentally dropped out of school to sell weed
– Po naključju je opustil šolo, da bi prodal travo
Dancin’ with the Devil, smoked until his eyes would bleed
– Plesal s hudičem, kadil, dokler mu oči niso zakrvavele
But he was sick of sellin’ trees and gave in to his greed
– Toda bil je bolan od prodaje dreves in se je prepustil svoji pohlepnosti
Everyone tryin’ to be trife, never face the consequences
– Vsakdo poskuša biti trife, nikoli se ne sooči s posledicami
You probably only did a month for minor offenses
– Verjetno ste naredili le mesec dni za manjše prekrške
Ask a nigga doin’ life if he had another chance
– Vprašajte črnuha, ki dela življenje, če je imel še eno priložnost
But then again, there’s always the wicked that knew in advance
– Ampak potem spet, vedno je hudoben, ki je vedel vnaprej
Dance forever with the Devil on a cold cell block
– Ples za vedno s hudičem na bloku hladnih celic
But that’s what happens when you rape, murder, and sell rock
– Toda to se zgodi, ko posilite, umorite in prodate rock
Devils used to be God’s angels that fell from the top
– Hudiči so bili božji angeli, ki so padli z vrha
There’s no diversity because we’re burnin’ in the melting pot
– Ni raznolikosti, ker kurimo v talilnem loncu
So Billy started robbin’ niggas, anything he could do
– Tako je začel ropati črnuhe, vse, kar je lahko storil
To get his respect back in the eyes of his crew
– Da bi dobil svoje spoštovanje nazaj v očeh svoje posadke
Startin’ fights over little shit up on the block
– Začetek pretepov zaradi malega sranja na bloku
Stepped up to sellin’ mothers and brothers the crack rock
– Stopil do sellin ‘ matere in bratje crack rock
Workin’ overtime for makin’ money for the crack spot
– Nadurno delo za zaslužek za crack spot
Hit the jackpot and wanted to move up to cocaine
– Zadeti jackpot in se želel premakniti do kokaina
Fulfillin’ the Scarface fantasy stuck in his brain
– Izpolnitev fantazije Scarface, ki se mu je zataknila v možganih
Tired of the block niggas treatin’ him the same
– Utrujen od bloka črnuhi, ki ga obravnavajo enako
He wanted to be major like the cut throats and the thugs
– Hotel je biti velik kot prerezana grla in razbojniki
But when he tried to step to ’em, niggas showed him no love
– Ko pa je poskušal stopiti do njih, mu črnci niso pokazali ljubezni
They told him any motherfuckin’ coward can sell drugs
– Rekli so mu, da lahko vsak strahopetec prodaja mamila
Any bitch nigga with a gun can bust slugs
– Vsak prasica črnuh s pištolo lahko bankrot polži
Any nigga with a red shirt can front like a Blood
– Vsak črnuh z rdečo srajco lahko spredaj kot kri
Even Puffy smoked a motherfucker up in the club
– Tudi zabuhle prekajene a motherfucker gor v klub
But only a real thug can stab someone ’til they die
– Toda le pravi razbojnik lahko nekoga zabode, dokler ne umre
Standin’ in front of them, starin’ straight into their eyes
– Stojiš pred njimi, strmiš jim naravnost v oči
Billy realized that these men were well-guarded
– Je spoznal, da so bili ti možje dobro varovani
And they wanted to test him before business started
– In želeli so ga preizkusiti, preden se je posel začel
Suggested rapin’ a bitch to prove he was cold-hearted
– Predlagal rapin ‘ prasica dokazati, da je bil hladnokrvnega
So now he had a choice between goin’ back to his life
– Zdaj je imel izbiro med vrnitvijo v svoje življenje
Or makin’ money with made men up in the cyph’
– Ali zaslužiti denar z izmišljenimi ljudmi v šifri
His dreams about cars and ice made him agree
– Njegove sanje o avtomobilih in ledu so ga strinjale
A hardcore nigga is all he ever wanted to be
– Hardcore črnuh je vse, kar je kdaj želel biti
And so he met them Friday night at a quarter to three
– In tako jih je spoznal v petek zvečer ob četrt do treh
Everyone tryin’ to be trife, never face the consequences
– Vsakdo poskuša biti trife, nikoli se ne sooči s posledicami
You probably only did a month for minor offenses
– Verjetno ste naredili le mesec dni za manjše prekrške
Ask a nigga doin’ life if he had another chance
– Vprašajte črnuha, ki dela življenje, če je imel še eno priložnost
But then again, there’s always the wicked that knew in advance
– Ampak potem spet, vedno je hudoben, ki je vedel vnaprej
Dance forever with the Devil on a cold cell block
– Ples za vedno s hudičem na bloku hladnih celic
But that’s what happens when you rape, murder, and sell rock
– Toda to se zgodi, ko posilite, umorite in prodate rock
Devils used to be God’s angels that fell from the top
– Hudiči so bili božji angeli, ki so padli z vrha
There’s no diversity because we’re burnin’ in the melting pot
– Ni raznolikosti, ker kurimo v talilnem loncu
They drove around the projects slow while it was rainin’
– Vozili so se po projektih počasi, medtem ko je deževalo
Smokin’ blunts, drinkin’ and jokin’ for entertainment
– Kadi, pije in se šali za zabavo
Until they saw a woman on the street, walkin’ alone
– Dokler niso videli ženske na ulici, ki je hodila sama
Three in the mornin’, comin’ back from work, on her way home
– Tri zjutraj, prihaja nazaj iz službe, na poti domov
And so they quietly got out the car and followed her
– In tako so tiho izstopili iz avtomobila in ji sledili
Walkin’ through the projects, the darkness swallowed her
– Ko je hodila po projektih, jo je tema pogoltnila
They wrapped her shirt around her head and knocked her onto the floor
– Srajco so ji ovili okoli glave in jo podrli na tla
“This is it, kid, now you got your chance to be raw”
– “To je to, fant, zdaj imaš priložnost biti surov”
So Billy yoked her up and grabbed the chick by the hair
– Tako jo je priklenil in zgrabil punco za lase
And dragged her into a lobby that had nobody there
– In jo vlekel v preddverje, kjer ni bilo nikogar
She struggled hard, but they forced her to go up the stairs
– Močno se je borila, a so jo prisilili, da se je povzpela po stopnicah
They got to the roof and then held her down on the ground
– Prišli so na streho in jo nato držali na tleh
Screamin’, “Shut the fuck up, and stop movin’ around!”
– Kriči, ” Utihni in se nehaj premikati!”
The shirt covered her face, but she screamed and clawed
– Srajca ji je pokrivala obraz, A je kričala in krempljala
So Billy stomped on the bitch until he’d broken her jaw
– Tako Billi stomped na prasica, dokler je ‘ D zdrobljen čeljusti
The dirty bastards knew exactly what they were doin’
– Umazane barabe so natančno vedele, kaj počnejo
They kicked her until they cracked her ribs and she stopped movin’
– Brcali so jo, dokler ji niso zlomili reber in se je nehala premikati
Blood leakin’ through the cloth, she cried silently
– Kri je puščala skozi krpo, tiho je jokala
And then they all proceeded to rape her violently
– In potem so jo vsi nasilno posilili
Billy was made to go first, but each of them took a turn
– Billi je bil narejen, da gre prvi, vendar se je vsak od njih obrnil
Rippin’ her up and chokin’ her until her throat burned
– Rippin ‘ji gor in chokin’ ji dokler grlo spali
Her broken jaw mumbled for God, but they weren’t concerned
– Njena zlomljena čeljust je mrmrala za Boga, vendar jih to ni skrbelo
When they were done and she was layin’
– Ko so končali in je ležala
Bloody, broken and bruised
– Krvavi, zlomljeni in modri
One of them niggas pulled out a brand new .22
– Eden od črnuhov je izvlekel čisto novo .22
They told him that she was a witness of what she’d gone through
– Povedali so mu, da je bila priča, kaj je šla skozi
And if he killed her, he was guaranteed a spot in the crew
– In če jo je ubil, mu je bilo zagotovljeno mesto v posadki
He thought about it for a minute, she was practically dead
– Minuto je razmišljal o tem, Bila je praktično mrtva
And so he leaned over and put the gun right to her head
– In tako se je nagnil in ji dal pištolo naravnost v glavo
I’m fallin’ and I can’t turn back
– Padam in ne morem se obrniti nazaj
I’m fallin’ and I can’t turn back
– Padam in ne morem se obrniti nazaj
Right before he pulled the trigger and ended her life
– Tik preden je pritisnil na sprožilec in končal njeno življenje
He thought about the cocaine with the platinum and ice
– Razmišljal je o kokainu s platino in ledom
And he felt strong standin’ along with his new brothers
– In se je počutil močno stoji skupaj s svojimi novimi brati
Cocked the gat to her head and pulled back the shirt cover
– Cocked gat na glavo in potegnil nazaj srajco pokrov
But what he saw made him start to cringe and stutter
– Toda to, kar je videl, ga je začelo stiskati in jecljati
‘Cause he was starin’ into the eyes of his own mother
– Ker je gledal v oči lastne matere
She looked back at him and cried ’cause he had forsaken her
– Pogledala ga je nazaj in jokala, ker jo je zapustil
She cried more painfully than when they were rapin’ her
– Jokala je bolj boleče kot takrat, ko so jo rapali
His whole world stopped, he couldn’t even contemplate
– Ves njegov svet se je ustavil, sploh ni mogel razmišljati
His corruption had successfully changed his fate
– Njegova korupcija je uspešno spremenila njegovo usodo
And he remembered how his mom used to come home late
– In spomnil se je, kako je njegova mama prihajala pozno domov
Workin’ hard for nothin’, because now what was he worth?
– Trdo delam za nič, ker je zdaj vreden?
He turned away from the woman that had once given him birth
– Odvrnil se je od ženske, ki mu je nekoč rodila
And cryin’ out to the sky, ’cause he was lonely and scared
– In jokal v nebo, ker je bil osamljen in prestrašen
But only the Devil responded, ’cause God wasn’t there
– Toda samo Hudič se je odzval, ker Boga ni bilo
And right then he knew what it was to be empty and cold
– In prav takrat je vedel, kaj je prazno in hladno
And so he jumped off the roof and died with no soul
– In tako je skočil s strehe in umrl brez duše
They say death takes you to a better place, but I doubt it
– Pravijo, da te smrt popelje na boljše mesto, vendar dvomim
After that, they killed his mother, and never spoke about it
– Po tem so ubili njegovo mamo in o tem nikoli niso govorili
And listen, ’cause the story that I’m tellin’ is true
– In poslušaj, ker je zgodba, ki jo pripovedujem, resnična
‘Cause I was there with Billy Jacobs, and I raped his mom too
– Bil sem tam z Jacobsom in posilil sem tudi njegovo mamo
And now the Devil follows me everywhere that I go
– In zdaj me hudič spremlja povsod, kamor grem
In fact, I’m sure he’s standin’ among one of you at my shows
– Pravzaprav sem prepričan, da stoji med vami na mojih razstavah
And every street cypher, listenin’ to little thugs flow
– In vsaka ulična šifra, ki posluša male razbojnike, teče
He could be standin’ right next to you, and you wouldn’t know
– Lahko bi stal tik ob tebi in ti ne bi vedel
The Devil grows inside the hearts of the selfish and wicked
– Hudič raste v srcih sebičnih in hudobnih
White, brown, yellow and black — color is not restricted
– Bela, rjava, rumena in črna-barva ni omejena
You have a self-destructive destiny when you’re inflicted
– Imate samouničujočo usodo, ko ste povzročeni
And you’ll be one of God’s children that fell from the top
– In ti boš eden od Božjih otrok, ki je padel z vrha
There’s no diversity because we’re burnin’ in the melting pot
– Ni raznolikosti, ker kurimo v talilnem loncu
So when the Devil wants to dance with you, you better say never
– Torej, ko hudič želi plesati s tabo, raje reci nikoli
Because a dance with the Devil might last you forever
– Ker vam lahko ples s hudičem traja večno
Oh, y’all motherfuckers thought it was over, huh?
– Ste mislili, da je konec?
Well, it’s not, you didn’t count on a fallen angel gettin’ back
– No, ni, nisi računal na padlega angela, ki se bo vrnil
Into the grace of God and comin’ after you
– V Božjo milost in za teboj
Y’all niggas ain’t shit, your producers ain’t shit
– Vsi črnuhi niste drek, vaši producenti niso drek
Your fuckin’ A & R ain’t shit
– Vaš prekleto A & R ni sranje
I’ll fuckin’ wipe my ass with your demo deal
– Bom prekleto obrišite mojo rit z demo ukvarjajo
Yo, Diabolic, take this motherfucker’s head off
– Jo, Diabolic, vzemi to pizdun ‘ s glavo off
Go ‘head and grip Glocks
– Go ‘ head and grip Glocks
I’ll snap your trigger finger in six spots
– Zaskočil bom vaš sprožilni prst na šestih mestih
You’ll have to lip lock with hypodermic needles to lick shots
– Za Lizanje posnetkov boste morali zakleniti ustnice s podkožnimi iglami
I’ll watch you topple flat
– Gledal te bom, kako se prevrneš
Put away your rings and holla back
– Pospravi prstane in holla nazaj
Can’t freestyle; you’re screwed off the top, like bottle caps
– Ne morem prostega sloga; zajebali ste se z vrha, kot pokrovčki za steklenice
Beneath the surface
– Pod površjem
I’m overheatin’ your receiving circuits
– Pregrejem vaše sprejemne kroge
By unleashin’ deeper verses than priests speak in churches
– S sproščanjem globljih verzov, kot jih duhovniki govorijo v cerkvah
What you preach is worthless
– Kar pridigaš, je ničvredno
Your worship defeat the purpose
– Vaše čaščenje premaga namen
Like President Bush takin’ bullets for the secret service
– Kot predsednik Bush, ki jemlje krogle za tajno službo
Beyond what y’all fathom, I shit on cats and jaw tap ’em
– Poleg tega, kar vsi razumete, serem mačke in jih tapkam po čeljusti
Show no compassion, like havin’ a straight-faced orgasm
– Ne pokaži sočutja, kot da bi imel orgazem z ravnim obrazom
Tour jack ’em, have his half-a-10 bitch suck my friend’s dick
– Tour jack ‘ em, so njegove pol-a-10 prasica zanič moj prijatelj je kurac
In the meantime, you can french kiss this clenched fist
– Medtem lahko francosko poljubite to stisnjeno pest
Diabolic: a one-man brigade spreadin’ cancer plague
– Diabolic: brigada enega človeka širi rakavo kugo
Fist-fuckin’ a pussy’s face, holdin’ a hand grenade
– Pest-Prekleto ‘a muca je obraz, holdin’ ročno bombo
So if I catch you bluffin’, faggot, you’re less than nothin’
– Če te zalotim, da blefiraš, Peder, si manj kot nič
I just had to get that stress off my chest like breast reduction
– Pravkar sem moral dobiti ta stres s prsi, kot je zmanjšanje prsi
You motherfuckers are nothin’, you cannot harm me
– Vi pizduni niste nič, ne morete mi škodovati
I’ll resurrect every aborted baby and start an army
– Obudil bom vsakega splavljenega otroka in ustanovil vojsko
Storm the planet, huntin’ you down, ’cause I’m on a mission
– Neurje planet, loviš dol, ker sem na misiji
To split your body into a billion one-celled organisms
– Razdeliti svoje telo na milijardo enoceličnih organizmov
Immortal Technique’ll destroy your religion, you stupid bitch
– Nesmrtna tehnika bo uničila tvojo vero, ti neumna prasica
You’re faker than blue-eyed crackers nailed to a crucifix
– Lažnivec si kot modrooki krekerji, pribiti na razpelo
I’m ’bout to blow up, like NASA Challenger computer chips
– Razstrelil bom, kot računalniški čipi NASA Challenger
Arsenic language transmitted revolutionarily
– Arzenov jezik se je revolucionarno prenašal
I’m like time itself: I’m gonna kill you inevitably
– Jaz sem kot čas sam: neizogibno te bom ubil
Chemically bomb you, fuck usin’ a chrome piece
– Kemično bomba vas, jebi usin ‘ krom kos
I’m Illmatic, you won’t make it home, like Jerome’s niece
– Illmatičen sem, ne boš prišel domov, kot Jeromejeva nečakinja
I’ll sever your head diagonally for thinkin’ of dissin’ me
– Prerezal ti bom glavo diagonalno, ker si mislil, da me boš raztrgal
And then use your dead body to write my name in calligraphy
– In potem uporabite svoje mrtvo telo, da napišete moje ime v kaligrafiji
This puppet democracy brain-washed your psychology
– Ta lutkovna demokracija je oprala vašo psihologijo
So you’re nothin’, like diversity without equality
– Torej nisi nič, kot raznolikost brez enakosti
And your crew is full of more faggots than Greek mythology
– In vaša posadka je polna več pedrov kot grška mitologija
Usin’ numerology to count the people I sent to Heaven
– Uporaba numerologije za štetje ljudi, ki sem jih poslal v nebesa
Produces more digits than 22 divided by seven
– Ustvari več števk kot 22, deljeno s sedmimi
You’re like Kevin Spacey: your style is usually suspect
– Ste kot Kevin space: vaš slog je običajno sumljiv
You never killed a cop, you, not a motherfuckin’ thug yet
– Nikoli nisi ubil policaja, ti, še ne prekleti razbojnik
Your mind is empty and spacious
– Vaš um je prazen in prostoren
Like the part of the brain that appreciates culture in a racist
– Kot del možganov, ki ceni kulturo v rasističnem
Face it, you’re too basic, you’re never gonna make it
– Sprijazni se, preveč si osnovna, nikoli ti ne bo uspelo
Like children walkin’ through Antarctica, butt-naked
– Kot otroci, ki hodijo po Antarktiki, goli