Julie Bergan – Second Hand Love 英語 歌詞 中國人 翻譯

I know the way you take your coffee in the morning
– 我知道你早上喝咖啡的方式
And you know my place like the back of your hand
– 你知道我的位置就像你的手背
I know you think romantic comedies are boring
– 我知道你觉得浪漫喜剧很无聊
But I make you watch them anyway just ’cause I can
– 但我让你看着他们只是因为我可以

And I wake up excited to see you
– 我醒来时很高兴见到你
And I meet you at our favorite spot down the street
– 我在街边我们最喜欢的地方见你
You’re telling me that I should flirt with the waiter
– 你是说我应该和服务员调情
As you talk about your date last night
– 当你谈论你昨晚的约会时
Oh, how can I survive
– 哦,我怎么能活下来呢?

When I can’t breathe and you can’t see that you’re
– 当我无法呼吸而你看不到你是
Killing me slowly with your second hand love
– 用你的秒针爱慢慢杀死我
And the way he makes you light up, yeah, you’re
– 他让你发光的方式,是的,你是
Killing me slowly with your second hand love
– 用你的秒针爱慢慢杀死我
Yeah, you’re killing me slowly with your second hand love
– 是啊,你用你的二手爱慢慢地杀了我

You know the way I laugh when something isn’t funny
– 你知道我笑的方式,当事情不好笑
And you know the way I smile when I’m about to cry
– 你知道当我要哭的时候,我的微笑方式
So how could you be so clueless not to know how I feel?
– 你怎么能这么笨不知道我的感受?
When you say that I’m just one of the guys and
– 当你说我只是其中一个
I think that I might die
– 我想我可能会死

And I wake up excited to see you
– 我醒来时很高兴见到你
And I meet you at our favorite spot down the street
– 我在街边我们最喜欢的地方见你
You’re telling me that I should flirt with the waiter
– 你是说我应该和服务员调情
As you talk about your date last night
– 当你谈论你昨晚的约会时
Oh, how can I survive
– 哦,我怎么能活下来呢?

When I can’t breathe and you can’t see that you’re
– 当我无法呼吸而你看不到你是
Killing me slowly with your second hand love
– 用你的秒针爱慢慢杀死我
And the way she makes you light up, yeah, you’re
– 她让你发光的方式,是的,你是
Killing me slowly with your second hand love
– 用你的秒针爱慢慢杀死我
Yeah, you’re killing me slowly with your second hand love
– 是啊,你用你的二手爱慢慢地杀了我

Nobody gets you like I do
– 没有人能像我一样得到你
I let you go, you pull me back
– 我让你走,你把我拉回来
Am I the only one waiting for
– 我是唯一一个等待的人吗
This heart attack, this heart attack
– 这次心脏病,这次心脏病
No matter where I go you’re always in the air
– 无论我走到哪里,你总是在空中

When I can’t breathe and you can’t see that you’re
– 当我无法呼吸而你看不到你是
Killing me slowly with your second hand love
– 用你的秒针爱慢慢杀死我
And the way she makes you light up, yeah, you’re
– 她让你发光的方式,是的,你是
Killing me slowly with your second hand love
– 用你的秒针爱慢慢杀死我
Yeah, you’re killing me slowly with your second hand love
– 是啊,你用你的二手爱慢慢地杀了我






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