Criomag Bhidio
Briathran Òran
I been up ’til midnight, drivin’ to nowhere
– Bha mi suas gu ’til midnight’ gu àite sam bith
Bumpin’ a slow song, can’t get my head clear
– ‘S beag an t-iongnadh nach seinn mo chadal
I been up ’til sunrise, headed to nowhere
– Bha mi suas gus an èirich a ‘ghrian, a’ dol gu àite sam bith
Hopin’ that someone’s missin’ me somewhere
– Tha cuideigin gam ionndrainn an àiteigin
Drivin’, just drivin’
– ‘Draibheadh’, dìreach dràibheadh’
Just tryin’, just tryna get my head right
– Dìreach tryin’, dìreach faigh mo cheann ceart
It’ll all be better when, when I
– Tha e nas fheàrr nuair a tha mi
When I, just gotta get my head right
– Nuair a tha mi, dìreach gotta faigh mo cheann ceart
And it don’t hit the same when you’re all alone
– Agus chan eil e a ‘ bualadh an aon rud nuair a tha thu uile nan aonar
And the money’s insane, I know
– Agus tha an t-airgead gòrach, tha fios agam
But it don’t fill the void at all
– Ach chan eil e a ‘lìonadh a’ bheàrn idir
And I promised my mom I’d do better
– Agus gheall mi dha mo mhàthair gun dèanainn nas fheàrr
But they keep trying me so I’m
– Ach tha iad a ‘cumail orm a’ feuchainn mar sin tha mi
With all the bullshit and fuck it all up
– Leis a h-uile bullshit agus fuck e suas
I keep pretendin’ everyone’s as good as me
– Tha mi a’ faireachdainn mar gu bheil a h-uile dad gu math
Shit’s so weird I cannot speak
– Tha mi duilich, chan urrainn dhomh bruidhinn
Balled so hard, I think I peaked
– An-dràsta, tha mi a ‘ smaoineachadh
All my exes still love me
– Tha a h-uile dad fhathast a ‘ còrdadh rium
Call me up, he wanna freak
– Call me up, tha e ag iarraidh freak
All my opps lookin’ distressed
– Tha mo shùilean uile fo bhròn
How you copy then compete?
– Ciamar a nì thu lethbhreac an uairsin farpais?
Oh, you just mad that your nigga want me
– O, tha thu dìreach feargach gu bheil do nigga ag iarraidh orm
Oh, you just mad that we went ten weeks
– O, tha thu dìreach gòrach gun deach sinn deich seachdainean
Oh, you just mad that your ass ain’t free
– Chan eil thu ach feargach nach eil an t-asal agad saor
Scared to say shit so you fake kiki
– Eagal a ràdh cac mar sin tha thu a ‘ fake kiki
Scared to cut a nigga so I left, ski-ski
– Eagal a bhith a ‘ gearradh nigga mar sin dh’fhàg mi, sgith-sgitheadh
I ain’t scared of shit so I swing my meat
– Chan eil eagal orm ro shit agus mar sin bidh mi a ‘lughdachadh m’ fheòil
I ain’t scared of shit so I let mine go
– Chan eil eagal orm a bhith a ‘ dol às mo chiall
Pop my shit ’cause I can, I know
– Tha mi a ‘dol a dh’ innse dhut oir is urrainn dhomh, tha fios agam
I been up ’til midnight, drivin’ to nowhere (Nowhere, nowhere)
– ‘Til midnight, drivin’ gu àite sam bith (Àite sam bith, àite sam bith)
Bumpin’ a slow song, can’t get my head clear
– ‘S beag an t-iongnadh nach seinn mo chadal
I been up ’til sunrise, headed to nowhere
– Bha mi suas gus an èirich a ‘ghrian, a’ dol gu àite sam bith
Hopin’ that someone’s missin’ me somewhere
– Tha cuideigin gam ionndrainn an àiteigin
Drivin’, just drivin’ (Just drivin’)
– Drivin’, dìreach drivin ‘(Dìreach drivin’)
Just tryin’, just tryna get my head right
– Dìreach tryin’, dìreach faigh mo cheann ceart
It’ll all be better when, when I
– Tha e nas fheàrr nuair a tha mi
When I, just gotta get my head right
– Nuair a tha mi, dìreach gotta faigh mo cheann ceart
And I can’t lose my focus, I know if hope is the goal
– Agus chan urrainn dhomh mo fhòcas a chall, tha fios agam gur e dòchas an amas
Then I can’t succumb like these cum-guzzlers at all (Nope)
– An uairsin chan urrainn dhomh gèilleadh mar na cum-guzzlers sin idir (Nope)
And I know that if love is my purpose
– Tha fios agam gur e gràdh mo leannan
I can’t waste energy looking for enemies, I just dub it all
– Chan urrainn dhomh lùth a chaitheamh a ‘ coimhead airson nàimhdean, tha mi dìreach ga dhubhadh às
I’m anti-beef, half y’all bitches be too cheap
– Tha mi a ‘dol a dh’ fheuchainn, tha a h-uile dad a ‘ dol gu math
Half a milli when I bling, fuck I look like on my knees?
– Half a milli nuair a tha mi bling, fuck tha mi a ‘ coimhead coltach air mo ghlùinean?
You really just mad ’cause I make it look easy
– Tha thu dha-rìribh dìreach meallta ‘adhbhar gu bheil mi ga dhèanamh a’ coimhead furasta
I’m really this bad, you should see it 3D
– THA MI dha-rìribh cho dona seo, bu chòir DHUT fhaicinn 3D
Brought you this bag, you should spend it on me
– Thug thu am baga seo dhut, bu chòir dhut a chaitheamh orm
All of my time precious, so be
– Uile m ‘ ùine prìseil, mar sin bithidh
I been up ’til midnight, drivin’ to nowhere (Nowhere, nowhere)
– ‘Til midnight, drivin’ gu àite sam bith (Àite sam bith, àite sam bith)
Bumpin’ a slow song, can’t get my head clear
– ‘S beag an t-iongnadh nach seinn mo chadal
I been up ’til sunrise, headed to nowhere
– Bha mi suas gus an èirich a ‘ghrian, a’ dol gu àite sam bith
Hopin’ that someone’s missin’ me somewhere
– Tha cuideigin gam ionndrainn an àiteigin
Drivin’, just drivin’ (Just drivin’)
– Drivin’, dìreach drivin ‘(Dìreach drivin’)
Just tryin’, just tryna get my head right
– Dìreach tryin’, dìreach faigh mo cheann ceart
It’ll all be better when, when I
– Tha e nas fheàrr nuair a tha mi
When I, just gotta get my head right
– Nuair a tha mi, dìreach gotta faigh mo cheann ceart