Eminem – Smack You (Suge Knight & Ja Rule Diss) Slovenščina Besedila & Slovenski Prevodi

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Suge shot me, Suge shot me, Suge shot me, Suge shot me
– Suge me je ustrelil, Suge me je ustrelil, Suge me je ustrelil, Suge me je ustrelil
Suge shot me, Suge shot me, Suge shot me, Suge shot me
– Suge me je ustrelil, Suge me je ustrelil, Suge me je ustrelil, Suge me je ustrelil
Suge shot me, Suge shot me, Suge shot me, Suge shot me
– Suge me je ustrelil, Suge me je ustrelil, Suge me je ustrelil, Suge me je ustrelil
Suge shot me, Suge shot me, Suge shot me, Suge shot me
– Suge me je ustrelil, Suge me je ustrelil, Suge me je ustrelil, Suge me je ustrelil
Suge shot me, Suge shot me, Suge shot me, Suge shot me
– Suge me je ustrelil, Suge me je ustrelil, Suge me je ustrelil, Suge me je ustrelil
Suge shot me, Suge shot me, Suge shot me, Suge shot me
– Suge me je ustrelil, Suge me je ustrelil, Suge me je ustrelil, Suge me je ustrelil

Hopin’ my thug motherfuckers know
– Hopin ‘ moj thug motherfuckers vedeti
This be the realest shit I ever wrote, against all odds
– To je najbolj resnično sranje, kar sem jih kdaj napisal, kljub vsemu
Up in the studio, gettin’ blowed
– Gor v studiu, gettin ‘ razneslo
To the truest shit I ever spoke, against all odds
– Na najbolj resnično sranje, kar sem jih kdaj govoril, kljub vsemu
Hopin’ my true motherfuckers know
– Upam, da moji pravi pofukanci vedo
This be the realest shit I ever wrote, against all odds
– To je najbolj resnično sranje, kar sem jih kdaj napisal, kljub vsemu
Up in the studio, gettin’ blowed
– Gor v studiu, gettin ‘ razneslo
To the truest shit I ever spoke (Come on) (21-gun salute)
– Na najbolj resnično sranje, kar sem jih kdaj govoril (Daj no) (pozdrav z 21 pištolami)

I’m holding Irv responsible, the Cookie Monster of Rap
– Jaz držim Irv odgovoren, piškotek pošast Rap
Won’t give Hailie back her Oscar, they lost it up Ja Rule’s ass
– Ne bo dal Hailie nazaj njen Oscar, so ga izgubili do ja pravilo Rit
We forgot an Oscar’s a statue of a naked man
– Pozabili smo oskarjev kip golega moškega
He told her if she goes to take it back that he’ll break her hand (Grr)
– Rekel ji je, če jo bo vzela nazaj, da ji bo zlomil roko (Grr)
But that’s okay, baby, let’s leave this faggot alone
– Ampak to je v redu, punči, pustimo tega Pedra pri miru
Let him have it, next your daddy’ll bring you home two more
– Naj ga ima, naslednji tvoj oče te bo pripeljal domov še dva
And remember that pretty little dress that you wore
– In spomnite se tiste lepe majhne obleke, ki ste jo nosili
To his show to match his when we saw him perform? (Yeah?)
– Na njegovo predstavo, da se ujema z njegovo, ko smo ga videli nastopati? (Ja?)
Well, we gon’ send that to his son (You mean his son is a girl?)
– No, to bomo poslali njegovemu sinu (mislite, da je njegov sin dekle?)
No, but he likes to dress like one (Haha)
– Ne, ampak rad se oblači kot ena (Haha)
And I think he’s got a daughter too
– In mislim, da ima tudi hčerko
But we ain’t gotta talk about his dirty-ass little kids like he did to you
– Ampak mi ni treba govoriti o svojih umazanih rit majhne otroke, kot je to storil, da vas
‘Cause we don’t need to stoop to Ja Rule’s level
– Ker se nam ni treba skloniti na raven Ja Rule
‘Cause if we do, then that would (Yo) mean that we’d only be one-foot-two
– Ker če to storimo, bi to pomenilo, da bi bili samo en meter
Then we’d be as tall as the statue we shoved up his ass
– Potem bi bili visoki kot kip, ki smo mu ga porinili v rit
And then who knows? He might have room to fit us up there too
– In kdo potem ve? Morda bo imel prostor, da nas tudi tam namesti
Aight, big ears, it’s time for you to go upstairs, boo
– Aight, velika ušesa, čas je, da greš gor, boo
Give Daddy kisses (*Kiss*), Kim, you fuckin’ slut, where are you?
– Daj Očka poljubi (*poljub*), Kim, ti prekleta kurba, kje si?
Come put Hailie to bed, I’ll be finished with this shit in a minute
– Pridi daj Hailie v posteljo, čez minuto bom končal s tem sranjem
Just in time for you to make the last call at fuckin’ Skinnies
– Ravno v času za vas, da bi zadnji klic na prekleto Skinnies
Hailie’s gone, what’s up now, punk? Since you brought her up
– Hailie ni več, kaj je zdaj, pankrt? Odkar ste jo vzgajali
Let’s talk about her, chump, you already called her a slut
– Pogovorimo se o njej, klošar, že si jo imenoval kurba
Bitch, don’t you ever question how we bring our daughter up
– Kurba, ne boste nikoli vprašanje, kako smo bi naša hči gor
You don’t even raise your kids, your waddlin’ Donald Duck
– Ti niti ne vzgajaš svojih otrok, tvoja vata Donald Duck
Fat-ass bitch of a wife who lives at McDonald’s does
– Maščobe-ass prasica žena, ki živi na McDonald ‘ s ne
You stay in LA and tryna parlay with all the plugs
– Ostanete v LA in poskusite stava z vsemi čepi
Beggin’ Suge to get him to follow you to all the clubs
– Prosim ga, naj vas spremlja v vse klube
But you’re too dumb to see that your publishing’s all he wants
– Toda preveč ste neumni, da bi videli, da je vaše založništvo vse, kar si želi
Thinkin’ you friends ’til he gets it and you’re the next rapper
– Mislim, da ste prijatelji, dokler ga ne dobi in ste naslednji raper
Sittin’ on the passenger side of that Benz that gets hit again
– Sedi na sovoznikovi strani tistega Benza, ki ga spet zadene
And LAPD’ll be sayin’, “Who did this shit again?”
– LAPD bo rekel: “Kdo je spet naredil to sranje?”
Knowin’ who did it, but still nobody admits it
– Vem, kdo je to storil, a tega še vedno nihče ne prizna
But if I get killed for this shit, I know who did it
– Če pa me ubijejo zaradi tega sranja, vem, kdo je to storil
Y’all ain’t gotta go to limits to solve it, just expect a visit
– Ni vam treba iti do meja, da bi to rešili, samo pričakujte obisk
From forty to fifty vatos on your steps, ready, set to let the shots go
– Od štirideset do petdeset vatov na vaših stopnicah, pripravljeni, pripravljeni, da pustite posnetke
Pac, tell ’em who shot ya (Suge shot me, Suge shot me)
– Pac, povej jim, kdo te je ustrelil (Suge me je ustrelil, Suge me je ustrelil)

I’m holdin’ Suge responsible for the deaths of the two greatest rappers to ever grace the face of this planet (Suge shot me, Suge shot me)
– Držim Suge odgovoren za smrt dveh največjih raperjev, ki sta kdaj krasila obraz tega planeta (Suge me je ustrelil, Suge me je ustrelil)
If only the late great Mr. Christopher Wallace could talk, he could tell you himself (Suge shot me, Suge shot me)
– Če bi le pokojni veliki Gospod Christopher Valace lahko govoril, bi Vam lahko sam povedal (Suge me je ustrelil, Suge me je ustrelil)
I’m holdin’ Suge responsible for the death of Ja Rule or anyone else down with Tha Row (Suge shot me, Suge shot me)
– Jaz sem holdin ‘ Suge odgovoren za smrt ja pravilo ali kdorkoli drug dol s to vrstico (Suge me je ustrelil, Suge me je ustrelil)
In the immortal words of Pac, speaking for me and any other rapper next to get shot (Suge shot me, Suge shot me)
– V nesmrtnih besedah Pac-a, ki govori zame in katerega koli drugega raperja poleg tega, da me ustrelijo (Suge me je ustrelil, Suge me je ustrelil)

This game is gonna be the death of me
– Ta igra bo smrt mene
But I’m gonna expose the truth even if it kills me
– Toda razkril bom resnico, tudi če me ubije
This game is gonna be the death of me
– Ta igra bo smrt mene
But I’m gonna expose the truth even if it kills me
– Toda razkril bom resnico, tudi če me ubije
This game is gonna be the death of me
– Ta igra bo smrt mene
But I’m gonna expose the truth even if it kills me
– Toda razkril bom resnico, tudi če me ubije
This game is gonna be the death of me
– Ta igra bo smrt mene
But I’m gonna expose the truth even if it kills me (And it probably will)
– Toda razkril bom resnico, tudi če me ubije (in verjetno bo)

I don’t know why the fuck you even gotta get me started
– Ne vem, zakaj za vraga me sploh moraš začeti
I swear to God, you gotta be retarded, you’re regarded
– Prisežem pri Bogu, da moraš biti zaostal, upoštevan si
The hardest workin’ artist since Pac? Stop, no, you’re not
– Najtežji umetnik od Paca? Nehaj, ne, nisi
Oh my God, knock it off, Ja, get off his jock
– O moj Bog, knock off, Ja, dol njegov jock
You spoke on the Doctor, that’s vodka
– Govorili ste o zdravniku, To je vodka
That ain’t Ja talkin’, Dre, give me the word, I’ll sock him
– To ni ja talkin’, Dre, daj mi besedo, ga bom nogavica
The fuck is the problem? Let’s get to the root
– V čem je problem? Pojdimo do korena
Irv’s brother ain’t the only one shootin’ himself in the foot
– Irvov brat ni edini, ki se strelja v nogo
To say that they jumped out of a window and hit the pavement
– Reči, da so skočili skozi okno in zadeli pločnik
Off the Empire State Building would be an understatement
– Off Empire State Building bi bilo podcenjevanje
It’d be an understatement to say that they made a fatal fuckin’ mistake
– To bi bilo podcenjevanje reči, da so naredili usodno prekleto napako
For fuck’s sake, what did you just take?
– Za božjo voljo, kaj si pravkar vzel?
Let me get some of whatever you’re on to be where you at
– Dovolite mi, da dobim nekaj vsega, kar ste, da boste tam, kjer ste
‘Cause you gotta be a fuckin’ moron to even do that
– Ker moraš biti prekleti bedak, da to sploh narediš
Roll it up, smoke it, and throw on a freakin’ durag
– Zvijte ga, kadite in vrzite na prekleti durag
Ja, you got “Outlaw” on your forearm, let’s see the new tat
– Ja, imaš “izobčenec” na podlakti, poglejmo novo tat
You gotta be seein’ somethin’ we don’t see
– Moraš videti nekaj, česar mi ne vidimo
Let us know if you know something we don’t, please
– Sporočite nam, če veste nekaj, česar ne vemo, prosim
‘Cause I just don’t see the vision, you ain’t even our division
– Ker ne vidim vizije, nisi niti naša divizija
You might even fuckin’ die, and it ain’t even our decision
– Morda boste celo umrli, in to niti ni naša odločitev
You made a deal with the devil who’s giving you his permission
– Dogovorili ste se s hudičem, ki vam daje dovoljenje
To imitate a legend we all love so much, we miss him
– Če posnemamo legendo, ki jo imamo vsi tako radi, ga pogrešamo
And now this shit’s just getting disgusting ’cause it’s sickening
– In zdaj je to sranje samo ogabno, ker je gnusno
‘Cause we see it, but no one says a fuckin’ thing
– Ker smo videli, ampak nihče ne pravi prekleto stvar
We just pretend that it doesn’t exist, but it does, and it’s been itching
– Samo pretvarjamo se, da ne obstaja, vendar obstaja, in srbelo je
And just eatin’ at me so fucking much, and it’s just gettin’
– In tako prekleto veliko me je, in to samo postaja
To the point you might as well go to Suge, assume position
– Do te mere, da bi lahko šli tudi na Suge, prevzeli položaj
Drop to your fuckin’ knees and just suck his fuckin’ dick and
– Spusti se na kolena in mu ga pofafaj
Get it over with, your reign is over with, and you know this shit
– Končaj s tem, tvoja vladavina je končana in veš to sranje
You just don’t want no one to notice it, that Jodeci shit
– Samo nočeš, da ga nihče ne opazi, da je Jodeci sranje
Ain’t even entertaining, you’re crying, your voice is straining like you dying
– Niti ni zabavno, jokaš, tvoj glas se napenja, kot da umiraš
But look in the sky, it ain’t even raining, come outta the rain
– Toda poglej v nebo, sploh ne dežuje, Pridi iz dežja

Hopin’ my thug motherfuckers know
– Hopin ‘ moj thug motherfuckers vedeti
This be the realest shit I ever wrote, against all odds
– To je najbolj resnično sranje, kar sem jih kdaj napisal, kljub vsemu
Up in the studio gettin’ blowed
– Gor v studiu gettin ‘ razneslo
To the truest shit I ever spoke, against all odds
– Na najbolj resnično sranje, kar sem jih kdaj govoril, kljub vsemu
Hopin’ my true motherfuckers know
– Upam, da moji pravi pofukanci vedo
This be the realest shit I ever wrote, against all odds
– To je najbolj resnično sranje, kar sem jih kdaj napisal, kljub vsemu
Up in the studio gettin’ blowed
– Gor v studiu gettin ‘ razneslo
To the truest shit I ever spoke, against all odds
– Na najbolj resnično sranje, kar sem jih kdaj govoril, kljub vsemu

This game is gonna be the death of me
– Ta igra bo smrt mene
But I’m gonna expose the truth even if it kills me
– Toda razkril bom resnico, tudi če me ubije
This game is gonna be the death of me
– Ta igra bo smrt mene
But I’m gonna expose the truth even if it kills me
– Toda razkril bom resnico, tudi če me ubije
This game is gonna be the death of me
– Ta igra bo smrt mene
But I’m gonna expose the truth even if it kills me
– Toda razkril bom resnico, tudi če me ubije
This game is gonna be the death of me
– Ta igra bo smrt mene
But I’m gonna expose the truth even if it kills me (And it probably will)
– Toda razkril bom resnico, tudi če me ubije (in verjetno bo)

Stupid, I’m gonna make you shut up once I get out there too
– Neumen, prisilil te bom, da boš utihnil, ko bom tudi jaz prišel ven
Smack you across the face
– Zadah ste čez obraz




