Klipp Tal-Vidjo
– Mm-mm
– Mm-mm
O, America, you’re callin’
– O, L-Amerika, int sejħa’
I can hear you calling me
– Nista’nisma’li ċċempilli
You are calling me to be true to thee
– Qed issejjaħli biex inkun vera lejk
True to thee, I will be
– Veru għalik, inkun
O, America, no weeping
– O, L-Amerika, l-Ebda weeping
Let me heal your wounded heart
– Ħallini nfejjaq qalbek midruba
I will keep you in my keeping
– Se nżommok fiż-żamma tiegħi
Till there be a new start
– Sakemm ikun hemm bidu ġdid
And I will answer you, and I will take your hand
– U jien se nwieġbek, u jien se nieħu idejk
And lead you to the sun
– U jwassluk għax-xemx
And I will stand by you do all that I can do
– U jien se noqgħod miegħek nagħmel dak kollu li nista’nagħmel
And we will be as one
– U se nkunu bħala wieħed
O, America, I hear you
– O, L-Amerika, nismagħkom
From your prairies to the sea
– Mill-preriji tiegħek sal-baħar
From your mountains grand, and all through this land
– Mill-muntanji tiegħek grand, u kollha permezz ta’din l-art
You are beautiful to me
– Int sabiħ għalija
And O, America, you’re callin’
– U O, L-Amerika, int sejħa’
I can hear you calling me
– Nista’nisma’li ċċempilli
You are calling me to be true to thee
– Qed issejjaħli biex inkun vera lejk
True to thee, I will be
– Veru għalik, inkun
And I will answer you (And I will answer you), and I will take your hand (And I will take your hand)
– U jien inwieġbek (U jien inwieġbek), u nieħu idejk (u nieħu idejk)
And lead you to the sun
– U jwassluk għax-xemx
And I will stand by you do all that I can do
– U jien se noqgħod miegħek nagħmel dak kollu li nista’nagħmel
And we will be as one
– U se nkunu bħala wieħed
O, America, you’re callin’
– O, L-Amerika, int sejħa’
I will ever answer thee
– Qatt se nwieġeb lilek