GELO (LiAngelo Ball) – Tweaker Basa inggris Lirik & Basa sunda Tarjamahan

Vidéo Klip


(Glizock, pop your shit, boy)
– (Hihihihihihihihihihihihiihihihihihihihihihihihi)
Watch over your shoulder, nigga
– Jaga taktak anjeun, nigga
Shit get real out here, fool
– Shit meunang nyata kaluar dieu, fool
– Ah
(KUNICA on the beat)

I might swerve, bend that corner, woah
– Boleh dicoba nih, hehehe
Bitch, hold on tight ’cause I’ll tweak in this bitch, start lettin’ shit go
– Hahaha … sabar je la … sebab aku nak kawen ni … nak kawen dulu … hahaha …
And I heard that she wanna show
– Jeung kuring ngadéngé yén manéhna hayang némbongkeun
Me who she be, I’m kinda fuckin’ with it, show me some more
– Me: hmmmmmmmmmmm……….. aku jadi pengen nonton lagi nih….
Bitch, we tatted head to toe, could give a fuck, the story wrote
– Bitch, urang tatted sirah ka toe, bisa méré fuck, carita wrote
You wanna tweak? Get up with me and I’ma show you how that go
– Anjeun hoyong tweak? Bangun jeung kuring jeung kuring bakal némbongkeun anjeun kumaha nu buka
Like the money in my pockets, blow
– Saperti duit di saku kuring, niup
They havin’ convos about me, these pussy niggas don’t know
– Maranéhanana geus convos ngeunaan kuring, ieu niggas pussy teu nyaho

Tell me what they talkin’ ’bout, I ain’t fuckin’ listenin’
– Bejakeun ka kuring naon anu aranjeunna nyarios ’bout, kuring henteu fucking ‘listenin’
Let your thoughts run your mouth, but ain’t touchin’ dividends
– Biarlah bibirmu berlalu, tapi tidak berani menghadapi dividen
Nigga, I ain’t from the South, but kick it with my Memphis twin
– Hahaha … Aku bukan Dari Kidul, tapi kick it with memphis twin ku
Nigga, I can’t take a loss, I’m always goin’ for the win (For the win)
– Hahaha … tak sabar nak menang … tak sabar nak menang…:)
I been geeked up in this booth, I got my blunt packed for the starter
– Kuring geus geeked nepi di stan ieu, kuring meunang blunt kuring dipak pikeun starter
Nigga, don’t be here actin’ new, they’ll put some holes all through your body
– Nigga, teu jadi di dieu actin’ anyar, maranéhanana bakal nahan sababaraha liang sadaya ngaliwatan awak anjeun
I’m like “Oh, them hoes is cool, let ’em in if that shit water” (Water)
– Abdi kawas “oh, aranjeunna hoes téh tiis, hayu’ em di lamun cai shit nu ” (Cai)
See a nigga actin’ bothered, got my green light to red dot ’em (Red dot, red dot)
– Tingali hiji nigga actin ‘diganggu, ngagaduhan lampu héjo kuring ka red dot’ em (Red dot ,red dot)
If you spot me, ho, I’m sorry, I can’t take you, it get gnarly (Get gnarly)
– Kalau korang tengok aku, aku mintak maaf, korang tak boleh tahan, korang tahan, korang tahan, korang tahan, korang tahan, korang tahan, korang tahan, korang tahan, korang tahan …
Look like your nigga want smoke, well, we gon’ do this shit regardless (Regardless)
– Tingali kawas negro anjeun hoyong haseup, sumur, urang gon ‘ ngalakukeun shit ieu paduli (Paduli)
And I started from the bottom, just like you, but I was harder (Way harder)
– Jeung kuring dimimitian ti handap, kawas anjeun, tapi kuring harder (Jalan harder)
I came up a fuckin’ soldier, nigga, shout out to my father (Shout out my father)
– Kuring datang nepi a fucking ‘ soldadu, nigga, ngagorowok kaluar ka bapa kuring (Ngagorowok kaluar bapa kuring)
– Ah-ah
He made sure I’ll make it farther
– Manéhna mastikeun yén kuring bakal nyieun leuwih jauh
Ah-ah (Ah-ah-ah-ah)
– Ah-ah (Ah-ah-ah-ah)
My trust in God, Glocks, and dollars
– Amanah abdi Ka Allah, Glocks, jeung dollar

I might swerve, bend that corner, woah
– Boleh dicoba nih, hehehe
Bitch, hold on tight ’cause I’ll tweak in this bitch, start lettin’ shit go
– Hahaha … sabar je la … sebab aku nak kawen ni … nak kawen dulu … hahaha …
And I heard that she wanna show
– Jeung kuring ngadéngé yén manéhna hayang némbongkeun
Me who she be, I’m kinda fuckin’ with it, show me some more
– Me: hmmmmmmmmmmm……….. aku jadi pengen nonton lagi nih….
Bitch, we tatted head to toe, could give a fuck, the story wrote
– Bitch, urang tatted sirah ka toe, bisa méré fuck, carita wrote
You wanna tweak? Get up with me and I’ma show you how that go
– Anjeun hoyong tweak? Bangun jeung kuring jeung kuring bakal némbongkeun anjeun kumaha nu buka
[Like the money in my pockets, blow](34170222)
– [Kawas duit di kantong mah, niup](34170222)
They havin’ convos about me, these pussy niggas don’t know
– Maranéhanana geus convos ngeunaan kuring, ieu niggas pussy teu nyaho

With my evil twin, all black hoodies, we hit the streets again (Hoodies)
– Jeung kembar jahat mah, sadaya hoodies hideung, urang pencét jalan deui (Hoodies)
He don’t like attention, he’ll tweak and get to reapin’ shit
– Manéhna teu resep perhatian, manéhna bakal tweak jeung meunang reapin ‘ shit
What your ass expect? We drove the whole way in a Demon, bitch (Demon)
– Naon burit anjeun nyangka? Urang ngajalankeun sakabeh jalan Dina Setan, bitch (Iblis)
He’ll pop out, won’t think twice and make you greet the switch (Pop out)
– Anjeunna bakal pop kaluar, moal mikir dua kali jeung nyieun anjeun salam switch nu (Pop kaluar)
Ah-ha-ha, is you sure you wanna meet that bitch?
– Wahhhh … jadi pengen ketemu nih anak?
If I see ill intentions, we’ll make sure you get to bleedin’ quick (Bleedin’)
– Lamun kuring ningali niat jahat, urang bakal pastikeun anjeun meunang ka bleedin ‘gancang (Bleedin’)
All exotic whips, the whole damn gang be in some rocket ships (Rocket ship)
– Sadaya whips aheng, sakabeh gang damn jadi di sababaraha kapal rokét (kapal Rokét)
Pull up to the scene, my best advice is to hide your bitch (Hide your bitch)
– Sunda formal: anu panghadena mah, nya eta anu kudu disumputkeun ku jalmi sakitu lobana, nya eta jalmi sakitu lobana, anu Kudu disumputkeun ku jalmi sakitu lobana.
I can see the lies all on your face because your eyes’ll twitch (Twitchy, twitchy)
– Aku bisa melihat bohong semuanya di wajah mu karena mata mu akan berkejut(Berkejut, berkejut)
The black ski mask all on our fuckin’ faces be disguisin’ shit (Disguise)
– Topeng ski hideung sadaya dina fucking urang ‘beungeut jadi disguisin’ shit (Nyamar)
I might have my way with your bay-bay, you wanna cry and shit
– Kuring bisa boga jalan kuring jeung bay-bay anjeun, anjeun hayang ceurik jeung shit
Rest my Glock against her fuckin’ waist, I got some pottery
– Beristirahat Glock kuring ngalawan pinggang fucking nya, kuring meunang sababaraha keramik
Ah-ah, ah-ah
– Ah-ah, ah-ah
She my bitch now, my apologies
– Manéhna bitch mah ayeuna, apology mah
Don’t need no more enemies, you rock with me? Then rock with me
– Teu perlu musuh deui, anjeun batu jeung kuring? Lajeng rock jeung me
But I’ma keep it real, she lost respect when you said, “Follow me”
– Tapi kuring tetep nyata, manéhna leungit hormat lamun ceuk, ” Tuturkeun me”

I might swerve, bend that corner, woah
– Boleh dicoba nih, hehehe
Bitch, hold on tight ’cause I’ll tweak in this bitch, start lettin’ shit go
– Hahaha … sabar je la … sebab aku nak kawen ni … nak kawen dulu … hahaha …
And I heard that she wanna show
– Jeung kuring ngadéngé yén manéhna hayang némbongkeun
Me who she be, I’m kinda fuckin’ with it, show me some more
– Me: hmmmmmmmmmmm……….. aku jadi pengen nonton lagi nih….
Bitch, we tatted head to toe, could give a fuck, the story wrote
– Bitch, urang tatted sirah ka toe, bisa méré fuck, carita wrote
You wanna tweak? Get up with me and I’ma show you how that go
– Anjeun hoyong tweak? Bangun jeung kuring jeung kuring bakal némbongkeun anjeun kumaha nu buka
Like the money in my pockets, blow
– Saperti duit di saku kuring, niup
They havin’ convos about me, these pussy niggas don’t know
– Maranéhanana geus convos ngeunaan kuring, ieu niggas pussy teu nyaho

GELO (LiAngelo Ball)



