Criomag Bhidio
Briathran Òran
I’m tired of messing up my life with
– Tha mi sgìth ‘ s mi leam fhìn
Overcomplicated moments
– Amannan duilich
And sticky situations
– Agus suidheachaidhean steigeach
I tried to fuck you with the lights on
– Tha mi a ‘ dol a dh’fheuchainn ri fuck thu leis na solais air
In the hope you’d think I’m open
– Tha mi an dòchas gu bheil mi fosgailte
And have a conversation
– Agus dèan còmhradh
I’m tired of messing up my life with
– Tha mi sgìth ‘ s mi leam fhìn
Overcomplicated moments
– Amannan duilich
And sticky situations
– Agus suidheachaidhean steigeach
You’re right, I hold it in my body
– Tha thu ceart, tha mi a ‘ cur luach air mo bheachd
Little snakes inside a bottle
– Nathraichean beaga am broinn botal
Writhing in my frustration
– A ‘ toirt buaidh air mo frustrachas
But it hurts so bad
– Ach tha e a ‘ goirteachadh cho dona
To shed my skin with you watching
– A ‘ cumail sùil air an làrach-lìn agad
You know, you know, you know
– Tha fios agad, tha fios agad
It makes me shy
– Tha e gam fhàgail diùid
Count to one, two, three
– Cunnt gu aon, dhà, trì
And show my vulnerability
– Agus seall mo chugallachd
Come on, come on, come on
– Thig air adhart, thig air adhart
Say something nice
– Abair rudeigin snog
To me
– Dhòmhsa
My body aches to be known
– Tha mo ghaol air aird a chuain
To be expressive in itself
– Gus a bhith brìoghmhor ann fhèin
I want to forgive myself
– Tha mi ag iarraidh maitheanas a thoirt dhomh fhìn
I want to release myself from the pain I have inside
– Tha mi airson mi fhèin a shaoradh bhon phian a tha agam a-staigh
My body wants to be touched in the deepest and darkest places
– Tha mo chorp airson a bhith air a suathadh anns na h-àiteachan as doimhne agus as dorcha
I want to be loved
– Tha mi ag iarraidh a bhith air a ghràdhachadh
I’m tired of messing up my life with
– Tha mi sgìth ‘ s mi leam fhìn
Overcomplicated mo—
– Mo ro-iom-fhillte—
Sticky situations
– Suidheachaidhean steigeach
Sticky situations
– Suidheachaidhean steigeach