Video Klip
– (Mason)
Uh, it’s lonely at the top, lot of people are watchin’ and want me to flop
– Usamljeno je na vrhu, puno ljudi gleda i želi da padnem.
I’m tellin’ the kids, if I can do it then anyone can, cah I came from nothin’
– Kažem deci, ako ja to mogu, onda može svako, cah došao sam iz ničega
One stop and search away from the block
– Jedna stanica i traži dalje od bloka
In this life, I don’t feel fear, only man that can make me afraid is God, uh
– U ovom životu, ne osjećam strah, jedini čovjek koji me može uplašiti je Bog, Uh
Negative press on the shade room, anythin’ good, it don’t make the blogs
– Negativan pritisak na hladovinu, ništa dobro, to ne čine blogove
They didn’t sit at the table when it was chicken shop
– Nisu sedeli za stolom kada je bila prodavnica piletine
Now it’s steak and lobster edamame and Pan-Asian cod
– Sada je odrezak i jastog edamame i Panazijski bakalar
My first bedroom smaller than a jail cell, now the crib’s on a ten-acre plot
– Moja prva spavaća soba manja od zatvorske ćelije, sada je krevetić na parceli od deset hektara
First time I committed a crime was petty, I couldn’t afford what the trainers cost
– Prvi put kad sam počinio zločin bio je sitan, nisam si mogao priuštiti koliko koštaju treneri.
First time I sold crack, I was just sixteen, witnessin’ that at that age was wrong
– Prvi put kad sam prodao crack, imao sam samo šesnaest godina, svjedočio sam da je u tim godinama bilo pogrešno
Detached myself from every emotion, hopin’ I’ll get my paper long
– Odvojio sam se od svih emocija, nadajući se da ću dobiti svoje novine
One brick phone, one iPhone, no SIM, listenin’ to the same old song
– Jedan telefon od cigle, jedan iPhone, bez simulacije, slušam istu staru pjesmu
I’m jumpin’ the barriers, if the inspector get on the train, I’m gone
– Preskačem barijere, ako inspektor uđe u voz, ja odlazim.
Now the whip that I’m in’s an impatient one, put my foot on the gas when the light goes amber
– Sada bič u kojem sam nestrpljiv, stavim nogu na gas kada svjetlo postane jantarno
Try touch me and guns will shoot, we don’t do kung fu and fight like Panda
– Probaj da me pipneš i pucaće, mi ne radimo kung fu i borimo se kao Panda.
My guy’s a convicted criminal, so he gotta hide from cameras
– Moj tip je osuđeni kriminalac, pa se mora skrivati od kamera.
All of my bitches pretty as hell, I can start up a beauty pageant
– Sve moje kučke lijepe kao pakao, mogu pokrenuti izbor ljepote
How’d I end up all the way in Clapham, I started my day in NW2
– Kako sam završio skroz u Claphamu, započeo sam svoj dan u NW2
Deliverin’ food direct to your door, you can leave a review like Deliveroo
– Isporučujući hranu direktno na svoja vrata, možete ostaviti pregled kao što je Deliveroo
Sticks outside for a special occasion, nank on hip that’s everyday shit
– Drži se vani za posebnu priliku, nank na hip to je svakodnevno sranje
Gotta thank God that I never did, dark and light, did sell it in twos
– Moram da se zahvalim Bogu da nisam, dark and light, nisam prodao u dvoje
Before I got the invite to Mike Rubin’s all-white party, 4th of July
– Prije nego što sam dobio pozivnicu na bijelu zabavu Mikea Rubina, 4. jula
I was sat in the trap with a pack all night, cocaine fragrance, weren’t dressed in white
– Sjedio sam u zamci sa paketom cijelu noć, miris kokaina, nisam bio obučen u bijelo
Fifteen minutes away from the shot, but I said that I’d get there in less than five
– Petnaest minuta udaljen od pucnja, ali Rekao sam da ću stići tamo za manje od pet
It gives me the ick when girls come around and try too hard to impress the guys
– To mi daje bljak kada djevojke dolaze oko i pokušati previše impresionirati momke
I sat and I told the Sony exec’, “If you give me a ten for a tape, I’ll sign” (Uh)
– Sjeo sam i rekao sam Sony exec-u’, “Ako mi date desetku za traku, potpisat ću” (Uh)
Everything’s gonna come to an end, when I counted an M, I was on cloud nine
– Sve će se završiti, kad sam izbrojao M, bio sam na devetom oblaku.
If it weren’t rap, I would’ve been a pimp, I look at a bitch and I see pound signs
– Da nije rap, bio bih svodnik, pogledao sam kučku i vidio znakove funte
Plus one thousand aura, even if I don’t talk, they’ll feel our vibe
– Plus hiljadu aura, čak i ako ne razgovaram, osjetit će našu vibru
Label execs don’t care if we’re murderers long as your catalogue’s bringin’ in revenue
– Rukovodioci etiketa ne mare da li smo ubice sve dok vaš katalog donosi prihod
They’ll sign you and when you go broke and end up in jail, they’re quick to forget you
– Potpisat će te i kad bankrotiraš i završiš u zatvoru, brzo te zaborave.
I can’t worry ’bout album sales, I got serious shit that I’m tryin’ to get through
– Ne mogu da brinem o prodaji albuma, imam ozbiljna sranja koja pokušavam da prebrodim
How can they talk down on my name for tryna get paid, I’m playin’ a chess move
– Kako mogu govoriti dolje na moje ime za tryna Plaćeni, igram šah potez
GTA, I’m usin’ cheat codes, cheat at school in exams, I’m fucked
– GTA, koristim cheat kodove, varam u školi na ispitima, sjeban sam
I cheat on my wife, but how can you blame me? I cheated life
– Varam svoju ženu, ali kako me možeš kriviti? Varao Sam život.
I weren’t supposed to make it this far, I got no grades, I ain’t even wise
– Nisam trebao stići dovde, nemam ocjene, nisam čak ni mudar.
Walk down Uxbridge Road, I reckon that one in three of these people high
– Hodaj ulicom Uxbridge, mislim da je jedan od tri ljudi visok.
Supply and demand, that’s how I get by, she tellin’ me how a trap boy’s her type
– Ponuda i potražnja, tako se snalazim, ona mi govori kako je momak za zamke njen tip
I’m tryna not get too used to the life, I’m stayin’ inside, avoidin’ the hype
– Trudim se da se ne naviknem na život, ostajem unutra, izbegavam buku
So many gyal that are wantin’ to fuck, I’m turnin’ them down, they’re wonderin’ why
– Toliko gyala koji žele da se jebu, ja ih odbijam, pitaju se zašto.
I’m nonchalant, not shy, my entourage top five, I’m probably one of the—
– Nonšalantna sam, ne stidljiva, moja pratnja prvih pet, verovatno sam jedna od—
I’ve gotta be one of the greats
– Moram biti jedan od najboljih.
I’ll get number one album, easy, it’s not like the bar’s set high these days
– Nabavit ću album broj jedan, easy, nije kao da je bar postavljen visoko ovih dana
I came in the scene at an all-time low, I don’t know, but I think I revived the game
– Došao sam na scenu na najnižem nivou, ne znam, ali mislim da sam oživio igru
I’ve been prayin’ that times will change
– Molio sam se da će se vremena promeniti.
Premeditatin’ a graceful exit, in the meantime, I’ll try maintain
– Nameditin ‘ graciozan izlaz, u međuvremenu, ja ću pokušati održavati
– U redu.
– (Mason)