Video Klip
What’s your definition of “real”?
– Koja je tvoja definicija “stvarnog”?
Or what’d you look at as real?
– Ili šta ti gledaš kao stvarno?
Shootin’ people for your friends
– Pucanje u ljude za tvoje prijatelje.
Shootin’ people for your friends?
– Ubijaš ljude za svoje prijatelje?
– Da.
That’s “real” to you?
– To je”stvarno” za tebe?
Yeah ([?])
– Da.])
Uh, what’s your definition of “real”, what is it?
– Koja je tvoja definicija “stvarno”, šta je to?
If it’s somethin’ like them, then I must be fake (Must be)
– Ako je nešto poput njih, onda moram biti lažna (mora biti)
And they don’t want smoke, so it must be vape (Must be)
– I ne žele dim, tako da mora biti vape (mora biti)
If she ain’t on coke, then it must be K (Must be)
– Ako nije na kokainu, onda mora biti K (mora biti)
If she don’t wanna fuck, then she must be gay, huh (Must be)
– Ako se ne želi jebati, onda mora biti gej, ha (mora biti)
If that’s what you call real, I’m as fake as it gets
– Ako je to ono što vi zovete stvarnim, ja sam lažan koliko može biti.
Say life’s a gamble, I’m placin’ my bet, I’m takin’ a risk, I ain’t playin’ roulette
– Recimo da je život kockanje, stavljam svoju opkladu, preuzimam rizik, ne igram rulet
They ask where I’m at and I gave an address, but they go on the net and they makin’ a threat
– Pitali su me gdje sam i dao sam adresu, ali su otišli na net i napravili prijetnju
I don’t know why they thought I was makin’ this bread, but I definitely weren’t just to stay in the ends
– Ne znam zašto su mislili da pravim ovaj hljeb, ali definitivno nisam bio samo da ostanem na kraju
Took bro off the road, we don’t trap no more, that’s what I call real
– Skinuo bro sa puta, mi više ne klopka, to je ono što ja zovem pravi
Retire your mum, that’s what I call real, my dad got a yard, that’s what I call real
– Penzioniši mamu, to ja zovem pravim, moj tata ima dvorište, to ja zovem pravim
And tell the mandem in jail, “If you need anythin’, just call”, that’s what I call real
– I reci mandemu u zatvoru, “ako ti nešto zatreba, samo nazovi”, to je ono što ja zovem stvarnim
And they don’t really call cah my friends don’t rely on me much, that’s what I call real
– I oni zapravo ne zovu cah moji prijatelji se ne oslanjaju na mene mnogo, to je ono što ja zovem stvarnim
Beef man over postcodes, then go jail, leave your mum all alone, that’s what I call fake, uh
– Govedar preko poštanskih brojeva, onda idi u zatvor, ostavi mamu samu, to ja zovem lažnim, uh
Live a life that your music don’t portray, that’s what I call fake
– Živite život koji vaša muzika ne prikazuje, to ja zovem lažnim
All of that’s claimin’ this and that, but it weren’t even them, that’s what I call fake
– Sve to tvrdi ovo i ono, ali to nisu bili ni oni, to je ono što ja zovem lažnim
Uh, what’s your definition of “real”, what is it?
– Koja je tvoja definicija “stvarno”, šta je to?
If it’s somethin’ like them, then I must be fake (Must be)
– Ako je nešto poput njih, onda moram biti lažna (mora biti)
And they don’t want smoke, so it must be vape (Must be)
– I ne žele dim, tako da mora biti vape (mora biti)
If she ain’t on coke, then it must be K (Must be)
– Ako nije na kokainu, onda mora biti K (mora biti)
If she don’t wanna fuck, then she must be gay, huh (Must be)
– Ako se ne želi jebati, onda mora biti gej, ha (mora biti)
If that’s what you call real, I’m as fake as it gets
– Ako je to ono što vi zovete stvarnim, ja sam lažan koliko može biti.
Say life’s a gamble, I’m placin’ my bet, I’m takin’ a risk, I ain’t playin’ roulette
– Recimo da je život kockanje, stavljam svoju opkladu, preuzimam rizik, ne igram rulet
They ask where I’m at and I gave an address, but they go on the net and they makin’ a threat
– Pitali su me gdje sam i dao sam adresu, ali su otišli na net i napravili prijetnju
I don’t know why they thought I was makin’ this bread, but I definitely weren’t just to stay in the ends
– Ne znam zašto su mislili da pravim ovaj hljeb, ali definitivno nisam bio samo da ostanem na kraju
If I ain’t on the top of the UK game and it’s up for debate, then it must be Dave
– Ako nisam na vrhu UK igre i to je za raspravu, onda mora da je Dave
If they’re wearin’ a chain and ain’t taggin’ the jewellers, I’m gonna assume that it must be fake
– Ako nose lančić i ne označavaju zlatare, pretpostaviću da je lažan.
I was a troublesome kid in my house, had my mumsy shoutin’, “You must behave”
– Bio sam problematično dijete u kući, mama mi je vikala, “moraš se ponašati”
You see a white man in a North Face hoodie and straight-cut jeans, then it must be Jakes
– Kad vidiš bijelca u North Face dukserici i raskopčanim farmerkama, onda mora da je Jakes.
I’m still with my bros from back in the day, so if they ain’t with me, they must be snakes, hm
– Još uvijek sam sa svojim braćom iz prošlosti, pa ako nisu sa mnom, onda su sigurno zmije, hm
It’s Friday night, why they actin’ brave? Think they must be waved
– Petak je veče, zašto se ponašaju hrabro? Mislim da moraju mahati
They’re tryna throw dirt on my name and say it’s PR and it must be staged
– Oni pokušavaju baciti prljavštinu na moje ime i reći da je PR i to mora biti inscenirano
Old friends ain’t showin’ me love, I can only imagine it must be hate
– Stari prijatelji mi ne pokazuju ljubav, mogu samo da zamislim da je to mržnja.
What is it?
– Šta je to?
If it’s somethin’ like them, then I must be fake (Must be)
– Ako je nešto poput njih, onda moram biti lažna (mora biti)
And they don’t want smoke, so it must be vape (Must be)
– I ne žele dim, tako da mora biti vape (mora biti)
If she ain’t on coke, then it must be K (Must be)
– Ako nije na kokainu, onda mora biti K (mora biti)
If she don’t wanna fuck, then she must be—, huh (Must be)
– Ako se ne želi jebati, onda mora biti -, ha (mora biti)