Video Klip
If you got what it takes, I’ll take it
– Ako imaš ono što je potrebno, Ja ću to uzeti
This shit took ages
– Ovo sranje je trajalo godinama.
Should know that you can’t rush greatness
– Treba znati da ne možete žuriti sa veličinom
But you’re too impatient
– Ali ti si previše nestrpljiv.
One million views ain’t famous
– Milion pregleda nije poznato
I need me a crib, no neighbours, mad
– Treba mi krevetac, bez komšija, lud
I need me a thousand acres
– Treba mi hiljadu hektara
Can’t wait till a man’s on—
– Jedva čekam da se pojavi muškarac.—
Let’s reignite that flame, I fucked some hoes, they ain’t quite the same
– Hajde da ponovo zapalimo taj plamen, jebao sam neke kurve, nisu sasvim iste
I’ve got more money than all of my elders even though they are twice my age
– Imam više novca od svih starijih, iako su duplo stariji od mene.
I just reunited with some of the killies, I gotta remind ’em that life has changed
– Upravo sam se spojio sa nekim od killieja, moram ih podsjetiti da se život promijenio
Previously, it was crime that paid, but now, I get by in a righteous way
– Ranije, to je bio zločin koji plaća, ali sada, ja se po na pravedan način
Push bike time I would ride in the rain, now I’m takin’ a flight for the climate change
– Gurajte vrijeme bicikla vozio bih se po kiši, Sada letim za klimatske promjene
Long-haul flight and I’m flyin’ commercial, if I’m in Europe, it’s private planes
– Let na duge relacije i letim komercijalnim, ako sam u Evropi, to su privatni avioni
You seen what happened to PnB Rock? I can’t even wine and dine these days
– Jesi li vidio šta se desilo sa PNB stijenom? Ovih dana ne mogu ni vino ni večerati
We got somethin’ in common with hockey, why? Cah we all got ice and blades
– Imamo nešto zajedničko sa hokejem, zašto? Cah svi imamo LED i oštrice
I felt like a prick when I went to the BRITs and they gave the award to a guy called Aitch
– Osjećao sam se kao kreten kad sam otišao Britancima i dali su nagradu tipu po imenu Aitch
I had my acceptance speech prepared like, “Long live F’s”, I’m goin’ insane
– Pripremio sam svoj govor kao, “živeo F”, poludeću.
And free all the guys inside of the cage, uh
– I osloboditi sve momke u kavezu, uh
I need a bitch that’s bougie and don’t give bruddas the time of day
– Treba mi kučka koja je bougie i ne daj bruddas doba dana
If they don’t wanna fuck, I don’t try persuade
– Ako ne žele jebati, ne pokušavam nagovoriti
I look in the mirror and big up myself, I’m feelin’ myself, I’m kinda vain
– Gledam se u ogledalo i uzdižem se, osećam sebe, nekako sam sujetan
I don’t think that these guys relate, they’ve never experienced this type of pain
– Mislim da se ovi momci ne slažu, nikada nisu iskusili ovu vrstu bola
Claustrophobic, I’m feelin’ stressed, I can’t find the exit, life’s a maze
– Klaustrofobičan, pod stresom sam, ne mogu naći izlaz, život je labirint
Pinch myself, I feel like I’m dreamin’, but I’m not asleep, I’m wide awake
– Osećam se kao da sanjam, ali ne spavam, budan sam
If you got what it takes, I’ll take it
– Ako imaš ono što je potrebno, Ja ću to uzeti
This shit took ages
– Ovo sranje je trajalo godinama.
Should know that you can’t rush greatness
– Treba znati da ne možete žuriti sa veličinom
But you’re too impatient
– Ali ti si previše nestrpljiv.
One million views ain’t famous
– Milion pregleda nije poznato
I need me a crib, no neighbours, mad
– Treba mi krevetac, bez komšija, lud
I need me a thousand acres
– Treba mi hiljadu hektara
Can’t wait till a man’s on—
– Jedva čekam da se pojavi muškarac.—
Remember the meals were microwaved
– Zapamtite da su obroci bili u mikrotalasnoj pećnici
Now my private chef is askin’ how do I like my steak
– Sada moj privatni kuhar pita kako ja volim svoj odrezak
Now my driver’s wage is two hundred racks a year, I got private plates
– Sada je moja vozačka plata dvije stotine regala godišnje, imam privatne tablice
I never had nowhere to go, sometimes I’d spend a whole night on train
– Nikad nisam imao gde da odem, ponekad bih proveo celu noć u vozu
Now the crib’s so big, I just hired a maid
– Sada je krevetac toliko velik, da sam upravo unajmio sobaricu.
The opps ain’t makin’ it out of the hood, I can find out where my rivals stay
– Oppsi ne prave to iz kvarta, mogu saznati gdje su moji rivali.
I see blue lights in the distance, is it police, ambulance or fire brigade?
– Vidim plava svjetla u daljini, je li to policija, hitna pomoć ili vatrogasna brigada?
My eyes dilated, the line vibratin’, it’s 4 in the mornin’, my grind insane
– Oči su mi se proširile, linija vibratin’, 4 je ujutro, moj grind lud
I know the pagans are aggravated, I got the whole gang on the Wireless stage
– Znam da su Pagani uznemireni, imam cijelu bandu na bini.
Five years in and I’m still the same, can’t say that I’ve changed despite the fame
– Pet godina i još uvijek sam isti, ne mogu reći da sam se promijenio uprkos slavi
The jack boys tryna find a stain, if they’re in the club, then hide your chain
– Jack boys pokušavaju pronaći mrlju, ako su u klubu, onda sakrijte svoj lanac
I know the opps got sticks as well, but the guns we bought got wider range, uh
– Znam da i oppsi imaju štapove, ali oružje koje smo kupili ima širi domet, uh
They can’t keep my name out their mouth, sus, they actually might be—
– Oni ne mogu držati moje ime iz usta, sus, oni zapravo može biti—
Look, my family stay out the way, when they see the camera, they hide their face
– Vidi, moja porodica se kloni puta, kada vide kameru, sakriju lice.
CRG, I quite like this pace, back out the rod and bite the bait
– CRG, sviđa mi se ovaj tempo, povuci štap i zagrizi mamac.
We get on our grind and hibernate, they go on the net, start typin’ hate
– Mi se namažemo i hiberniramo, oni idu na mrežu, počinju kucati mržnju
At the end of the day when my time does come, they’ll write my name alongside the greats
– Na kraju dana, kada dođe moje vrijeme, napisat će moje ime uz velikane.
If you got what it takes, I’ll take it
– Ako imaš ono što je potrebno, Ja ću to uzeti
You ready for another spoiler?
– Jeste li spremni za još jedan spojler?
This shit took ages
– Ovo sranje je trajalo godinama.
I’ve always been a man of bold predictions
– Uvek sam bio čovek hrabrih predviđanja
Should know that you can’t rush greatness
– Treba znati da ne možete žuriti sa veličinom
And I’m predictin’ that this guy right here
– I predviđam da je ovaj tip ovdje.
But you’re too impatient
– Ali ti si previše nestrpljiv.
Star in the makin’
– Star in the makin’
One million views ain’t famous
– Milion pregleda nije poznato
Comin’ out of West London
– Comin’ out of West London
I need me a crib, no neighbours, mad
– Treba mi krevetac, bez komšija, lud
Some of you may know the name
– Neki od vas možda znaju ime
I need me a thousand acres
– Treba mi hiljadu hektara
But for those who don’t, it’s my guy
– Ali za one koji to ne čine, to je moj momak
Can’t wait till a man’s on—
– Jedva čekam da se pojavi muškarac.—
Central Cee
– Centralne Cee