Tekst Pesnı
If you got what it takes, I’ll take it
– Eger sizge qajet nárseni alsańyz, men ony alamyn
This shit took ages
– Bul boq máńgilikke sozyldy
Should know that you can’t rush greatness
– Ulylyqqa asyqpaý kerektigin bilý kerek
But you’re too impatient
– Biraq siz tym shydamsyzsyz
One million views ain’t famous
– Bir mıllıon qaralym tanymal emes
I need me a crib, no neighbours, mad
– Maǵan shpargalka kerek, kórshiler joq, jyndy
I need me a thousand acres
– Maǵan myń gektar jer kerek
Can’t wait till a man’s on—
– Er adam qosylǵansha kúte almaımyn—
Let’s reignite that flame, I fucked some hoes, they ain’t quite the same
– Sol jalyndy qaıta jandandyraıyq, men birneshe ketmendi urdym, olar birdeı emes
I’ve got more money than all of my elders even though they are twice my age
– Meniń barlyq aqsaqaldaryma qaraǵanda aqsham kóp, biraq olar menen eki ese úlken
I just reunited with some of the killies, I gotta remind ’em that life has changed
– Men jańa ǵana keıbir óltirýshilermen qaıta qosyldym, olarǵa ómirdiń ózgergenin eske salýym kerek
Previously, it was crime that paid, but now, I get by in a righteous way
– Buryn bul qylmys úshin tólengen, biraq qazir men ádil jolmen ómir súrip jatyrmyn
Push bike time I would ride in the rain, now I’m takin’ a flight for the climate change
– Velosıpedpen júrý ýaqytyn tezdetińiz, men jańbyrda júrer edim, endi men klımattyń ózgerýine baılanysty reıske otyramyn
Long-haul flight and I’m flyin’ commercial, if I’m in Europe, it’s private planes
– Uzaq qashyqtyqqa ushý jáne men komersıalyq reıstermen ushamyn, Eger Men Eýropada bolsam, bul jeke ushaqtar
You seen what happened to PnB Rock? I can’t even wine and dine these days
– Siz PnB Rock-qa ne bolǵanyn kórdińiz be? Bul kúnderi men tipti sharap iship, keshki as ishe almaımyn
We got somethin’ in common with hockey, why? Cah we all got ice and blades
– Bizde hokeımen ortaq nárse bar, nege? O, bárimizde muz ben júzder bar
I felt like a prick when I went to the BRITs and they gave the award to a guy called Aitch
– Men Brıtandyqtarǵa barǵan kezde ózimdi aqymaq sezindim, olar Marapatty Eıch esimdi jigitke berdi
I had my acceptance speech prepared like, “Long live F’s”, I’m goin’ insane
– Meniń qabyldaý sózim kelesideı daıyndaldy: “F’ S Uzaq Ómir súrsin”, “men jyndy bolyp bara jatyrmyn”.
And free all the guys inside of the cage, uh
– Jáne tordyń ishindegi barlyq jigitterdi bosatyńyz, ýh
I need a bitch that’s bougie and don’t give bruddas the time of day
– Maǵan býgı stılindegi qanshyq kerek, men brýddasqa táýliktiń ýaqytyn bermeımin
If they don’t wanna fuck, I don’t try persuade
– Eger olar urǵysy kelmese, men sendirýge tyryspaımyn
I look in the mirror and big up myself, I’m feelin’ myself, I’m kinda vain
– Men aınaǵa qarap, ózimdi úlkeıtemin, ózimdi jaqsy sezinemin, men ózimdi beker sezinemin
I don’t think that these guys relate, they’ve never experienced this type of pain
– Meniń oıymsha, bul jigitter bir-birimen baılanysty emes, olar eshqashan mundaı aýyrsynýdy bastan ótkergen emes
Claustrophobic, I’m feelin’ stressed, I can’t find the exit, life’s a maze
– Klaýstrofobıa, men kúızeliske ushyradym, shyǵýdyń jolyn taba almaımyn, ómir-labırınt
Pinch myself, I feel like I’m dreamin’, but I’m not asleep, I’m wide awake
– Ózimdi shymshyp al, men ózimdi armandaǵandaı sezinemin, biraq men uıyqtamaımyn, men oıaýmyn
If you got what it takes, I’ll take it
– Eger sizge qajet nárseni alsańyz, men ony alamyn
This shit took ages
– Bul boq máńgilikke sozyldy
Should know that you can’t rush greatness
– Ulylyqqa asyqpaý kerektigin bilý kerek
But you’re too impatient
– Biraq siz tym shydamsyzsyz
One million views ain’t famous
– Bir mıllıon qaralym tanymal emes
I need me a crib, no neighbours, mad
– Maǵan shpargalka kerek, kórshiler joq, jyndy
I need me a thousand acres
– Maǵan myń gektar jer kerek
Can’t wait till a man’s on—
– Er adam qosylǵansha kúte almaımyn—
Remember the meals were microwaved
– Esińizde bolsyn, taǵamdar mıkrotolqyndy peshte pisirilgen
Now my private chef is askin’ how do I like my steak
– Endi meniń jeke aspazym steıkimdi qalaı unatatynymdy suraıdy
Now my driver’s wage is two hundred racks a year, I got private plates
– Qazir meniń júrgizýshimniń jalaqysy jylyna eki júz sóreni quraıdy, mende jeke nómirler bar
I never had nowhere to go, sometimes I’d spend a whole night on train
– Meniń eshqashan baratyn jerim bolmady, keıde men túni boıy poıyzda boldym
Now the crib’s so big, I just hired a maid
– Qazir besiktiń úlkendigi sonsha, men jańa ǵana qyzmetshi jaldadym
The opps ain’t makin’ it out of the hood, I can find out where my rivals stay
– Qarsylastar muny sorǵyshtan shyǵarmaıdy, men qarsylastarymnyń qaıda qalatynyn bile alamyn
I see blue lights in the distance, is it police, ambulance or fire brigade?
– Alystan kók shamdardy kórip turmyn, bul polısıa, jedel járdem nemese órt sóndirý qyzmeti me?
My eyes dilated, the line vibratin’, it’s 4 in the mornin’, my grind insane
– Meniń kózim baqyraıyp ketti, syzyq dirildep ketti, tańerteń saǵat 4-te, meniń aqyl-oıym buzyldy
I know the pagans are aggravated, I got the whole gang on the Wireless stage
– Men putqa tabynýshylardyń shıeleniskenin bilemin, Men Búkil topty Symsyz sahnaǵa shyǵardym
Five years in and I’m still the same, can’t say that I’ve changed despite the fame
– Bes jyl ótti, men áli de solaımyn, ataq-dańqqa qaramastan ózgerdim dep aıta almaımyn
The jack boys tryna find a stain, if they’re in the club, then hide your chain
– Djek uldary daq tabýǵa tyrysady, eger olar klýbta bolsa, shynjyryńyzdy jasyryńyz
I know the opps got sticks as well, but the guns we bought got wider range, uh
– Men opps-tiń de taıaqshalary bar ekenin bilemin, biraq biz satyp alǵan myltyqtardyń aýqymy keńirek boldy, ıá
They can’t keep my name out their mouth, sus, they actually might be—
– Olar meniń atymdy aýzynan shyǵara almaıdy, sýs, olar shynymen de solaı bolýy múmkin—
Look, my family stay out the way, when they see the camera, they hide their face
– Qarańyzshy, meniń otbasym joldan aýlaq júredi, olar kamerany kórgende betterin jasyrady
CRG, I quite like this pace, back out the rod and bite the bait
– CRG, maǵan bul qarqyn óte unaıdy, taıaqshany artqa tartyp, jemdi tistep al
We get on our grind and hibernate, they go on the net, start typin’ hate
– Biz jumysqa kirisemiz jáne uıyqtaımyz, olar jelige kiredi, jek kórýshilikti tere bastaıdy
At the end of the day when my time does come, they’ll write my name alongside the greats
– Aqyr sońynda, meniń ýaqytym kelgende, olar meniń atymdy ulylardyń qasyna jazady
If you got what it takes, I’ll take it
– Eger sizge qajet nárseni alsańyz, men ony alamyn
You ready for another spoiler?
– Siz taǵy bir spoılerge daıynsyz ba?
This shit took ages
– Bul boq máńgilikke sozyldy
I’ve always been a man of bold predictions
– Men árqashan batyl boljamdardyń adamy boldym
Should know that you can’t rush greatness
– Ulylyqqa asyqpaý kerektigin bilý kerek
And I’m predictin’ that this guy right here
– Men bul jigittiń dál osy jerde ekenin boljaımyn
But you’re too impatient
– Biraq siz tym shydamsyzsyz
Star in the makin’
– Makındegi juldyz’
One million views ain’t famous
– Bir mıllıon qaralym tanymal emes
Comin’ out of West London
– Batys Londonnan keledi
I need me a crib, no neighbours, mad
– Maǵan shpargalka kerek, kórshiler joq, jyndy
Some of you may know the name
– Keıbireýlerińiz bul esimdi biletin shyǵarsyz
I need me a thousand acres
– Maǵan myń gektar jer kerek
But for those who don’t, it’s my guy
– Biraq muny jasamaıtyndar úshin bul meniń jigitim
Can’t wait till a man’s on—
– Er adam qosylǵansha kúte almaımyn—
Central Cee
– Ortalyq Ortalyq Azıa