Vidéo Klip
Love me
– Asih ka abdi
‘Cause, baby, I need you (Ooh)
– Sayang, ku butuh dirimu (Ooh)
Love me
– Asih ka abdi
‘Cause, baby, I need you
– Karna ku butuh dirimu
Woo (Ooh)
– Anu (Ooh)
Feels like you’re a part of me, yeah
– Seolah-olah kau bagian dari aku, ya
And I can’t lie, you still get to me
– Dan ku tak bisa bohong, kau tetap menghadapi ku
Oh no, I’m in my feelings, fuck their logic
– Oh henteu, kuring di parasaan kuring, fuck logika maranéhanana
They can never tear us ‘part, we symbiotic
– Maranéhanana moal bisa nyokot bagian urang, urang simbiosis
No matter what I tell the world, we always locked in
– Henteu masalah naon anu kuring carioskeun ka dunya, urang salawasna dikonci
So I gently tilt my head like my mama always said
– Jadi kuring gently condong sirah mah kawas mama mah sok ceuk
And drink it slow, take it slow
– Dan minum lambat, buat lambat
I don’t got the tolerance like before
– Kuring teu boga kasabaran kawas saméméhna
You pick me up when I’m low
– Anjeun nyokot kuring nepi lamun kami low
I’m not violent to my body anymore
– Kuring teu telenges ka awak kuring deui
But I’m not scared, fuck it, overdose
– Tapi aku tak takut, fuck it, overdose
No one thought I’d make it past twenty-four
– Teu aya anu nyangka kuring bakal ngalakukeun éta dua puluh opat
And when the curtains call, I hope you mourn
– Jeung lamun curtains nelepon, kuring miharep anjeun duka
And if you don’t, I hope you enjoy the fuckin’ show
– Tapi kalau takde, aku harap kau menikmati fucking’ show
Let me know, let me know, baby
– Biar ku tahu, biar ku tahu, sayang
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
– Enya, enya, enya, enya
– (Enya)
Let me be
– Hayu atuh jadi
Let me be
– Hayu atuh jadi
Yeah, ski, woo (Woo)
– Enya, ski, woo (Woo)
I can’t feel my face anymore
– Tak bisa ku rasa wajahku lagi
I don’t wanna give you any space anymore
– Abdi teu hoyong masihan anjeun spasi wae deui
I don’t wanna feel like I’m alone anymore
– Ku tak ingin merasa seolah ku sendiri lagi
I can’t live without you, I’ve been goin’ through withdrawals
– Ku tak bisa hidup tanpamu, ku terlalu menghindar
You’re my favorite drug, you’re my favorite drug (Ah)
– Anjeun ubar favorit kuring, anjeun ubar favorit kuring (Ah)
Got me in my feelings, back drinkin’ mud
– Kembalikan rasa, kembalikan rasa
Got me in my feelings, back drinkin’ mud
– Kembalikan rasa, kembalikan rasa
Don’t want the drugs, don’t want the drugs anymore
– Ulah hayang narkoba, ulah hayang narkoba deui
Got out my feelings, inside my duffel
– Kaluar parasaan kuring, di jero duffel kuring
Come hit the dust with the devil (Oh no)
– Hayu pencét lebu jeung iblis (oh no)
I’m sayin’ a prayer for the rebels
– Abdi ngadoa pikeun para pemberontak
I’m in her mouth like a real one
– Kuring di sungut nya kawas hiji nyata
Ain’t doin’ no cappin’, ain’t with all that cappin’, ain’t nothin’ like these rap niggas
– Teu ngalakukeun ‘no cappin’, teu jeung sagala nu cappin’, teu nothing ‘ kawas ieu rap niggas
I done been ’round the globe, fuckin’ these hoes, still actin’ like a trap nigga
– Kuring geus ‘buleud dunya, fucking’ hoes ieu, masih akting ‘ kawas hiji nigga bubu
Plus, a bitch brain can’t be unchained, I’m like a shootin’ star
– Walaupun otak gak bisa ngeliat, tapi kayak gitu hehehe………..
Take a bump of caviar, surfin’ at the baddest broad
– Candak hiji bump of kaviar, surfing ‘ di baddest lega
Real diamonds shine in dark
– Intan nu sabenerna caang dina poék
Bad bitches, knockin’ ’em off
– Bad bitches, knocking ‘ em kaluar
Bad bitches, knockin’ ’em off
– Bad bitches, knocking ‘ em kaluar
Bad bitches, knockin’ ’em off
– Bad bitches, knocking ‘ em kaluar
I’m in my feelings, Hendrix
– Abdi dina parasaan abdi, Hendrix
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
– Enya, enya, enya, enya
Yeah, ski
– Enya, ski
– Woo (basa inggris)
Let me be
– Hayu atuh jadi
Let me be
– Hayu atuh jadi
Like a middle-aged child star, way I’m fuckin’ tweakin’
– Macam budak tadika je … hehehehe … macam budak tadika je … hehehe …
3 a.m. sunset, fryin’ like a phoenix
– 3 a. m. panonpoé tilelep, fryin ‘ kawas phoenix a
Got a nigga nose sniffin’, need a box of Kleenex
– Meunang nigga irung sniffin’, butuh kotak Tina Kleenex
Bloated in my face ’cause the chemicals releasin’
– Dibengkakkeun dina beungeut kuring ‘sabab bahan kimia ngaleupaskeun’
Guess I could be healthy, but I’m tryna find a reason
– Boleh dicoba nih, tapi saya coba cari alasan
Traumas in my life, I’ve been hesitant to heal ’em
– Trauma dina kahirupan kuring, kuring geus hesitated cageur ‘ em
Take another hit, or my music, they won’t feel it
– Candak hit sejen, atawa musik kuring, maranéhna moal ngarasa eta
I just wanna die when I’m at my fuckin’ peak
– Ku hanya ingin mati bila ku di puncak fucking’ kuring
And drink it slow, won’t drink it slow
– Dan minum lambat, tak akan jadi lambat
I don’t want the tolerance anymore
– Ku tak ingin toleransi lagi
Wanna stay up, fuck the floor
– Hayang tetep nepi, fuck lantai
Feel the violence creepin’ up, that’s for sure
– Rasa kekerasan nyusup, éta pasti
And I’m ready, I’ll go overdose
– Dan ku siap, ku akan overdose
I don’t wanna make it past thirty-four
– Kuring teu hayang nyieun eta kaliwat tilu puluh opat
And when the curtains call, I hope you mourn
– Jeung lamun curtains nelepon, kuring miharep anjeun duka
But if you don’t, I hope you enjoy the fuckin’ show
– Tapi kalau kau tak, aku harap kau menikmati fucking ‘ show
Let me know, let me know, baby
– Biar ku tahu, biar ku tahu, sayang