The Weeknd – Red Terror Gaelic Briathran Òran & Gàidhlig Na H-Alba Eadar-theangachadh

Criomag Bhidio

Briathran Òran

Oh, woah
– Tha mi a’
Oh, woah
– Tha mi a’
Oh, woah, woah
– Tha, tha, tha
Oh, woah
– Tha mi a’
Oh, woah
– Tha mi a’
Oh, woah, woah
– Tha, tha, tha

You’re not heavy, I rocked you to sleep, I hold you for hours long
– Chan eil thu trom, chuir mi rocked thu gu cadal, bidh mi gad chumail airson uairean a-thìde
Never heavy, I won’t let you weep
– Cha dean mi caoidh, cha dean mi caoidh

Hush, my child, you’re mine
– A mhic, tha thu agam
All my life, I try
– Fad mo bheatha, tha mi a ‘ feuchainn

Oh, you were never heavy, light just like a feather
– O, cha robh thu riamh trom, aotrom dìreach mar itean
I ran from the terror, the ground was red from the led
– Ruith mi bhon uamhas, bha an talamh dearg bhon stiùir
You were never scary, I knew you were special
– Cha robh eagal ort a-riamh, bha fios agam gu robh thu sònraichte
My only intention, alone, I left to the west
– An t-aon rùn a th ‘agam,’ nam aonar, dh’fhàg mi an taobh an iar
Then moved to the city, eight months, we were pregnant
– An uairsin ghluais sinn chun bhaile-mòr, ochd mìosan, bha sinn trom
You came out so precious, in the snow, you would grow
– Thàinig thu a-mach cho prìseil, anns an t-sneachda, dh’fhàsadh tu
Your mama loves you, you’ll never be alone
– Tha gaol aig mama ort agus cha bhith thu nad aonar gu bràth

Hush, my child, you’re mine (I know, I know, I know, hey)
– O, mo leanabh, tha fios agam, tha fios agam, tha fios agam, tha fios agam, tha fios agam, tha fios agam
All my life, I try (Sorry, mama, sorry, mama, woah, woah)
– Fad mo bheatha, bidh mi a ‘ feuchainn (Duilich, mama, duilich, mama, woah, woah)
To keep you warm, when I go (I go, I feel so cold without you, mama, I feel so cold without you, woah)
– Gus do chumail blàth, nuair a thèid mi (thèid mi, tha mi a ‘faireachdainn cho fuar às do aonais, mama, tha mi a’ faireachdainn cho fuar às do aonais, woah)
You’re still my child, don’t cry
– Is tu mo leanabh, na bi a ‘ caoineadh

Death is nothing at all, it does not count
– Chan eil bàs ann idir, chan eil e a ‘ cunntadh
I have only slipped away into the next room
– Cha d ‘ fhuair mi ach a-steach don t-seòmar-ionnlaid
Nothing has happened
– Cha do thachair dad
Everything remains exactly how it was
– Tha a h-uile dad fhathast dìreach mar a bha e
I am I and you are you
– I am me, i am u
And the old life that we lived so fondly together is untouched, unchanged
– Agus tha an seann bheatha a bha sinn a ‘ fuireach cho fondly còmhla gun suathadh, gun atharrachadh
Whatever we were to each other, that we are still
– Ge bith dè a bha sinn ri chèile, gu bheil sinn fhathast
Call me by the old, familiar name
– Call me-chòrdalachd le ainmean

The Weeknd


