Kendrick Lamar – HUMBLE. Gaelic Briathran Òran & Gàidhlig Na H-Alba Eadar-theangachadh

Criomag Bhidio

Briathran Òran

Nobody pray for me
– Chan eil duine ag ùrnaigh air mo shon
It been that day for me
– ‘S an là sin air mo shon-sa
Way (Yeah, yeah)
– Tha Way (yeah)

Ayy, I remember syrup sandwiches and crime allowances
– Ayy, tha cuimhne agam air ceapairean syrup agus cuibhreannan eucoir
Finesse a nigga with some counterfeits, but now I’m countin’ this
– A-nis tha mi a’ dol a dh ‘fheuchainn ri cuid de dhealbhan a luchdachadh sìos, ach a-nis tha mi a’ dol a dh ‘ fheuchainn
Parmesan where my accountant lives, in fact, I’m downin’ this
– Far a bheil mo leannan a’ fuireach, tha mi a ‘ fuireach an seo
D’ussé with my boo bae, tastes like Kool-Aid for the analysts
– Kabhi socha na tha kabhi socha na tha
Girl, I can buy your ass the world with my paystub
– Nighean, is urrainn dhomh do asal a cheannach leis an t-saoghal le mo phàigheadh
Ooh, that pussy good, won’t you sit it on my taste bloods?
– Ooh, a ‘ phuing sin math, nach suidh thu air mo fhuil blas?
I get way too petty once you let me do the extras
– Bidh mi a ‘faighinn dòigh ro bheag aon uair’ s gun leig thu leam na rudan a bharrachd a dhèanamh
Pull up on your block, then break it down, we playin’ Tetris
– Tiotal a’ chlàir-tha Sinn a ‘ dol A dh’Èirigh
A.m. to the p.m., p.m. to the a.m., funk
– A. m. to tha p. m., funk
Piss out your per diem, you just gotta hate ’em, funk
– Tab bhi uska hi haath tha mere haath mein
If I quit your BM, I still ride Mercedes, funk
– Ma sguireas mi DO BM, bidh Mi fhathast a ‘ marcachd Mercedes, funk
If I quit this season, I still be the greatest, funk
– Ma leigeas mi seachad an t-seusan seo, bidh mi fhathast mar an neach as motha, funk
My left stroke just went viral
– Chaidh an stròc clì agam dìreach viral
Right stroke put lil’ baby in a spiral
– A ‘cur casg air lil’ baby ann an shnìomhanach
Soprano C, we like to keep it on a high note
– C, is toil leinn a bhith ga chumail air nota àrd
It’s levels to it, you and I know
– Tha e na ìrean dha, thu fhèin agus mise

Bitch, be humble (Hold up, bitch)
– Bitch, bi iriosal (Cùm suas, bitch)
Sit down (Hold up, lil’— hold up, lil’ bitch)
– Suidh sìos (Cùm suas, lil’— cùm suas, lil ‘ bitch)
Be humble (Hold up, bitch)
– Bi coibhneil (Cùm suas, bitch)
Sit down (Hold up, sit down, lil’— sit down, lil’ bitch)
– Suidh sìos (Cùm suas, suidh sìos, lil’ – suidh sìos, lil ‘ bitch)
Be humble (Hold up, hold up, hold up, hold up, lil’ bitch)
– A’ cumail suas, a ‘cumail suas, a’ cumail suas, a ‘cumail suas, a’ cumail suas
Bitch, sit down (Hold up, lil’ bitch)
– Suidh, suidh, suidh sìos
Be humble (Hold up, bitch)
– Bi coibhneil (Cùm suas, bitch)
Sit down (Hold up, hold up, hold up, hold up)
– Suidh sìos (Seas suas, seas suas, seas suas)
Be humble (Hold up, hold up, hold up, hold up, lil’—)
– Bi iriosal (Cùm suas, cùm suas, cùm suas, lil’—)
Sit down (Hold up, lil’ bitch)
– Sit down [deasaich an tùs]
Be humble (Hold up, bitch)
– Bi coibhneil (Cùm suas, bitch)
Sit down (Hold up, sit down, lil’— sit down, lil’ bitch)
– Suidh sìos (Cùm suas, suidh sìos, lil’ – suidh sìos, lil ‘ bitch)
Be humble (Hold up, hold up, hold up, hold up, lil’ bitch)
– A’ cumail suas, a ‘cumail suas, a’ cumail suas, a ‘cumail suas, a’ cumail suas
Bitch, sit down (Hold up, lil’ bitch)
– Suidh, suidh, suidh sìos
Be humble (Hold up, bitch)
– Bi coibhneil (Cùm suas, bitch)
Sit down (Hold up, hold up, hold up, hold up)
– Suidh sìos (Seas suas, seas suas, seas suas)

Who that nigga thinkin’ that he frontin’ on Man-Man? (Man-Man)
– Cò ris a tha e coltach a Bhith A’ bruadar Mu Fhear? (Fear-Fear)
Get the fuck off my stage, I’m the Sandman (Sandman)
– Get tha fuck off my stage, i’m Tha Sandman
Get the fuck off my dick, that ain’t right
– Get tha fuck off my dick, that’s right
I make a play fucking up your whole life
– Tha mi a ‘ dèanamh dealbh-chluich fucking suas do bheatha gu lèir
I’m so fuckin’ sick and tired of the Photoshop
– Tha mi sgìth’ s mi leam fhìn i am tired and i Am Tired
Show me somethin’ natural like afro on Richard Pryor
– Kabhi socha bhi na Tha rishtey mera
Show me somethin’ natural like ass with some stretch marks
– Seall dhomh rudeigin nàdarra mar asal le cuid de chomharran sìnte
Still’ll take you down right on your mama couch in Polo socks
– Mar a gheibh thu cuidhteas falt ann an couch Polo
Ayy, this shit way too crazy, ayy, you do not amaze me, ayy
– Ayy, an dòigh shit seo ro chraicte, ayy, chan eil thu a ‘ cur iongnadh orm, ayy
I blew cool from AC, ayy, Obama just paged me, ayy
– Tha Mi a ‘ sèideadh cool bho AC, ayy, Obama dìreach paged me, ayy
I don’t fabricate it, ayy, most of y’all be fakin’, ayy
– Chan eil mi ga dhèanamh, ayy, a ‘mhòr-chuid de y’all a bhith fakin’, ayy
I stay modest ’bout it, ayy, she elaborate it, ayy
– Tha mi a ‘fuireach meadhanach’ bout e, ayy, i a ‘ dèanamh suas e, ayy
This that Grey Poupon, that Evian, that TED Talk, ayy
– Seo A ‘Poupon Liath, An Evian sin, A’ Bruidhinn TED, ayy
Watch my soul speak, you let the meds talk, ayy
– M ‘anam a’ bruidhinn, leig leis na meds bruidhinn, ayy
If I kill a nigga, it won’t be the alcohol, ayy
– Ma tha mi a ‘marbhadh nigga, chan e an deoch a th’ ann, ayyy
I’m the realest nigga after all
– I’m tha realest nigga

Bitch, be humble (Hold up, bitch)
– Bitch, bi iriosal (Cùm suas, bitch)
Sit down (Hold up, lil’— hold up, lil’ bitch)
– Suidh sìos (Cùm suas, lil’— cùm suas, lil ‘ bitch)
Be humble (Hold up, bitch)
– Bi coibhneil (Cùm suas, bitch)
Sit down (Hold up, sit down, lil’— sit down, lil’ bitch)
– Suidh sìos (Cùm suas, suidh sìos, lil’ – suidh sìos, lil ‘ bitch)
Be humble (Hold up, hold up, hold up, hold up, lil’ bitch)
– A’ cumail suas, a ‘cumail suas, a’ cumail suas, a ‘cumail suas, a’ cumail suas
Bitch, sit down (Hold up, lil’ bitch)
– Suidh, suidh, suidh sìos
Be humble (Hold up, bitch)
– Bi coibhneil (Cùm suas, bitch)
Sit down (Hold up, hold up, hold up, hold up)
– Suidh sìos (Seas suas, seas suas, seas suas)
Be humble (Hold up, hold up, hold up, hold up, lil’—)
– Bi iriosal (Cùm suas, cùm suas, cùm suas, lil’—)
Sit down (Hold up, lil’ bitch)
– Sit down [deasaich an tùs]
Be humble (Hold up, bitch)
– Bi coibhneil (Cùm suas, bitch)
Sit down (Hold up, sit down, lil’— sit down, lil’ bitch)
– Suidh sìos (Cùm suas, suidh sìos, lil’ – suidh sìos, lil ‘ bitch)
Be humble (Hold up, hold up, hold up, hold up, lil’ bitch)
– A’ cumail suas, a ‘cumail suas, a’ cumail suas, a ‘cumail suas, a’ cumail suas
Bitch, sit down (Hold up, lil’ bitch)
– Suidh, suidh, suidh sìos
Be humble (Hold up, bitch)
– Bi coibhneil (Cùm suas, bitch)
Sit down (Hold up, hold up, hold up, hold up)
– Suidh sìos (Seas suas, seas suas, seas suas)

Kendrick Lamar


