Criomag Bhidio
Briathran Òran
Who’s callin’ my phone? (Who’s callin’ that shit?)
– Cò tha a ‘ gairm mo iphone? [Dòmhnall moireasdan] cò ris a tha sin coltach?)
Who’s callin’ my phone? (Who’s callin’ that shit?)
– Cò tha a ‘ gairm mo iphone? [Dòmhnall moireasdan] cò ris a tha sin coltach?)
Who’s callin’ my phone? (Who’s callin’ that shit?)
– Cò tha a ‘ gairm mo iphone? [Dòmhnall moireasdan] cò ris a tha sin coltach?)
Who’s callin’ my phone? (Who’s callin’ that shit?)
– Cò tha a ‘ gairm mo iphone? [Dòmhnall moireasdan] cò ris a tha sin coltach?)
Who’s callin’ my phone? (Who? Who?)
– Cò tha a ‘ gairm mo iphone? (Cò? Cò?)
Who’s callin’ my phone? (Who? Who?)
– Cò tha a ‘ gairm mo iphone? (Cò? Cò?)
Who’s callin’ my phone? (Yeah, yeah)
– Cò tha a ‘ gairm mo iphone? (Yeah, yeah)
Who’s callin’ my phone? (OVO Sound, 2025)
– Cò tha a ‘ gairm mo iphone? (FUAIM OVO, 2025)
Who’s callin’ my phone? (Who’s callin’ that shit?)
– Cò tha a ‘ gairm mo iphone? [Dòmhnall moireasdan] cò ris a tha sin coltach?)
Who’s callin’ my phone?
– Cò tha a ‘ gairm mo iphone?
Is it Stacy? (Who’s callin’ my phone?)
– A Bheil E Stacy? Cò tha a ‘ gairm mo iphone ?)
Is it Becky? (Who’s callin’ my phone?)
– A Bheil E Becky? Cò tha a ‘ gairm mo iphone ?)
Is it Keisha? (Who’s callin’ my phone?)
– Dè Tha Keisha? Cò tha a ‘ gairm mo iphone ?)
Is it Ellie? (Who’s callin’ my phone?)
– Dè Tha Ann An Tìrnamblòg? Cò tha a ‘ gairm mo iphone ?)
Was it Dani? (Who’s callin’ my phone?)
– Dè Tha Ann An tìrnamblòg? Cò tha a ‘ gairm mo iphone ?)
Is it PARTY? (Who’s callin’ my phone?)
– A BHEIL E PÀRTAIDH? Cò tha a ‘ gairm mo iphone ?)
Where’s the function? (Where the fuck the function?)
– Càit a bheil an oifis? (Càite a bheil an obair?)
Send the addy (Where the fuck the function?)
– Cuir a-steach an seòladh puist-d Agad (Càite a bheil an seòladh puist-d agad?)
The way I feel right now, I feel like we need to be all alone
– Mar a tha mi a ‘faireachdainn an-dràsta / tha mi a’ faireachdainn mar gum feum sinn a bhith uile nar n-aonar
So if you just playin’ around, you need to tell your girl, “Take your fine ass home,” and that’s real
– Mar sin ma tha thu dìreach a’ cluich timcheall, feumaidh tu innse don nighean agad, “Thoir do asal grinn dhachaigh,” agus tha sin fìor
Stop teasin’ me, yeah, what? Stop teasin’ me
– Stad a ‘ smocadh, seadh, dè? Cuir stad air mo ghaol
I could change your life so easily
– B ‘ urrainn dhomh do bheatha atharrachadh cho furasta
I keep beggin’ you to stay, but you’re leavin’ me
– Tha mi a’ guidhe ort fuireach / ach tha thu a’ fàgail mi
Leavin’ me, we got sticks in the club illegally
– Tha sinn a ‘cluich ball-coise anns a’ chlub
Got the whole 6ix side, they believe in me
– Fhuair thu an taobh 6ix gu lèir, tha iad a ‘ creidsinn annam
We got members east of the DVP
– Fhuair sinn buill taobh an ear AN DVP
We got members west on the 401
– Fhuair sinn buill an iar air an 401
We had a lock on the game, but it’s more to come
– Bha sinn a ‘ cluich ball-coise, ach tha barrachd ri thighinn
You gotta pop that ass ’til the morning come
– Feumaidh tu pop an t-asal sin gus an tig a ‘ mhadainn
You want shots for the girls? Then order some
– A bheil thu ag iarraidh seataichean airson nan nigheanan? An uairsin òrdaich cuid
Who’s callin’ my phone? (Who’s callin’ that?)
– Cò tha a ‘ gairm mo iphone? [Ùisdean] cò tha sin a ‘ call?)
Who’s callin’ my phone? (Who’s callin’ that shit?)
– Cò tha a ‘ gairm mo iphone? [Dòmhnall moireasdan] cò ris a tha sin coltach?)
Who’s callin’ my phone? (Who’s callin’ that shit?)
– Cò tha a ‘ gairm mo iphone? [Dòmhnall moireasdan] cò ris a tha sin coltach?)
Who’s callin’ my phone? (Who’s callin’ that shit?)
– Cò tha a ‘ gairm mo iphone? [Dòmhnall moireasdan] cò ris a tha sin coltach?)
Who’s callin’ my phone? (Who? Who?)
– Cò tha a ‘ gairm mo iphone? (Cò? Cò?)
Who’s callin’ my phone? (Who? Who?)
– Cò tha a ‘ gairm mo iphone? (Cò? Cò?)
Who’s callin’ my phone? (Who? Who?)
– Cò tha a ‘ gairm mo iphone? (Cò? Cò?)
Who’s callin’ my— (Ayy)
– Tha mo ghaol air àird a’ chuain (My lad)
Is it Stacy? (Who’s callin’ my phone?)
– A Bheil E Stacy? Cò tha a ‘ gairm mo iphone ?)
Is it Becky? (Who’s callin’ my phone?)
– A Bheil E Becky? Cò tha a ‘ gairm mo iphone ?)
Is it Keisha? (Who’s callin’ my phone?)
– Dè Tha Keisha? Cò tha a ‘ gairm mo iphone ?)
Is it Ashley? (Who’s callin’ my phone?)
– Dè Tha Ashley? Cò tha a ‘ gairm mo iphone ?)
Was it Dani? (Who’s callin’ my phone?)
– Dè Tha Ann An tìrnamblòg? Cò tha a ‘ gairm mo iphone ?)
Is it PARTY? (Who’s callin’ my phone?)
– A BHEIL E PÀRTAIDH? Cò tha a ‘ gairm mo iphone ?)
Where’s the function? (Where the fuck the function?)
– Càit a bheil an oifis? (Càite a bheil an obair?)
Send the addy (Where the fuck the function?)
– Cuir a-steach an seòladh puist-d Agad (Càite a bheil an seòladh puist-d agad?)
Baby girl
– Nighean leanaibh
Baby girl
– Nighean leanaibh
Baby girl
– Nighean leanaibh
Baby girl
– Nighean leanaibh
Let me see you do your dance, let me see you twirl
– Leig dhomh do fhaicinn a ‘ dèanamh do dhannsa, leig dhomh fhaicinn thu twirl
Shakin’ ass in the club with your homegirls
– A’ cluich ball-coise anns a ‘ chlub le do nigheanan
Take a pic for the ‘Gram, show the whole world (Show the whole world), yeah
– Gabh dealbh airson A ‘ Gram, seall an saoghal gu lèir (Seall an saoghal gu lèir), seadh
Is that your bestie?
– An e sin do bheachdan?
I’ma ice both of y’all like Gretzky
– Tha mi a ‘ guidhe a h-uile dad mar Zwift
I’ma at you like bless me
– Tha mi a ‘ guidhe ort mar mo bheannachadh
Hit the dance floor, get nasty, impress me
– Tapadh leibh, tapadh leibh, tapadh leibh
Baby girl
– Nighean leanaibh
Let me see you do your dance, let me see you twirl
– Leig dhomh do fhaicinn a ‘ dèanamh do dhannsa, leig dhomh fhaicinn thu twirl
Shakin’ ass in the club with your homegirls
– A’ cluich ball-coise anns a ‘ chlub le do nigheanan
Take a pic for the ‘Gram, show the whole world (Show the whole world), yeah
– Gabh dealbh airson A ‘ Gram, seall an saoghal gu lèir (Seall an saoghal gu lèir), seadh
Is that your bestie?
– An e sin do bheachdan?
I’ma ice both of y’all like Gretzky
– Tha mi a ‘ guidhe a h-uile dad mar Zwift
I’ma at you like bless me
– Tha mi a ‘ guidhe ort mar mo bheannachadh
Hit the dance floor, get nasty, impress me
– Tapadh leibh, tapadh leibh, tapadh leibh
Ayy, how many hoes in this club?
– [ Màiri] cia mheud duine a tha a ‘fuireach anns a’ bhaile seo?
Is it just me and you, my love?
– An e thusa agus mise, a ghràidh?
I don’t mean to call you no ho
– Cha mi thoe cha pai thoe cha pai
I just heard about the things that you do, my love
– Tha mi dìreach air cluinntinn mu na rudan a tha thu a ‘ dèanamh, mo ghràdh
And you’re just like me, if it’s true, my love, ayy
– Agus tha thu dìreach mar mise, ma tha e fìor, mo ghràdh, ayy
You could see right through my love, ayy
– ‘S urrainn dhut coimhead tro mo ghaol, ayyy
I see your waist shrunk, my love, ayy
– Tha mo ghaol air àird a ‘ chuain, a ghràidh
You got some bass in the trunk, my love, damn
– Tha thu a ‘ fuireach ann an alba, a ghràidh
How many hoes in this club?
– Cia mheud ball a tha anns a ‘ chlub seo?
Is it really just me, my love?
– An e mise a th ‘ ann, a ghràidh?
You know my dad ‘nem pimpin’ for real
– Cluich nem pimpin airson fìor
You ever been down to Memphis, Tennessee, my love? Uh
– A bheil thu a-Riamh a ‘ fuireach Ann Am Memphis, My love? Uh
I ain’t sayin’ I agree, my love
– Chan eil mi ag aontachadh, a ghràidh
I’m just tellin’ you the things I seen, my love
– Tha mi dìreach ag innse dhut na rudan a chunnaic mi, a ghràidh
I got drinks, jokes, sex, and cash
– Fhuair mi deochan, fealla-dhà, gnè, agus airgead
Those are four things I can guarantee, my love, ayy
– Is iad sin ceithir rudan as urrainn dhomh a ghealltainn, mo ghràdh, ayy
Baby girl
– Nighean leanaibh
Let me see you do your dance, let me see you twirl
– Leig dhomh do fhaicinn a ‘ dèanamh do dhannsa, leig dhomh fhaicinn thu twirl
Shakin’ ass in the club with your homegirls
– A’ cluich ball-coise anns a ‘ chlub le do nigheanan
Take a pic for the ‘Gram, show the whole world (Show the whole world), yeah
– Gabh dealbh airson A ‘ Gram, seall an saoghal gu lèir (Seall an saoghal gu lèir), seadh
Is that your bestie?
– An e sin do bheachdan?
I’ma ice both of y’all like Gretzky
– Tha mi a ‘ guidhe a h-uile dad mar Zwift
I’ma at you like bless me
– Tha mi a ‘ guidhe ort mar mo bheannachadh
Hit the dance floor, get nasty, impress me
– Tapadh leibh, tapadh leibh, tapadh leibh
Baby girl
– Nighean leanaibh
Let me see you do your dance, let me see you twirl
– Leig dhomh do fhaicinn a ‘ dèanamh do dhannsa, leig dhomh fhaicinn thu twirl
Shakin’ ass in the club with your homegirls
– A’ cluich ball-coise anns a ‘ chlub le do nigheanan
Take a pic for the ‘Gram, show the whole world (Show the whole world), yeah
– Gabh dealbh airson A ‘ Gram, seall an saoghal gu lèir (Seall an saoghal gu lèir), seadh
Is that your bestie?
– An e sin do bheachdan?
I’ma ice both of y’all like Gretzky
– Tha mi a ‘ guidhe a h-uile dad mar Zwift
I’ma at you like bless me
– Tha mi a ‘ guidhe ort mar mo bheannachadh
Hit the dance floor, get nasty, impress me
– Tapadh leibh, tapadh leibh, tapadh leibh