Criomag Bhidio
Briathran Òran
Shout Brian Steel, I’m too geeked for the guys
– Chalo hum bhi tumhare saath mein too
Yeah, woah, I’ve been in the house, but I’m comin’ outside tonight
– Yeah, woah, tha mi air a bhith san taigh, ach tha mi a’ tighinn a-muigh a-nochd
Girl, you’re so sexy, there’s nothin’ that I wanna keep on the side
– Nighean, tha thu cho sexy / chan eil dad ann a tha mi airson cumail air an taobh
Yeah, I love how you always be speakin’ your mind
– Yeah, tha gaol agam ort mar a bhios tu an-còmhnaidh a ‘ bruidhinn nad inntinn
I feel things, baby, but lately, I’m feeling things deeper inside, oh, real
– Tha mi a ‘faireachdainn rudan, pàisde, ach o chionn ghoirid, tha mi a’ faireachdainn rudan nas doimhne a-staigh, oh, fìor
It’s your front, your behind, you’re sweet, you’re kind
– ‘S e do cheann, do chùl, tha thu milis, tha thu coibhneil
The pussy so good, it could keep me inside
– An pussy cho math, dh ‘ fhaodadh e mo chumail a-staigh
But fuck that, baby, I gotta pop out with the guys tonight, ayy
– Ach fuck sin, pàisde, feumaidh mi pop a-mach leis na guys a-nochd, ayy
Pussy so good that I should be inside, ayy
– ‘S mor am beud gum bu chòir dhomh bhith ‘n dràst’ i would be within
I took some polka dot, girl, now I’m seeing designs, oh, yeah
– Ghabh mi beagan polka dot, nighean, a-nis tha mi a ‘ faicinn dealbhaidhean, oh, yeah
Big page reachin’, done freed up the Slime, oh shit
– A ‘dol a-mach, a’ toirt a-mach an T-Slime, oh shit
Broski just hit me, said, “Put all the beef on the side,” I can’t
– Tha Broski dìreach air mo bhualadh, thuirt e, “Cuir a h-uile mairtfheòil air an taobh,” chan urrainn dhomh
Mm-mm, I’m heated now, yeah
– Mmm, tha mi blàth a-nis, tha mi blàth
Niggas want meet up, talk about shit, I’m vegan now (For real)
– Tha Niggas ag iarraidh coinneachadh suas, bruidhinn mu dheidhinn cac, tha mi vegan a-nis (airson fìor)
Evil eyes were staring at me and I see it now
– Tha mo shùilean a ‘deàrrsadh agus tha mi a’ faicinn
Yeah, shout Brian Steel, take off the cuffs, we leavin’ now, ayy, what?
– Yeah, èigh Brian Stàilinn, thoir air falbh na cufaichean, tha sinn a ‘fàgail’ a-nis, ayy, dè?
You just hit me up like, “W-Y-D?”
– Thu dìreach bhuail mi suas mar, ” W-Y-D?”
Same old shit, girl, you know what’s up with me
– Fuck young girl, tha fios agad dè a th’ annam
Beefing with boys that we don’t ever see
– A ‘ coinneachadh girls gu bheil sinn nach do ghabh a-riamh
I’m out every night and they not in the streets
– Tha mi a-muigh a h-uile h-oidhche agus chan eil iad air na sràidean
She got that PARTY4 stuck on repeat
– Fhuair i AM PARTY4 sin steigte air ath-aithris
I got plaques like I haven’t been brushing my teeth
– Bha mi a ‘dannsa mar nach robh mi a’ dannsa
What’s up with you when you fuckin’ with me?
– Dè suas thu tinn minn?
‘Cause that’s what you should be discussin’ with me
– ‘Adhbhar gur e sin a bu chòir dhut a bhith a ‘bruidhinn rium’
Yeah, that’s what we should be talkin’ about
– Yeah, is e sin a bu chòir dhuinn a bhith a’ bruidhinn mu dheidhinn
Twenty-five deep when they walkin’ me out
– Fichead mionaid’ n uair a dh ‘ fhalbh mi
‘Cause too many pussies been fuckin’ with me
– ‘Adhbhar gu bheil cus pussies air a bhith fuckin’ còmhla rium
Yeah, yeah, what? Yeah
– Seadh, seadh, dè? Yeah
Pussy so good that I should be inside, but I gotta step out with my guys
– Pussy cho math gum bu chòir dhomh a bhith a-staigh, ach feumaidh mi ceum a-mach le mo ghillean
Yeah, ayy
– Yeah, aicha
Pussy so good that I should be inside, but I had to step out with the guys
– Pussy cho math gum bu chòir dhomh a bhith a-staigh, ach bha agam ri ceum a-mach leis na balaich