PARTYNEXTDOOR – SOMEBODY LOVES ME Gaelic Briathran Òran & Gàidhlig Na H-Alba Eadar-theangachadh

Criomag Bhidio

Briathran Òran

All the girls
– A h-uile nighean
I know there’s somebody who loves me
– Tha fios agam gu bheil gaol aig cuideigin orm
Somebody who really loves me (Who loves me)
– Tha gaol aig cuideigin orm (Who loves me)
And that’s all I need
– Is e sin a h-uile rud a tha mi ag iarraidh

We in Miami turnin’ up another night (A night)
– Tha Sinn ann Am Miami turnin ‘ up another night (a night)
We smokin’ broccoli, but she smellin’ Baccarat (‘Carat)
– Tha sinn a’ smocadh broccoli, ach tha i a’ smellin ‘ Baccarat (‘Carat)
I’m in her panties tryna get all in her crotch (Her crotch)
– Tha mi anns na panties aice tryna faigh a h-uile càil na crotch (A crotch)
Friends, all of my friends and they tryna get got (Get got)
– Caraidean, a h-uile mo charaidean agus tha iad tryna get got (Get got)
Her name is Angel, but she’s far from God (From God)
– Is E Aingeal An t-ainm a th ‘ oirre, ach tha i fada bho Dhia (Bho Dhia)
Bet it don’t pay well to fall in love (In love)
– ‘Chan eil e a’ pàigheadh gu math airson tuiteam ann an gaol (Ann an gaol).
Must be the stars, but something’s linin’ up (It’s up)
– Feumaidh gur e na reultan a th ‘ann, ach tha rudeigin linin’ suas (Tha e suas)
Thought my exes was bad, but you finer (Finer)
– Bha mi a ‘ smaoineachadh gu robh mo exes dona, ach tha thu nas mionaidiche (Nas Mionaidiche)
Oh, no, no, no (Oh, oh, oh)
– O, cha robh, Cha robh (Oh, oh)

Yeah, yeah
– Yeah, yeah
Somebody who loves me in the buildin’
– ‘Tha gaol aig cuideigin orm ann an gaol’
Somebody who feel me in the buildin’ (Oh, oh, oh)
– Tha cuideigin a ‘faireachdainn mi anns an togalach’ (Oh, oh)
We throw fifty thou’ to the ceiling, oh yeah
– Tilgidh sinn leth-cheud thu ‘chum a’ mhullaich, o seadh

Oh yeah, yeah
– Tha, tha, tha

We in Miami turnin’ up another night (A night)
– Tha Sinn ann Am Miami turnin ‘ up another night (a night)
We took the trophy, let the shorties take the yacht (‘Carat)
– Ghabh sinn an duais, leig leis na geàrdan an iacht a ghabhail (‘Carat)
We all in Santos, I rented out the spot (Her crotch)
– Tha sinn uile ann An Santos, tha mi air màl a-mach às an àite (A crotch)
Friends, all of my friends and they tryna get got (Get got)
– Caraidean, a h-uile mo charaidean agus tha iad tryna get got (Get got)
Her name is Angel, but she must forgot (From God)
– Is E Aingeal An t-ainm a th ‘ oirre, ach feumaidh i dìochuimhneachadh (Bho Dhia)
She say her bestie wanna get home and swall’
– Tha i ag ràdh i bestie ag iarraidh faighinn dhachaigh agus swall’
I said, “On shot,” baby, and that’s doin’ a lot
– Thuirt mi, “Air losgadh,” pàisde, agus tha sin a ‘ deanamh mòran
I’m tryna do more than bust down your watch
– Tha mi a ‘ dèanamh barrachd na bust sìos an uaireadair agad
I need somebody who gon’ meet me at the top
– Tha feum agam air cuideigin a choinnicheas mi aig a ‘ mhullach
Who’s out there for me?
– Cò tha a-muigh airson mo?
Who’s out there for me?
– Cò tha a-muigh airson mo?
Who’s out there for me?
– Cò tha a-muigh airson mo?
Said it don’t pay well to fall in love (In love)
– ‘Chan eil e a’ pàigheadh gu math airson tuiteam ann an gaol (Ann an gaol).
I need the stars or somethin’ linin’ up (It’s up)
– Tha feum agam air na reultan no rudeigin’ linin’ suas (Tha E suas)
Thought my ex-bitch was bad, but you finer (Finer)
– Bha mi a ‘ smaoineachadh gu robh mo ex-bitch dona, ach tha thu nas mionaidiche (Finer)
Oh yeah (Oh, oh, oh)
– Obh obh, Obh, òbh, obh.

Yeah, yeah
– Yeah, yeah
Somebody who loves me in the buildin’
– ‘Tha gaol aig cuideigin orm ann an gaol’
Somebody who feel me in the buildin’ (Oh, oh, oh)
– Tha cuideigin a ‘faireachdainn mi anns an togalach’ (Oh, oh)
We throw fifty thou’ to the ceiling, oh yeah
– Tilgidh sinn leth-cheud thu ‘chum a’ mhullaich, o seadh

I know there’s somebody who loves me
– Tha fios agam gu bheil gaol aig cuideigin orm
Somebody who really loves me (Who loves me)
– Tha gaol aig cuideigin orm (Who loves me)
And that’s all I need, yeah
– A h-uile dad a tha mi ag iarraidh, yeah
I’m holding y’all hands real, real, real, real tight when I say this ’cause I don’t feel like fightin’
– Tha mi a ‘cumail làmhan y’all fìor, fìor, fìor teann nuair a chanas mi seo ‘adhbhar chan eil mi a’faireachdainn mar sabaid’
But please quit callin’ them lil’ one-week breaks celibacy
– Mar a chuireas tu stad air a bhith a’ cur às do libido fad na h-ùine
You’re not celibate
– Chan eil thu celibate
You’re not celibate
– Chan eil thu celibate
You’re not celibate
– Chan eil thu celibate



