PARTYNEXTDOOR – CELIBACY Gaelic Briathran Òran & Gàidhlig Na H-Alba Eadar-theangachadh

Criomag Bhidio

Briathran Òran

It’s been too long, celibacy
– Tha e ro fhada, ge-tà
What do you want? Tell it to me
– Dè tha thu ag iarraidh? Innis dhomh

Dropped to my knees
– A ‘ tuiteam gu mo ghlùinean
Let me break your streak, I’m begging you, please
– Tapadh leibh, tha mi a ‘ guidhe ort
‘Cause it’s been four months and two weeks and thirty-six hours
– ‘Adhbhar gu bheil e air a bhith ceithir mìosan agus dà sheachdain agus trì fichead uair a thìde
And eight minutes since you’ve been pleased
– Och nan och mar chaidh thu dhachaidh
So please, please give me that opportunity
– Mar sin, feuch an toir thu dhomh an cothrom sin
To get you right where you need to be
– A ‘ toirt cothrom dhut a bhith far a bheil feum agad air
Is this what you want? Is this what you want?
– An e seo na tha thu ag iarraidh? An e seo na tha thu ag iarraidh?
Is this what you want? Is this what you want?
– An e seo na tha thu ag iarraidh? An e seo na tha thu ag iarraidh?
Is this what you want?
– An e seo na tha thu ag iarraidh?
I’m on call for these type of things
– Tha mi ag iarraidh a leithid de rudan
Pour me a shotty, let it flow through my body
– ‘S tric a rinn mi seòladh tro m’ fhalt
Flow through my body, flow through my body
– A ‘sruthadh tro mo chorp, a’ sruthadh tro mo bhodhaig
Is this what you want?
– An e seo na tha thu ag iarraidh?
Audemus is all in our cup
– Tha a h-uile dad ann an òrdugh
We got a lot of things to discuss
– Tha tòrr rudan againn ri dheasbad
Like these men you know you can’t trust
– Leis an fhear seo nach urrainn dhut earbsa a bhith agad
Or these girls that just don’t give me enough
– No na nigheanan sin nach eil a ‘ toirt dhomh gu leòr
Fuck, I guess it’s up and it’s stuck
– Fuck, tha mi a ‘ smaoineachadh gu bheil e suas agus tha e glaiste
We’re not like them, baby, and they’re not like us, either one
– Chan eil sinn coltach riutha, pàisde, agus chan eil iad coltach rinn, aon seach aon.
Ross keeps on bringing that bottle and topping you up
– Tha ros a ‘cumail air a’ toirt a ‘bhotal sin agus a’ toirt suas thu
Got you talking so tough while I’m calling your bluff
– A ‘bruidhinn cho cruaidh fhad’ s a tha mi a ‘ gairm do bluff

It’s been too long, celibacy
– Tha e ro fhada, ge-tà
What do you want? Tell it to me
– Dè tha thu ag iarraidh? Innis dhomh

Yeah (Uh)
– Tha (Uh)

The concept of you and I (I)
– Thu fhèin agus mise (thu)
Take it one night at a time (A time)
– Gabh e aon oidhche aig aon àm (aon uair)
Heart, body, and your mind (Oh, ooh)
– Do chridhe, do chorp, Agus do inntinn (Ooh, ooh)
I love that we intertwine
– ‘S toigh leam cruinneag dhonn nam bo
And I learned from mistakes I made with girls that made it worse (Come on now)
– Agus dh ‘ ionnsaich mi bho mhearachdan a rinn mi le caileagan a rinn nas miosa e (Thig air adhart a-nis)
You’ll never take our kids away from me, we’d make it work
– Cha toir thu ar clann air falbh bhuam, nì sinn e ag obair
Girl, I’m focused and I’m mesmerized (Mesmerized)
– Tha mi sgith ‘ s mi leam fhìn (I am mesmerized)
Eyes starin’ at the prize (The prize)
– A ‘ coimhead air adhart ris an duais (the prize)
Life is good between your thighs (Between your thighs)
– Tha beatha gu math eadar-dhealaichte bho do chasan .
Shake ’til your paralyzed (Paralyzed, uh)
– A ‘coimhead air adhart ri do cho-dhùnadh (Paralyzed)
I’m rocking you straight to sleep (Okay, to sleep)
– Tha mi a ‘ dol dhan leabaidh (i’m going to sleep)
Love having you so weak (So weak, oh my)
– Tha thu cho lag (you are weak)
I know what you really like (What you like)
– Tha fios agam dè tha thu a ‘ còrdadh riut (I know what you like)
I know what you really like (What you like)
– Tha fios agam dè tha thu a ‘ còrdadh riut (I know what you like)
I know what you really like
– Tha fios agam dè a dh ‘ fheumas tu
I know
– Tha fios agam

Ayy, ayy
– Tha, tha



