Selena Gomez – Call Me When You Break Up Engleski Tekstovi & Bosanski Prijevodi

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Call me when you break up
– Nazovi me kad raskineš.
I wanna be the first one on your mind when you wake up
– Želim da ti budem prva na umu kada se probudiš
I miss the way we’d stay up
– Nedostaje mi način na koji ćemo ostati budni.
We’d talk about forever when I’m takin’ off my makeup
– Pričali smo o večnosti kada skidam šminku
Call me when you break up
– Nazovi me kad raskineš.
And maybe for a time I could have the space they take up
– I možda bih neko vrijeme mogao imati prostor koji zauzimaju
And make you forget what their name was
– I da zaboraviš kako se zovu.
And when you’re feelin’ down, I can show you what you’re made of
– I kada se budeš osjećala Loše, mogu ti pokazati od čega si napravljena.

Call me when you break up (Ah-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah, ah, ah)
– Nazovi me kad raskineš (Ah-ah-ah ,ah-ah-ah, ah, ah)
Call me when you break up (Ah-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah, ah, ah)
– Nazovi me kad raskineš (Ah-ah-ah ,ah-ah-ah, ah, ah)

I’ll make it worth it, I’ll make it worth it
– Isplatiće se, isplatiće se.
I’ll make it worth it, I’ll make it worth it
– Isplatiće se, isplatiće se.
I’ll make it worth it, I’ll make it worth it
– Isplatiće se, isplatiće se.
I’ll make it worth it (And maybe you could)
– Učinit ću da se isplati (i možda biste mogli)

Call me when you break up
– Nazovi me kad raskineš.
I’m battlin’ the lack of us, I’ve looked for medication
– Borim se sa nedostatkom nas, tražio sam lekove.
Tried every obvious replacement
– Isprobao svaku očiglednu zamjenu
In bars, in strangers’ beds until my faith was in the basement
– U barovima, u krevetima stranaca dok moja vera nije bila u podrumu.
Won’t you call me when you break up?
– Zar me nećeš nazvati kad raskineš?
I feel so outta luck, I’m skipping cracks along the pavement
– Nemam sreće, preskačem pukotine po pločniku.
Look, I’m emotionally bankrupt
– Emocionalno sam bankrotirao.
We’re so meant for each other, I mean, God, when will you wake up, wake up?
– Tako smo stvoreni jedno za drugo, Mislim, Bože, kada ćeš se probuditi, probuditi?

Call me when you break up (Ah-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah, ah, ah)
– Nazovi me kad raskineš (Ah-ah-ah ,ah-ah-ah, ah, ah)
Call me when you break up (Ah-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah, ah, ah)
– Nazovi me kad raskineš (Ah-ah-ah ,ah-ah-ah, ah, ah)

I’ll make it worth it, I’ll make it worth it
– Isplatiće se, isplatiće se.
I’ll make it worth it, I’ll make it worth it
– Isplatiće se, isplatiće se.
I’ll make it worth it, I’ll make it worth it
– Isplatiće se, isplatiće se.
I’ll make it worth it (And maybe you—)
– Učinit ću da se isplati (a možda i vi -)
Oh, you picked up, um
– Oh, pokupio si, um

Call me when you break up
– Nazovi me kad raskineš.
Unless you found the person that you want a new name from
– Osim ako ne pronađete osobu od koje želite novo ime
I’d like to be there when that day comes
– Voleo bih da budem tamo kada taj dan dođe
You know I’m always here, so don’t ever be a stranger
– Znaš da sam uvijek ovdje, tako da nikad ne budi stranac

Selena Gomez



