Tate McRae – Purple lace bra አማርኛ ግጥሞች & አማርኛ ትርጉም

የቪዲዮ ክሊፕ


I been singin’, I been screamin’
– እዘምራለሁ ፣ እጮኻለሁ’
I been goin’ all night ’til my throat’s bleedin’
– “ሌሊቱን ሙሉ ሽንቴን ስገልጥ ዋልኩ”
I been cryin’, I been dreamin’
– እያለቀስኩ ነበር ፣ ሕልም እያየሁ ነበር’
Yeah, I know that you look, but you don’t see it
– አየህ ፣ አየህ አይደል

Did my purple lace bra catch your attention? Uh
– የእኔ ሐምራዊ የዳንቴል ብራ ትኩረትዎን አግኝቷል? ኦህ
Yeah, the look in your eye made me question
– አይንህ እያየ ጥያቄ አቀረበልኝ

Would you hear me more if I whispered in your ear?
– በጆሮዎ ውስጥ በሹክሹክታ ቢሰሙኝ የበለጠ ይሰማዎታል?
Made all my inner thoughts sound like, “Ah, ah”
– ሁሉንም ውስጣዊ ሀሳቦቼን እንዲመስል አደረገ ፣ ” አሃ ፣ አሃ…”
Would you hear me more if I touch you right here?
– እዚህ ብነካህ የበለጠ ትሰማኛለህ?
Made everythin’ I want sound like, “Ah, ah” (Ah)
– እኔ የፈለግኩትን ሁሉ እንደ ድምፅ አደረገ, “አሃ ፣ አሃ …” (አሃ)

Would you hear me, hear me?
– ትሰማኛለህ ፣ ትሰማኛለህ?
Would you hear me, hear me?
– ትሰማኛለህ ፣ ትሰማኛለህ?
Would you hear me?
– ትሰማኛለህ?
If all my inner thoughts sound like, “Ah, ah”?
– ሁሉም የውስጥ ሀሳቤ ቢመስለኝ ፣ ” አሃ ፣ አሃ…”?

I could take it off for you and tell you what I’m gon’ do, hm
– እኔ ለእናንተ መውሰድ እና እኔ ምን ማድረግ እነግራችኋለሁ ይችላል, ሀ
‘Cause my body positioning determines if you’re listenin’, ah-ah
– “”ድምጻችን ይሰማ””

Did my dance on your lap pique your interest? Yeah
– የእኔ ጭን ጭን ጭን ላይ የእርስዎን ፍላጎት ነበር? አዎ
Now I got you like that, let me finish
– አሁን እንደዛ አገኘሁህ ፣ ልጨርስ

Would you hear me more if I whispered in your ear?
– በጆሮዎ ውስጥ በሹክሹክታ ቢሰሙኝ የበለጠ ይሰማዎታል?
Made all my inner thoughts sound like, “Ah, ah”
– ሁሉንም ውስጣዊ ሀሳቦቼን እንዲመስል አደረገ ፣ ” አሃ ፣ አሃ…”
Would you hear me more if I touch you right here?
– እዚህ ብነካህ የበለጠ ትሰማኛለህ?
Made everythin’ I want sound like, “Ah, ah” (Ah)
– እኔ የፈለግኩትን ሁሉ እንደ ድምፅ አደረገ, “አሃ ፣ አሃ …” (አሃ)

Would you hear me, hear me?
– ትሰማኛለህ ፣ ትሰማኛለህ?
Would you hear me, hear me? (Would you hear me more? Ooh)
– ትሰማኛለህ ፣ ትሰማኛለህ? (አሁንም የበለጠ ትሰማለህ ? ኦህ)
Would you hear me
– ትሰማኛለህ
If all my inner thoughts sound like—
– ሁሉም ውስጣዊ ሀሳቦቼ የሚመስሉ ከሆነ—

I’m losin’ my mind, I’m losin’ my head
– አእምሮዬን እያጣሁ ነው ፣ ጭንቅላቴን እያጣሁ ነው
You only listen when I’m undressed
– ብቻ ስማ እኔ ስማ
Hear what you like and none of the rest, ‘est (Ooh)
– የምትወደውን ነገር አዳምጥ … “” (ኦሆሆሆ)
I’m-I’m losin’ my mind ’cause giving you head’s
– እኔስ – – – – – – – – – – – ልሰናበትሽና ልሰናበትሽና ልሰናበትሽና ልሰናበት
The only time you think I got depth (Ooh)
– ብቻ ምን አለፋችሁ … (ኦሆሆሆ)
Hear what you like and none of the rest
– የምትፈልገውን ስማ እና ሁሉም ነገር አይደለም

Would you hear me more if I whispered in your ear?
– በጆሮዎ ውስጥ በሹክሹክታ ቢሰሙኝ የበለጠ ይሰማዎታል?
Made all my inner thoughts sound like, “Ah, ah”
– ሁሉንም ውስጣዊ ሀሳቦቼን እንዲመስል አደረገ ፣ ” አሃ ፣ አሃ…”
Would you hear me more if I touch you right here?
– እዚህ ብነካህ የበለጠ ትሰማኛለህ?
Made everythin’ I want sound like
– ሁሉም ነገር እኔ እንደ ድምፅ እፈልጋለሁ
Would you hear me more if I whispered in your ear?
– በጆሮዎ ውስጥ በሹክሹክታ ቢሰሙኝ የበለጠ ይሰማዎታል?
Made all my inner thoughts sound like, “Ah, ah”
– ሁሉንም ውስጣዊ ሀሳቦቼን እንዲመስል አደረገ ፣ ” አሃ ፣ አሃ…”
Would you hear me more if I touch you right here?
– እዚህ ብነካህ የበለጠ ትሰማኛለህ?
Made everythin’ I want sound like, “Ah, ah”
– እኔ የፈለግኩትን ሁሉ ድምፅ አደረገ, “አህ ፣ አህ ፣ አህ”

Would you hear me, hear me? (Would you hear?)
– ትሰማኛለህ ፣ ትሰማኛለህ? (እየሰማህ ነው ?)
Would you hear me, hear me? (Hear me, babe)
– ትሰማኛለህ ፣ ትሰማኛለህ? (ስሙኝማ ፣ ባቤ)
Would you hear me (Yeah, oh)
– ትሰማኛለህ (አዎ)
If all my inner thoughts sound like, “Ah, ah”?
– ሁሉም የውስጥ ሀሳቤ ቢመስለኝ ፣ ” አሃ ፣ አሃ…”?

Tate McRae



