Tate McRae – Revolving door Anglorum Lyrics & English Translationes

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My cold heart is finally melting
– Cor meum frigus tandem liquescens
I moved from the east to the west wing
– In viaggio verso est did you know
I finally think it might be helping, oh, oh
– Spero che mi qualcuno mi possa aiutare, vel
I confess, I’m not that versatile
– Et consequatur non sunt esse veritatis
Say I’m good, but I might be in denial
– Dic mihi bonum, sed negare possim
Takes one call and that undoes the dial (Ah)
– Una vocatio accipit et quod solvit horologio (Ah)

Baby, I tried to call you
– Infantem, conatus sum vocare te
Off like a bad habit
– Cum ne distram impreuna
Tried to call you
– Quis te appellat
Off like a bad habit
– Cum ne distram impreuna

But I keep comin’ back like a revolvin’ door
– Ianua autem comin’ retro sicut revolvin’
Say I couldn’t want you less, but I just want you more
– Dicere non minus te velle, sed magis te iustus volo
So I keep comin’ back like a revolvin’ door
– Ianua igitur comin ‘retro sicut revolvinum’ retineo
Say I couldn’t want you less, but I just want you more
– Dicere non minus te velle, sed magis te iustus volo

And more, and more
– Magis ac magis
And more, more (More)
– Et magis, magis (More)
And more, and more
– Magis ac magis
And more, more (More)
– Et magis, magis (More)

Shut it down
– Claudite eam
That I tried, then you come, come around
– Et probate me, venite et venite
Fuck me good, fuck me up, then I gotta move towns
– Couche avec sa putain, pourriez-vous me recontacter s ‘ il vous plait
How’d I get from the gym to your couch? Oh, how?
– Quam vellem adepto a gym ad toro? O quam?

Baby, I tried to (Tried to) call you (Call you)
– Et in ezechiele scribitur: “vidi, et cecidi in faciem meam” (Ezech.
Off like a bad habit (Yeah)
– Et cum similiter adorassent (Sim.
Tried to (Tried to) call you (Call you)
– Quem invoces, in quo speres,
Off like a bad habit
– Cum ne distram impreuna

But I keep comin’ back (Oh no) like a revolvin’ door (Yeah)
– Io vi farò lavatrici di uomini “”sulla strada mentre” (io.
Say I couldn’t want you less, but I just want you more
– Dicere non minus te velle, sed magis te iustus volo
So I keep comin’ back (Oh no) like a revolvin’ door (Yeah)
– Io vi farò lavatrici di uomini “”sulla strada mentre” (io.
Say I couldn’t want you less, but I just want you more
– Dicere non minus te velle, sed magis te iustus volo

And more (Get what I want), and more (Can’t get enough of)
– Et magis (Ut quod volo), et magis (potest non adepto satis est)
And more (You, when you make me), more (More)
– Et resuscita me; et retribuam eis.
And more (Get what I want), and more (Can’t get enough of)
– Et magis (Ut quod volo), et magis (potest non adepto satis est)
And more (You, when you make me), more (More)
– Et resuscita me; et retribuam eis.

Change my mind so much I can’t find it
– Muta mentem meam tantum non possum invenire eam
I work so much, can’t be reminded
– Ego tantum opus, admoneri non potest
Life feels worse, but good with you in it
– Vita peius sentit, sed bonum apud te
Supposed to be on stage, but fuck it, I need a minute
– Et hoc est quod dicit, sed quia resurrexit a minuto
Change my mind so much it’s exhaustin’
– Muta mentem meam tantum suus exhaustin’
I still think ’bout that night out in Boston
– Ego tamen puto ‘ nocte illa praedura palaestra In Bostonia
I’m more hurt than I would admit
– Dolorem quam quam consequatur
I’m supposed to be an adult, but fuck it, I need a minute (Oh)
– Je souhaite m ‘ inscrire au forum (oui / non): *

I need a minute, I need a minute (Ooh)
– Ego postulo a minute, mihi opus minutam (Oh)
I need a, I need, fuck it, I need a minute (I need a)
– Ego postulo a, opus, irrumabo eam, opus minutam (mihi opus a)
I need a minute, I need a minute (Yeah)
– In tutto il mondo ci sono milioni (sì, milioni!)
I need a, I need, fuck it, I need a minute
– Mihi opus a, mihi opus est, irrumabo eam, ego postulo a minute

I need a minute
– Mihi opus minutam
Ooh, I need a minute
– Mihi opus minutam
– Mm
– Mm

Tate McRae



