Gigi Perez – Chemistry Inglés Letras & Galego Traducións



Oh, chemistry is rare
– A química é rara
Fucked me on the stairs
– Fodeime nas escaleiras
For once in my life, I didn’t care that I was scared
– Por unha vez na miña vida, non me importaba que tivese medo
Who would see the beast livin’ inside me?
– Quen vería a besta vivindo dentro de min?
It’s creepin’ up, I’m sweepin’ up
– Está a subir, estou a subir
All of these things that I have done
– Todas estas cousas que fixen
Things that I have done
– Cousas que fixen
Things that I have done, oh
– Cousas que fixen, oh

Oh, I am well aware
– Estou ben consciente
With that burnin’ stare
– Con esa mirada ardente
If this ends like all things do, I have come prepared
– Se isto remata como todas as cousas, vin preparado
I have clipped a leash and left you by the tree
– Cortei unha correa e deixeino na árbore
And in the yard, you’re keepin’ guard
– E no patio, estás a gardar
You’re right where you need to be, oh
– Tes razón onde tes que estar, oh

But don’t you feel a little stuck
– Pero non te sintas un pouco atrapado
Every time we’re out of touch?
– Cada vez que estamos fóra de contacto?
I will dig up what you hide
– Vou desenterrar o que esconde
Crying doesn’t suit you well
– Chorar non lle convén
Don’t you know I’ll never tell a soul about our secret life?
– Non sabes que nunca vou contar unha alma sobre a nosa vida secreta?
Secret life
– Vida secreta
Secret life
– Vida secreta
Secret life
– Vida secreta

Oh, inside of the house
– Dentro da casa
The cat chases the mouse
– O gato persegue o rato
Your mother looks and says
– A túa nai mira e di
“Some things we just don’t talk about”
– “Algunhas cousas das que non falamos”
You better watch your mouth
– Mellor mirar a boca
Don’t let yourself get proud
– Non te deixes sentir orgulloso
Don’t let yourself forget the message left inside the couch
– Non te deixes esquecer a mensaxe deixada dentro do sofá
(One, two, three, four)
– (Un, dous, tres, catro)

But don’t you feel a little stuck
– Pero non te sintas un pouco atrapado
Every time we’re out of touch?
– Cada vez que estamos fóra de contacto?
I will dig up what you hide
– Vou desenterrar o que esconde
Crying doesn’t suit you well
– Chorar non lle convén
Don’t you know I’ll never tell a soul about our secret life?
– Non sabes que nunca vou contar unha alma sobre a nosa vida secreta?
Secret life
– Vida secreta
Secret life
– Vida secreta
Secret life
– Vida secreta

Oh, down the drain you go
– Baixo o drenaxe que vas
You poor, unfortunate soul
– Pobre, alma desafortunada
You got yourself involved with someone you really didn’t know
– Envolveuse con alguén que realmente non coñecía
But what I’d like to do
– Pero o que me gustaría facer
Is make a deal with you
– Fai un trato contigo
Make a deal with you
– Fai un trato contigo
Make a deal with you
– Fai un trato contigo
Make a deal with you
– Fai un trato contigo
Make a deal with you
– Fai un trato contigo
Make a deal with you
– Fai un trato contigo
With you, with you, with you, with you, oh
– Contigo, contigo, contigo, contigo

Ooh, woah
– Oh, woah
Woah, woah
– Woah, woah
Woah, woah
– Woah, woah
Woah, woah
– Woah, woah
Woah, woah
– Woah, woah
Woah, woah
– Woah, woah

Chemistry is rare
– A química é rara
Chemistry is rare, oh yes, it is
– A química é rara, oh si, é
Chemistry is rare, oh
– A química é rara, oh
– Oh, por favor.

Gigi Perez



