Video Clip
It promised me a good life if I followed all its wishes
– Promisit mihi bonam vitam si omnia vota secutus sum
I never missed a prayer and I always did the dishes
– Numquam desiderari orationis et semper fecit acetabula
What’s beautiful is good, but what’s that blood along the ridges? What is that for?
– Bene fecisti, sed quid ille respondit? Quid enim est?
– Tabernaculum
– Tabernaculum
– Tabernaculum
Tabernacle (Eternal bachelor)
– Tabernaculum (Aeterna caelibem)
Stones of white preserve the words unspeakable for ages
– Lapidibus albis conserva verba inenarrabilis saeculorum
It’s not a place of honor or esteemed deed commemorated
– Non est locus honoris vel honorati operis commemorati
What’s left inside is what’s evolved from what we have forsaken, check the black box
– Quid intus relictum est quid evolvitur ex iis quae dereliquimus, capsam nigram reprehendo
– Tabernaculum
– Tabernaculum
– Tabernaculum
Tabernacle (Eternal bachelor)
– Tabernaculum (Aeterna caelibem)
You puke and spit and beat your fists against it, but it’s unshaken (Atargatis)
– Et fugit ad salices, et se cupit ante videri.”
There’s nothing left to offer to restore what has been taken
– Nihil est quod recusandae assumenda quas assumenda
Your body is a temple, but your holy wounds are aching, leave the fat off
– Corpus tuum templum est, sed vulnera tua sancta dolent, pinguedinem relinque
– Tabernaculum
– Tabernaculum
– Tabernaculum
Tabernacle (Eternal bachelor)
– Tabernaculum (Aeterna caelibem)
I can do whatever the fuck I want when I want to
– Facere quidem quis debitis quisquam
You’re only wearing my skin
– Tu tantum cutem meam geris
I can do whatever the fuck I want when I want to
– Facere quidem quis debitis quisquam
You’re only wearing my skin
– Tu tantum cutem meam geris
It’s just a night in your life
– Solo qual io scopai hier sera nella questa casa
(You’re only wearing my skin)
– (Tantum cutem meam geris)
Maybe there’s something to take the edge off
– Forsitan aliquid est ut aciem auferas
It’s just the sound of your electric heart
– Suus iustus sonus cordis tui electrica
(You’re only wearing my skin)
– (Tantum cutem meam geris)
Cracklelacklelai, and you will be calm
– Cracklelacklai, et erit tranquillitas
You can dial 9-1-1 if you need to
– 9 ad 1 ad 1 / / videtur quod necesse
I can’t put out every fire
– Non possum omnem ignem exstinguere
You can call the whole damn squad if you want to
– Vos potest vocare totum manipulus damn si vis
I can’t put out every fire
– Non possum omnem ignem exstinguere
You’re just a lie in my heart
– At tu mentiare hero tuo
(You’re only wearing my skin)
– (Tantum cutem meam geris)
Everybody starts out curious
– Omnes incipit curiosus
Is there no king behind these walls?
– Numquid non resurgent tali re?
(You’re only wearing my skin)
– (Tantum cutem meam geris)
Cracklelacklelai, and I will not fall
– Cracklelacklai, et non cadent
I can’t put out every fire
– Non possum omnem ignem exstinguere
I can’t put out every fire
– Non possum omnem ignem exstinguere
I can’t put out every fire
– Non possum omnem ignem exstinguere
I can’t put out every fire
– Non possum omnem ignem exstinguere
Radio tower neck speaks with the accent of my stomach
– Radio turrim collum loquitur cum accentu ventris mei
Early morning birds call with some generator running
– Primo mane aves vocant cum aliquo generante cursus
A series of simple patterns slowly build themselves into another song
– Series simplicium exemplarium lente se in aliud carmen aedificant
I don’t know how it happened
– Nescio quomodo factum est
In the false dawn everything is dreamlike and unreal
– In luce falsa omnia sunt somniculosus et fictus
Somewhere on the periphery is a nightmare I still feel
– Alicubi in peripheria somnum exterreri solebat adhuc sentio
The fireplace is flickering, black-haired bull is speaking by the bed
– Focus micat, taurus niger crine a lecto loquitur
You can love again if you try again
– Iterum amare potes si iterum conaris
You can love again if you try again
– Iterum amare potes si iterum conaris
You can love again if you try again
– Iterum amare potes si iterum conaris
You can love again if you try again
– Iterum amare potes si iterum conaris
You can love again if you try again
– Iterum amare potes si iterum conaris
Waves wash up the puzzle pieces of high school dioramas
– Fluctus lavabit sursum pieces of puzzle altus schola dioramas
Gifts for your nephew’s birthday bring up scenes of childhood trauma
– Munera pro nepote natalis adducere scaenae pueritia trauma
Magic eye clicks into focus, it’s something you’d give your right eye to unsee
– Magia oculus clicks in focus, suus ‘aliquid youd’ dabo tibi oculum dextrum ad invisibilia
Is this the only way forward?
– Estne hoc modo procedendi?
I’ve called to you a thousand times to take away this cup
– Haec expeditio, cui amplius mille
But there will be no miracles ’til the ransom’s added up
– Non debere [f] auguriari nec observare magos et ariolos
Just tell me what you want from me
– Dic mihi quid vis a me
Tell me what would make it be enough
– Dic mihi quid satis sit
You can love again if you try again
– Iterum amare potes si iterum conaris
(I’ve never seen God in my lifetime)
– (Ma anche per tutti quelli che vogliono esercitarsi!)
You can love again if you try again
– Iterum amare potes si iterum conaris
(Peace in glory above)
– [In primo nocturno] an afferte.
You can love again if you try again
– Iterum amare potes si iterum conaris
(Why is there so little water?)
– (Cur tam parum aquae est?)
You can love again if you try again
– Iterum amare potes si iterum conaris
(You can love again if you try again)
– (Si potes amare iterum conare iterum)
You can love again if you try again
– Iterum amare potes si iterum conaris
Now you have me as I was born
– Ego matrem de qua nascerer feci
My breaking heart beats between your horns
– La sal que tiene tu graciosa boca,
What comes next, beloved pet?
– Quid est, verres?
I’ll be patient waiting for the time to come
– Ego autem patientes estote exspectantes tempus venire
To be opened up, helpless and undone
– Et aperuit, et non erat, et periit
I can’t run anymore
– Non possum amplius currere
I can’t run anymore
– Non possum amplius currere
I can’t run anymore
– Non possum amplius currere
I can’t run anymore
– Non possum amplius currere
I can’t run anymore
– Non possum amplius currere
I lay me down again to sleep
– Revertere et dormi
Another soul must be redeemed
– Alia anima debet redimi
Hidden behind a thousand eyes
– Il padrone ha cento occhi
A hostage heart, a scrap of light
– Un pittore sulla soglia della luce
The naked priest, the introvert
– Sacerdos nudus, introverti
The millionaire, conspirator
– Nummorum, conspirator
Misshapen form, rotten wheat
– Forma deformis, triticum putridum
Like war porn, a constant feed
– Sicut bellum porn, a constant feed
You can love again if you try again
– Iterum amare potes si iterum conaris
You can love again if you try again
– Iterum amare potes si iterum conaris
You can love again if you try again
– Iterum amare potes si iterum conaris
You can love again if you try again
– Iterum amare potes si iterum conaris
You can love again if you try again
– Iterum amare potes si iterum conaris
You can love again if you try again
– Iterum amare potes si iterum conaris
You can love again if you try again
– Iterum amare potes si iterum conaris
You can love, you can love, you can love, you can love
– Vale, et me amare, quod facis, perge.
(You can love again, [?])
– (Potes amare iterum, [?])
You can love
– Potes amare
(You can love again, [?])
– (Potes amare iterum, [?])
If you try
– Si quis probauerit
(You can love again, [?])
– (Potes amare iterum, [?])
You can love
– Potes amare
(You can love again, [?])
– (Potes amare iterum, [?])
You can love
– Potes amare