Alabama Barker – Cry Bhabie Aǵylshyn Tekst Pesnı & Qazaq (latyn) Aýdarmalar


Tekst Pesnı

(Bitch, you’re a fucking home wrecker, like? What the fuck?)
– (Qanshyq, sen úıdi búldirip jatqan sıaqtysyń ba? Qandaı sumdyq?)
(I don’t want to be nothing like you, Dr. Phil loser bitch) Huh? What?
– (Men saǵan uqsaǵym kelmeıdi, Doktor Fıl lozer qanshyq) A? Ne boldy?
(And your bum ass man keeps hitting me up) Okay
– (Al seniń esegiń meni ura beredi) Jaraıdy
(He wants me so bad, confessed his love to me)
– (Ol meni qatty qalaıdy, maǵan degen súıispenshiligin moıyndady)
Yeah, ha, alright
– Iá, ha, jaraıdy

Couldn’t believe what my eyes seen, scrollin’ up on IG
– Men kózimniń kórgenine sene almadym, IG – di joǵary qaraı aınaldyrdym
Can’t believe I heard a diss track, this ho don’t like me?
– Dıss-trekti estigenime sene almaımyn, bul maǵan unamaıdy ma?
Dog bitches doin’ all that barkin’ but won’t bite me
– It qanshyqtary “úrgenniń bárin” jasaıdy, biraq meni tistemeıdi
I ain’t gotta lift a finger if she try to fight me, yeah
– Eger ol menimen tóbelesýge tyryssa, men saýsaǵymdy kótermeýim kerek, ıá
My life a movie, daddy Spike Lee
– Meniń ómirim kıno, ákem Spaık Lı
Travis told me, “Go and turn up,” it’s givin’ Hype Beast
– Travıs maǵan: “Baryp, paıda bol”, – dedi, “Bul Haıp Ańyn týdyrady”.
Smoke to me is like an exercise, so tread lightly
– Men úshin temeki shegý jattyǵý sıaqty, sondyqtan jeńil júrińiz
I was out in L.V., and LV tried to pipe me
– Men Los-Andjeleste boldym, AL LOS-ANDJELES maǵan qońyraý shalýǵa tyrysty
I can’t even cap, I didn’t know he was your BD
– Men tipti qalpaq kıe almaımyn, onyń SENIŃ DOSYŃ ekenin bilmedim
I told twin to chill, he said, “You sweeter than some kiwi”
– Men egizge demalýdy aıttym, ol: “sen kıvıden táttisiń”, – dedi.
I’m coming for heads, all you bitches gotta see me
– Men bastar úshin kele jatyrmyn, senderdiń báriń meni kórýleriń kerek
This sweet life ain’t on TV, yeah
– Bul tátti ómir TELEDIDARDA kórsetilmeıdi, ıá
Wish I could beat your ass through the phone on 3D
– Ókinishke oraı, men sizdiń esegińizdi telefon ARQYLY 3D formatynda ura almadym
Bet if I had caught you outside, it would be, “Free me”
– Eger men seni syrtta ustap alsam, “Meni Bosat”dep aıtar edim.
Like Big Meech
– Úlken Mıch Sıaqty
You want smoke because he tried to eat me?
– Ol meni jegisi kelgendikten temeki shekkińiz kele me?
Only smoke you got is out that vape, bitch
– Tek siz alǵan tútin-bul vap, qanshyq
What’s up with all the hate, bitch?
– Osy jekkórýshiliktiń bárinde ne boldy, qanshyq?
No love for you, I hate fake shit
– Sizge degen súıispenshilik joq, men jalǵan boqtardy jek kóremin
Ass shots are off and I can tell the way you shake it
– Zadnısý oq atyldy, men ony qalaı silkip tastaǵanyńyzdy aıta alamyn
You said I’m a clone like I copied and I pasted
– Siz meni kóshirgen jáne qoıǵan sıaqty klonmyn dedińiz
I’m too lit, I’m gettin’ white girl wasted
– Men tym jaryqpyn, aq qyzdy bosqa ketiremin

Bhabie off them percs, down bad
– Bhabı olardy perkýssıadan alyp tastady, bári jaman boldy
Cryin’ on the ‘Gram, bitch, you going out sad
– Gramǵa jylap, qanshyq, sen muńaıyp syrtqa shyǵasyń
Her man want me, now this bitch ’bout to crash
– Onyń erkegi meni qalaıdy, endi bul qanshyq apatqa ushyraıdy
Think you doing some ’cause you got a lil’ bag
– Meniń oıymsha, siz birdeńe istep jatyrsyz, óıtkeni sizde kishkentaı sómke bar
Bitch, go blow it then, bring that smoke again
– Qanshyq, ony úrlep jiber, sol tútindi taǵy ákel
You think that money makes you safe, bet he’ll ho again
– Siz bul aqsha sizdi qaýipsiz etedi dep oılaısyz, ol qaıtadan aman qalady dep oılaısyz
Bitch, go blow it then, bring that smoke again
– Qanshyq, ony úrlep jiber, sol tútindi taǵy ákel
You think that money makes you safe, bet he’ll ho again
– Siz bul aqsha sizdi qaýipsiz etedi dep oılaısyz, ol qaıtadan aman qalady dep oılaısyz

(Bama, don’t say it)
– (Bama, aıtpa)
Yeah, I bet I know some shit that you ain’t never known
– Iá, men seniń eshqashan bilmeıtin bir nárseni biletinime senimdimin
Your best friend and your BD, they been gettin’ it on
– Sizdiń eń jaqyn dosyńyz jáne SIZDIŃ BD, olar ony aldy
And the sad part about it, you still gon’ bring him home
– Eń ókinishtisi, siz ony áli de úıge ákelesiz
And the funny thing about it, he still be in my phone
– Eń qyzyǵy, ol áli de meniń telefonymda
Poppin’ shit like Fanta, you talk a lot on camera
– Fanta sıaqty poppın ‘ boq, siz kamerada kóp sóılesesiz
You really asked that man, “Should I dye my hair like Bama?”
– Siz bul adamnan shynymen suradyńyz: “men shashymdy Bama sıaqty boıaýym kerek pe?”
The pills got you higher, turned you to a liar
– Tabletkalar sizdi joǵarylatyp, ótirikshige aınaldyrdy
You must be TMZ, bitch, don’t make me call lil’ Tyga
– SIZ TMZ bolýyńyz kerek, qanshyq, meni lıl ‘ Taıga dep ataýǵa májbúrlemeńiz
Been that bitch, better come correct
– Bul qanshyq boldy ma, durysyraq kel
I’m the realest last time I checked
– Men sońǵy ret teksergenimde eń shynaıymyn
Hoes tryna play innocent, can’t tolerate no disrespect
– Ketmen kinásiz oınaýǵa tyrysady, mensinbeýge shydaı almaımyn
Light the stove, like, what’s the tea?
– Peshti jaǵyńyz, mysaly, qandaı shaı?
Lied about some pregnancy
– Keıbir júktilik týraly ótirik aıtty
Just wanna be in my family tree
– Tek meniń otbasylyq aǵashymda bolǵym keledi
Down bad, it’s hard to see
– Nashar, ony kórý qıyn
Should’ve thought ’bout tryna check B
– Oılanýym kerek Edi: “Men V-ny tekserýge tyrysamyn”.
FIFA, this shit gon’ get messy
– FIFA, bul boq shatasyp ketedi
Let this be the last time you step to me
– Bul maǵan sońǵy ret qadam basqanyńyz bolsyn
You doin’ threes with your bestie
– Siz ózińizdiń eń jaqsy dosyńyzben úshtik jasaısyz

Bhabie off them percs, down bad
– Bhabı olardy perkýssıadan alyp tastady, bári jaman boldy
Cryin’ on the ‘Gram, bitch, you going out sad
– Gramǵa jylap, qanshyq, sen muńaıyp syrtqa shyǵasyń
Her man want me, now this bitch ’bout to crash
– Onyń erkegi meni qalaıdy, endi bul qanshyq apatqa ushyraıdy
Think you doing some ’cause you got a lil’ bag
– Meniń oıymsha, siz birdeńe istep jatyrsyz, óıtkeni sizde kishkentaı sómke bar
Bitch, go blow it then, bring that smoke again
– Qanshyq, ony úrlep jiber, sol tútindi taǵy ákel
You think that money makes you safe, bet he’ll ho again
– Siz bul aqsha sizdi qaýipsiz etedi dep oılaısyz, ol qaıtadan aman qalady dep oılaısyz
Bitch, go blow it then, bring that smoke again
– Qanshyq, ony úrlep jiber, sol tútindi taǵy ákel
You think that money makes you safe, bet he’ll ho again
– Siz aqsha sizdi qaýipsiz etedi dep oılaısyz, ol qaıtadan ho bolady dep bás tigesiz

Alright, listen, ha
– Jaraıdy, tyńda, ha
Bitches be talkin’ about me but having babies they not watching, babysitter-havin’ ass bitch
– Qanshyqtar men týraly sóılesedi, biraq olardyń balalary bar, olar qaramaıdy, kútýshi-esegi bar qanshyq
Like, how’s Tilan your best friend but fucked your baby daddy? I bet you didn’t know that
– Mysaly, Tılan seniń eń jaqyn dosyń, biraq ákeńdi qalaı urdy? Siz muny bilmegenińizge senimdimin
Bitch, you’ve been a fan, you’ve been that
– Qanshyq, sen jankúıer ediń, sen sondaı ediń
You can’t outdo the do-er, bitch
– Siz bul qanshyqty jeńe almaısyz
And Camilla, bitch, shut the fuck up
– Al Kamılla, sýka, úndeme, qarǵys atsyn
The facts come from your baby daddy, bitch, I said what I said
– Faktiler sizdiń ákeńizden, qanshyqtan keledi, men aıtqanymdy aıttym
You know when it come to you, blood, we step on shit
– Bilesiń be, saǵan kelgende, qan, biz boqtyqqa basamyz
Tell these bitches big it! Shit real get real, B team
– Myna qanshyqtarǵa úlken aıt! Dermo naqty alýǵa naqty, b komandasy
The things that you have lied about, love
– Siz ótirik aıtqan nárseler, mahabbat
You don’t want them to come out
– Siz olardyń shyqqanyn qalamaısyz
On God
– Qudaı Týraly
Haha, bitch
– Haha, qanshyq

Alabama Barker



