Tory Lanez – Free Me Engleski Tekstovi & Bosanski Prijevodi

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Man, there’s a lot of niggas doin’ a lot of time, young bull
– Mnogo Crnja robija, mladi Biku.
Don’t let your emotions supercede your intelligence
– Ne dozvolite da vaše emocije nadjačaju vašu inteligenciju
Fifteen seconds will get you a life sentence, boy
– Petnaest sekundi će ti donijeti doživotnu kaznu, dečko.

Ayy, I can’t say I’m the same from last year
– Ayy, ne mogu reći da sam isti od prošle godine
You can see the pain inside my eyes and I can’t mask it
– Možeš vidjeti bol u mojim očima i ne mogu ga prikriti.
We was cuttin’ metal off the bunks so we can stash shit
– Sekli smo metal sa kreveta da bi mogli da sakrijemo stvari.
Too much fishin’ in my conversation could get drastic
– Previše ribe u mom razgovoru može biti drastično.
Five hundred on a Zelle will make him do gymnastics
– Pet stotina na Zelleu natjerat će ga da radi gimnastiku.
Hurt you when your partner tell on you and get your stash hit
– Boli kada vaš partner reći na vas i dobiti svoj štek hit
It’s war time, I got it tucked all in the mattress
– Vrijeme je za rat, Stavio sam ga u madrac.
Alert at 6 a.m. inside the mornin’ because shit could crack then
– Uzbuna u 6 ujutro ujutro jer bi tada sranje moglo puknuti
Magician make you disappear and that’s a hat trick
– Mađioničar učini da nestaneš i to je hat trick
Seen that nigga run out to the yard and he got backflipped
– Vidio sam tog crnju kako trči u dvorište i da su ga obrušili.
Cryin’ in the cell so many nights that I felt trapped in
– Plakao sam u ćeliji toliko noći da sam se osjećao zarobljenim
Had to pray to God and ask the Lord if he can free me
– Morao sam se moliti Bogu i pitati Gospoda može li me osloboditi
I got a son, I got some family that need me
– Imam sina, porodicu koja me treba.
Plus I gotta stunt on some bitches that tried to G me
– Plus moram da glumim neke kučke koje su pokušale da me gnjave.
Prison isn’t easy, niggas wanna sleep me
– Zatvor nije lak, crnje hoće da me spavaju.
I mean really sleep me, bitch, I’m talkin’ ZZ’s
– Mislim, stvarno me spavaj, kučko, pričam o ZZ-u
I can tell your body language by the way you greet me
– Mogu reći tvoj govor tijela po načinu na koji me pozdravljaš.
I was in there fadin’ in that cell like I was needlin’
– Bio sam unutra i fadin ‘u toj ćeliji kao da sam needlin’
I can’t stop the hustle, man, I swear I’m in there knee-deep
– Ne mogu zaustaviti gužvu, čovječe, kunem se da sam unutra do koljena
County jail sendin’ kites, niggas yellin’, “TD”
– Okružni zatvor šalje zmajeve, crnje viču, ” TD”
You can never know about them nights unless you live it
– Nikada ne možete znati za te noći ako to ne živite
Sippin’ White Lightning, it’s fuckin’ up my liver
– Sippin ‘White Lightning, it’s fuckin’ up my liver
You can lose your life out here fuckin’ with these niggas
– Možeš da izgubiš život ovde, zajebavajući se sa ovim crnjama.
Chamomile tea receipt paper, that’s my spliffer
– Papir za prijem čaja od kamilice, to je moja pita.
You wouldn’t understand that shit unless you been to prison
– Ne bi razumio to sranje da nisi bio u zatvoru.
If he my nigga, gotta know he my nigga
– Ako je moj crnja, moram znati da je moj crnja
I got all his back-fades for these pussy niggas trippin’
– Imam sva njegova leđa-bledi za ove pičke crnje trippin’

Lord, please
– Gospode, molim te.
Please will you free me?
– Molim te, hoćeš li me osloboditi?
‘Cause I need a blessing
– Jer mi treba blagoslov
So many nights I spent stressin’
– Toliko sam noći proveo stresirajući
‘Cause the night don’t get better
– Jer noć ne postaje bolja
From the window in my jail cell
– Sa prozora u mojoj zatvorskoj ćeliji
I’m talkin’ to the moon
– Govorim mjesecu
God can hear me up in Heaven, yeah
– Bog me može čuti Gore u raju, da
Pray that I’ma come home soon, home soon
– Moli se da se uskoro vratim kući.
Home soon, ah
– Uskoro kući, ah
Yeah, uh
– Da, uh

I lost the trial, there’s no more Gucci and Chanel
– Izgubio sam suđenje, nema više Guccija i Chanel
Fresh up out of county, straight to prison, shit ain’t fair
– Svježe iz okruga, pravo u zatvor, sranje nije fer
Couple days ago, I had like fifty in my ear
– Prije par dana, Imao sam pedeset u uhu
Judge gave me ten ’cause he ain’t wanna give me bail
– Sudija mi je dao deset jer ne želi da mi da kauciju.
Niggas fadin’ in the court tanks and givin’ hell
– Crnje fadin ‘in the court tanks and givin’ hell
So many nights I had to pray to God that I prevail
– Toliko noći sam se morala moliti Bogu da pobijedim.
Respect is like a pistol
– Poštovanje je kao pištolj
From the day you lose it, niggas feel like they can diss you
– Od dana kad ga izgubiš, crnje se osjećaju kao da te mogu iznevjeriti.
Richest nigga in the prison, I ain’t gotta diss you
– Najbogatiji crnjo u zatvoru, ne moram te vrijeđati.
I can dismiss you or make this shit a issue
– Mogu vas otpustiti ili napraviti ovo sranje problem
Lookin’ at the warden like I got more money than you
– Gledajući upravnika kao da imam više novca od tebe
Niggas wanna go to war, I’ll have ’em on the menu
– Crnje žele ići u rat, ja ću ih imati na meniju
Dog, if I respect you, I won’t say shit to offend you
– Psu, ako te poštujem, neću ništa reći da te uvrijedim.
Know it’s on and poppin’ day, I hop up out this venue on God
– Znam da je na i poppin’ dan, Ja hop up this venue on God

I need someone to free me, free me
– Treba mi neko da me oslobodi, oslobodi me
I got a child, baby mama and some niggas and they all need me
– Imam dijete, mamu i neke crnje i svi me trebaju.
I gotta feed the streets and keep the piece on me
– Moram nahraniti ulice i zadržati članak na sebi
And it ain’t easy, that’s why I’m yellin’, “Free me”
– I nije lako, zato se derem, “oslobodi me”
Nigga, free me
– Crnjo, oslobodi me
Take these chains off and free me
– Skini ove lance i oslobodi me.
Take this pain away and free me
– Uzmi ovu bol i oslobodi me
Been through all the rainy days, free me, uh
– Prošao sam kroz sve kišne dane, oslobodi me, uh
Unlock the cell, nigga, free me
– Otključaj ćeliju, crnjo, oslobodi me
Ayy, yeah, until I walk up out the jail, nigga, free me
– Ayy, da, dok ne izađem iz zatvora, crnjo, oslobodi me

*Prison disorder in background*
– * Zatvorski poremećaj u pozadini*

Tell a nigga free me
– Reci Crnji da me oslobodi
I was cooped up in a cell like a preemie
– Bio sam zatvoren u ćeliji kao nedonošče.
When I get home, some of you niggas gotta see me
– Kad dođem kući, neki od vas će morati da me vide.
GTL phone call and you was talkin’ greasy
– GTL telefonski poziv, a ti si govorio masno
And I’m on a lock up, cops wanna knock us
– A ja sam u pritvoru, policajci žele da nas knock
They be up there watchin’ from the towers with binoculars
– Gore gledaju sa kula dvogledom.
Some of them will watch you get stabbed and won’t stop it
– Neki od njih će gledati kako vas izbodu i neće to zaustaviti
They know who gon’ run away and they know who gon’ chop ya
– Znaju ko će da pobegne i znaju ko će da te isecka.
When I’m in that visit room, shit feel like a livin’ room
– Kad sam u sobi za posjete, osjećam se kao dnevna soba.
When my bitch walk inside that visit, gotta give her room
– Kada moja kučka uđe u tu posjetu, mora joj dati prostora
Niggas gettin’ swept up off they feet, you gotta give ’em brooms
– Crnje kad ih obore s nogu, moraš im dati metle.
Ain’t nobody animated here, but bitch, I’m still in tune
– Niko ovde nije animiran, ali kučko, ja sam još uvek u melodiji
I’m yellin’, “Free me”, all in the cell, this shit ain’t easy
– Vičem, “oslobodi me”, sve u ćeliji, ovo sranje nije lako
Got OG cookin’ up the pruno
– Got OG cookin ‘ up the pruno
I’m off the drank, shorty, you know
– Ne pijem više, kratki, znaš
Oh, oh
– Oh, oh

Tory Lanez



