The Cast of Sofia the First – Sofia the First Main Title Theme Aǵylshyn Tekst Pesnı & Qazaq (latyn) Aýdarmalar


Tekst Pesnı

I was a girl in the village doing alright
– Men aýylda qyz edim, bári jaqsy boldy
Then I became a princess overnight
– Sodan keıin men bir túnde hanshaıym boldym
Now I gotta figure out how to do it right
– Endi men muny qalaı durys jasaý kerektigin anyqtaýym kerek
So much to learn and see
– Úırený jáne kórý úshin kóp nárse bar
Up in the castle with my new family
– Meniń jańa otbasymmen birge qulypta
In a school that’s just for royalty
– Tek koróldik otbasy múshelerine arnalǵan mektepte
A whole enchanted world is waiting for me
– Meni búkil sıqyrly álem kútip tur
I’m so excited to be (Sofia the First)
– Men bolǵanyma óte qýanyshtymyn (Sofıa Birinshi)
I’m finding out what being royal’s all about (Sofia the First)
– Men koróldik otbasynyń múshesi bolý degenniń ne ekenin bilemin (Sofıa Birinshi)
Making my way, it’s an adventure every day (Sofia)
– Men óz jolymdy jasaımyn, bul kún saıyn shytyrman oqıǵa (Sofıa)
It’s gonna be my time (Sofia)
– Bul meniń ýaqytym bolady (Sofıa)
To show them all that I’m Sofia the First
– Olarǵa Meniń Birinshi Sofıa ekenimdi kórsetý Úshin

The Cast of Sofia the First



