Uh, back in the day, huh-huh (Ha, ha, ha, ha)
– Oh, de volta ao día, huh-huh (ha, ha, ha, ha)
We used to play, huh-huh
– Xogábamos, huh-huh
Now we so older
– Agora somos tan vellos
My bitches are older (Swamp Izzo)
– As miñas putas son máis vellas (Pantanozzzo)
Drivin’ the cold blow (Ha, ha, ha)
– Conducindo o golpe frío (Ha, ha, ha)
My bitches are pop, ooh
– As miñas putas son pop, ooh
My vibes are tough hoes
– As miñas vibracións son duras
I leave her, she slam doors
– Deixámolo, ela bateu portas
Closed casket, woah-woah
– Caixón pechado, woah-woah
Big bank, jumbo
– Gran banco, jumbo
Look how fast, look at my dash, fuck up the turbo (Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go)
– Mira que rápido, mira o meu guión, foda-se o turbo (vamos, imos, imos)
AP glass, they send me a bag and I went to Soho
– Ap glass, envíanme unha bolsa e fun A Soho
Ice on my wrist, I got a rich ho
– Xelo no meu pulso, teño un rico ho
She blowin’ minds, this ho a lil’ freak ho
– Ela sopra as mentes, este ho un lil freak ho
I told a ho, “Slow it up ’cause you got a free throw”
– Díxenlle a un ho: “Lento, Porque tes un tiro libre”.
Free throw (Swamp)
– Tiro libre (Pantano)
Free throw (Swamp)
– Tiro libre (Pantano)
Free throw (Swamp)
– Tiro libre (Pantano)
Free throw (Swamp Izzo)
– Tiro libre (Pantanozzzo)
Free throw
– Tiro libre
Free throw (Ah)
– Tiro libre (ah)
Free throw
– Tiro libre
I’m tryna see where you went at (Ha)
– Eu son tryna ver onde foi (Ha)
I’m tryna see if you winnin’ (Ha)
– Eu son tryna a ver se gañas (Ha)
How you tryna fuck up the money (Ha, ha)
– Como se foden os cartos (ha, ha)
And still ask a nigga for pennies?
– E aínda pedir un negro por centavos?
I cook on you hoes like Beni’
– Cociño en ti como Beni’
Every day, I’m off limits (Yes, sir)
– Todos os días estou fóra de límites (Si, señor)
Double-0, YV business
– Double-0, NEGOCIO DE YV
Drank all in my kidneys (Swamp)
– Bebe todo nos meus riles (Pantanal)
I’m sorry that I caught you, bitch, you already know I go looking for shit (Swamp)
– Lamento que te pegase, puta, xa sabes que vou buscar merda (Pantanal)
I’m richer than all my opps (Ha)
– Son máis rico que todos os meus opp (Ha)
That’s a big plot twist (Ha)
– É un gran retoque da trama (Ha)
I’m prayin’ for all of my opps while I’m hawking for my next bitch (Ha, ha)
– Estou rezando por todos os meus opps mentres estou vendendo a miña próxima cadela (Ha, ha)
Oh, you prayin’ for them motherfuckers now, Carti?
– Oh, agora rezas por eles cabróns, Carti?
Yeah, they got a death wish
– Si, teñen un desexo de morte
Yeah, he gotta go, bitch (Ah)
– Si, ten que ir, puta (Ah)
And I know he know this (Ah)
– E sei que o sabe (ah)
They said that he ran out the club, bitch, and I was late to notice (Ah)
– Dixeron que el correu o club, puta, e eu estaba atrasado para notar (Ah)
That Double-0-5 sittin’ on my back, bitch, it ain’t hard to notice
– Ese Dobre-0-5 sentado nas miñas costas, puta, non é difícil de notar
If I seen that pussy alive, eat him alive, I’m focused
– Se vin esa marica viva, comelo vivo, estou concentrado
Alive, alive, alive, alive
– Vivo, vivo, vivo
She want the check before the neck, respect (Ah)
– Ela quere o cheque antes do pescozo, respecto (ah)
She want the check before the neck, respect (Ah)
– Ela quere o cheque antes do pescozo, respecto (ah)
Free throw (Swamp)
– Tiro libre (Pantano)
Free throw (Swamp)
– Tiro libre (Pantano)
Free throw (Swamp)
– Tiro libre (Pantano)
Free throw (Swamp Izzo)
– Tiro libre (Pantanozzzo)
Free throw
– Tiro libre
Free throw
– Tiro libre
Free throw
– Tiro libre
Free throw
– Tiro libre