为什么 人生要活得 那么累?
– Why do you have to live so tired?
该怎么 讨好每个人 每张嘴?
– How to please everyone with every mouth?
当按赞 和留言 定义了 我是谁
– When likes and comments define who I am
那快乐 是不是 也需要 业配?
– Does happiness also need karma?
做自己 太有想法 有人白眼
– Being yourself is too thoughtful. Someone has a white eye.
但努力 迎合别人 也有人嘴
– But there are people who try to cater to others.
害怕被 谁标签 而活成 那标配
– Afraid of being labeled by someone and living as that standard.
不冒险 的人生 是否才 危险?
– Is life dangerous without taking risks?
我不需要每一个人 都爱我的一切
– I don’t need everyone to love everything about me.
我只需要一次机会 为自己爱一遍
– I just need one chance to love myself again.
我相信即使不完美 a rock can be a star
– I believe that even if it’s not perfect, a rock can be a star.
没留下那眼泪 怎会懂梦有多 珍贵
– How can you understand how precious dreams are without those tears?
小人物 承受误解 拾起笑脸
– Little people bear misunderstandings, pick up smiley faces.
像你我 渴望某天 成为经典
– Like you and I, I want to be a classic one day.
不讲理 的世界 对热血 泼冷水
– The unreasonable world is pouring cold water on blood.
该怎么 守护初心 不被摧毁?
– How to protect the beginning of the heart is not destroyed?
我不需要每一个人 都爱我的一切
– I don’t need everyone to love everything about me.
我只需要一次机会 为自己爱一遍
– I just need one chance to love myself again.
我相信即使不完美 a rock can be a star
– I believe that even if it’s not perfect, a rock can be a star.
没留下那眼泪 怎会懂梦有多 珍贵
– How can you understand how precious dreams are without those tears?
那些 超级英雄也 像你有血 有泪
– Those superheroes have blood and tears like you.
哪天 wanna run away 其实也不 丢脸
– There’s no shame in wanting to run away one day.
但放不下的 就别后退 记住你最诚实 的脸
– But don’t step back if you can’t let go. Remember your most honest face.
那些 爱我喷我的 不再纠结 随便
– Those who love me spray me no longer tangle casually
那些 我所爱所为 我执著的 一切
– Everything I love, everything I cling to.
终会定义 我是谁
– will eventually define who I am.
我不需要每一个人 都爱我的一切
– I don’t need everyone to love everything about me.
只要一生一次机会 为自己爱一遍
– Just one chance in a lifetime to love yourself again.
我相信即使不完美 a rock can be a star
– I believe that even if it’s not perfect, a rock can be a star.
没流下那眼泪 怎会懂梦有多 珍贵 珍贵
– How can you understand how precious dreams are without those tears?
我相信即使不完美 a rock can be a star
– I believe that even if it’s not perfect, a rock can be a star.
没流下那眼泪 怎会懂梦有多 珍贵
– How can you understand how precious dreams are without those tears?
别怕留下眼泪 当你眼中闪耀著 光辉
– Don’t be afraid to leave tears when your eyes shine
我不再 把人生活得 那么累
– I don’t make people so tired anymore.
也不再 讨好每个人 每张嘴
– And no more courting everyone.
全世界 不理解 其实也 无所谓
– It doesn’t matter if the world doesn’t understand it.
流过泪 才会懂梦有多珍贵
– Tears will understand how precious dreams are
– Isn’t that right?

八三夭 – 我不需要每一個人都愛我 – A Rock Can Be A Star Chinese Lyrics English Translations
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