阿涵 – 过客 Chinese Lyrics English Translations

没有谁能够想到 你会出现我身旁
– No one would have thought you’d show up next to me.
– Maybe it was fate’s joke.

不敢太靠近你的身边 怕你会嫌烦
– Don’t dare to get too close to you for fear that you will get bored
只有 一个人默默孤单
– There’s only one person who’s alone.

– What made us meet?
– What makes it closer?
不奢求你多好 给我多一点微笑
– I don’t want you to be nice. Give me a little more smile.

你只是一个过客 从我的世界路过
– You’re just a passer-by passing through my world.
我不敢太多不舍 怕你看出我难过
– I don’t dare give up too much. I’m afraid you’ll see I’m sad.
也许我想的太多 却不能给你什么
– Maybe I think too much and I can’t give you anything.
努力把伤心变少 笑容变多就好了
– Just try to make it less sad and smile more.

我只是个陪伴者 陪着你伤心难过
– I’m just a chaperone with you sad and sad.
寂寞它每天数着 你那么多的失落
– Lonely. It counts so many losses on you every day.
你想要什么你说 只要我现在有的
– What do you want? You say as long as I have what I have right now.
我们之间的点点滴滴 我一直都记得
– I always remember everything between us.

– Don’t dare to get too close to you.
怕你会嫌烦 只有一个人默默孤单
– I’m afraid you’ll be bored. There’s only one person who’s alone.

– What made us meet?
– What makes it closer?
不奢求你多好 再多给我一点微笑
– I don’t want you to be nice. Give me a little more smile.

你只是一个过客 从我的世界路过
– You’re just a passer-by passing through my world.
我不敢太多不舍 怕你看出我难过
– I don’t dare give up too much. I’m afraid you’ll see I’m sad.
– Maybe I think too much and I can’t give you anything.
努力把伤心变少 笑容变多就好了
– Just try to make it less sad and smile more.

我只是个陪伴者 陪着你伤心难过
– I’m just a chaperone with you sad and sad.
寂寞它每天数着 你那么多的失落
– Lonely. It counts so many losses on you every day.
你想要什么你说 只要我现在有的
– What do you want? You say as long as I have what I have right now.
我们之间的点点滴滴 我一直都记得
– I always remember everything between us.

我只是一个过客 从你的世界路过
– I’m just a passer-by passing through your world.
我不敢太多不舍 怕你看出我难过
– I don’t dare give up too much. I’m afraid you’ll see I’m sad.
我想的太多 却不能给你什么
– I think too much and I can’t give you anything.
努力把伤心变少 笑容变多就好了
– Just try to make it less sad and smile more.

我只想每天陪着 陪着你伤心难过
– I just want to be with you every day and be sad and sad.
寂寞它每天数着 你那么多的失落
– Lonely. It counts so many losses on you every day.
你想要什么你说 只要我现在有的
– What do you want? You say as long as I have what I have right now.
点点滴滴 我一直都记得
– Bit by bit, I remember it all the time.






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