Little Simz – Introvert 英語 歌詞 中國人 翻譯

(There’s a war, there’s a war)
– (有战争,有战争)

The kingdom’s on fire, the blood of a young messiah
– 王国着火了,一个年轻的弥赛亚的血
I see sinners in a church, I see sinners in a church
– 我在教会里看到罪人,我在教会里看到罪人
Sometimes I might be introvert
– 有时我可能很内向
There’s a war inside, I hear battle cries
– 里面有一场战争,我听到战斗的呼喊

Mothers burying sons, young boys playing with guns
– 母亲埋葬儿子,年轻男孩玩枪
The devil’s a liar, fulfill your wildest desires
– 魔鬼是个骗子,满足你最疯狂的欲望
Now, I don’t wanna be the one to doctor this
– 现在,我不想成为医生
But if you can’t feel pain, then you can’t feel the opposite
– 但如果你感觉不到疼痛,那么你就感觉不到相反

The fight between the Yin and Yang’s a fight you’ll never win
– 阴阳之间的斗争是一场你永远赢不了的斗争
I study humans, that makes me an anthropologist
– 我研究人类,这使我成为人类学家
I’m not into politics, but I know it’s dark times
– 我不喜欢政治,但我知道现在是黑暗时期
Parts of the world still living in apartheid
– 世界上仍生活在种族隔离中的部分地区

But if I don’t takе this winner’s flight, that’s career suicide
– 但如果我不乘这个胜利者的航班,那就是职业自杀
Though I should’ve been a friеnd when your grandma died
– 虽然你奶奶死的时候我应该是朋友
I see the illness eat my aunt laying in her bed
– 我看到疾病吞噬了我的阿姨躺在她的床上
I see her soul rising as her body gets closer to death
– 我看到她的灵魂上升,因为她的身体越来越接近死亡

Find a way, I’ll find a way
– 想办法,我会想办法的
The world’s not over
– 世界还没有结束
I will make it, don’t you cry
– 我会成功的,你别哭
In God we trust ’cause we’re not alone
– 我们相信上帝,因为我们并不孤单

I need a licence to feel
– 我需要一张执照才能感觉到
Internal wounds and I’m not tryna be healed (no, I don’t, no, I don’t)
– 内部伤口和我不tryna被治愈(不,我不,不,我不)
I sabotage what we are trying to build
– 我破坏了我们要建造的东西
‘Cause of feelings I keep inside, but it’s time to reveal (reveal, reveal)
– 因为我内心的感情,但现在是时候揭示(揭示,揭示)了

I hate the thought of just being a burden
– 我讨厌只是一个负担的想法
I hate that these conversations are surfaced
– 我讨厌这些谈话浮出水面
Simz the artist or Simbi the person?
– 西姆斯艺术家或西姆比的人?
To you I’m smiling, but really, I’m hurting
– 对你来说,我在微笑,但真的,我在伤害你

I dedicate my life and gave my heart over twenty-something years
– 我献出了我的生命,献出了我的心二十多年
Left wondering how I even feel
– 我想知道我的感受
But was it even worth it?
– 但它甚至值得吗?
I bottle up and then spill it in verses
– 我用瓶子装瓶,然后用诗句把它洒出来

One day I’m wordless, next day I’m a wordsmith
– 有一天我是无言的,第二天我是一个字匠
Close to success, but to happiness, I’m the furthest
– 接近成功,但幸福,我是最远的
At night, I wonder if my tears will dry on their own
– 到了晚上,我在想我的眼泪会不会自己干
Hoping I will fulfill Amy’s purpose
– 希望我能实现艾米的目的

Angel said, “Don’t let ego be a disturbance”
– 天使说:”不要让自我成为干扰”
Inner demon said, “Motherfucker, you earned this”
– 内魔道:”混账,这是你赚来的”
Like they strip you of everything you’re deserving
– 就像他们剥夺了你应得的一切
Realise there is a prison in us, we are conditioned as fuck
– 意识到我们有一个监狱,我们被限制为他妈的

Man, it’s like they can’t sleep ’til our spirit is crushed
– 伙计,就像他们睡不着觉,直到我们的精神被压垮
How much fighting must we do? We’ve been fearless enough
– 我们要打多少仗? 我们已经足够无所畏惧了
All we seen is broken homes here and poverty
– 我们看到的只是破碎的家园和贫困
Corrupt government officials, lies, and atrocities
– 腐败的政府官员,谎言和暴行

How they talking on what’s threatening the economy?
– 他们是如何谈论什么威胁经济的?
Knocking down communities to re-up on properties
– 拆毁社区重建物业
I’m directly affected, it does more than just bother me
– 我直接受到影响,它不仅仅困扰我
Look beyond the surface, don’t just see what you wanna see
– 超越表面,不要只看到你想看到的东西
My speech ain’t involuntary
– 我的演讲不是不由自主的
Projecting intentions straight from my lungs
– 直接从我的肺部投射意图
I’m a black woman and I’m a proud one
– 我是一个黑人女人,我是一个骄傲的人
We walk in blind faith not knowing the outcome
– 我们盲目地行走,不知道结果
But as long as we’re unified, then we’ve already won
– 但只要我们团结一致,我们就已经赢了

Find a way, I’ll find a way
– 想办法,我会想办法的
The world’s not over
– 世界还没有结束
I will make it, don’t you cry
– 我会成功的,你别哭
In God we trust
– 我们信靠上帝
‘Cause we’re not alone
– 因为我们并不孤单

(Still feels like I’m in big trouble)
– (还是觉得自己遇到大麻烦了)
(Feels like, feels like, feels like I’m in big trouble)
– (感觉,感觉,感觉我遇到大麻烦了)
(Big trouble)
– (大麻烦)
(Feels like, feels like, feels like I’m in big trouble
– (感觉,感觉,感觉我遇到大麻烦了
(Feels like, feels like I’m in big trouble)
– (感觉,感觉我遇到大麻烦了)

And so it begins
– 就这样开始了
The base is an amalgamation of everything
– 基地是一切的融合
Rules are not to be played by rebels
– 规则不是叛军玩的
The story of never ending
– 永无止境的故事
Your introversion led you here
– 你的内向导致你在这里
Intuition protected you along the way
– 一路上直觉保护着你
Feelings allowed you to be well-balanced
– 感情让你保持平衡
And perspective gave you foresight
– 透视给了你远见卓识
The top of a mountain is nothing without the climb
– 没有攀登,山顶就什么都不是
Only the strong will survive
– 只有强者才能生存
(Only the strong will survive)
– (只有强者才能生存)
Alone, but not lonely
– 孤独,但不孤独
Your truth unveils with time
– 你的真相随着时间的推移而显现
As you embark on a journey
– 当你踏上旅程
Of what it takes to be a woman
– 作为一个女人需要什么






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