Sam Hui – Xue Sheng Ge Chinese Lyrics English Translations

學生哥 好溫功課 咪淨係掛住踢波
– Student brother good warm homework microphone is a good catch the kick wave
最弊肥佬左無陰功囉 同學亦愛莫能助
– The most bad fat man left no yin gong hello students can not help
(肥佬左無陰功囉 同學亦愛莫能助)
– (Fat man left no yin gong hello students can not help)

螞蟻亦要搵野食 唔做事確係無益
– Ants also have to find wild food. It’s not helpful not to do anything.
少壯就要多努力 來日望自食其力
– Young people have to work hard to live on their own.

學生哥 好咪書囉 咪日夜掛住拍拖
– The student brother is a good book, and he hangs out day and night.
顧住十幾科 科科喎 面懵懵一肚火
– Take care of more than a dozen Koko Koko faces and faces and stomachs and fires.
(十幾科 科科喎 面懵懵一肚火)
– (More than a dozen Koko Koko faces a belly fire)

螞蟻亦要搵野食 唔做事確係無益
– Ants also have to find wild food. It’s not helpful not to do anything.
少壯就要多努力 來日望自食其力
– Young people have to work hard to live on their own.

學生哥 要思己過 唔係第日悔恨更多
– Students should think about their own life is not the first day of remorse more
人之初 應知錯 唔自立就會捱餓
– People should know their mistakes at the beginning, and they will be hungry if they don’t stand on their own.
(人之初 應知錯 唔自立就會捱餓)
– ) When you know your mistake at first, you will be hungry.))

螞蟻亦要搵野食 唔做事確係無益
– Ants also have to find wild food. It’s not helpful not to do anything.
少壯就要多努力 來日望自食其力
– Young people have to work hard to live on their own.

學生哥 一個個 我地日日記住隻歌
– One by one, I remember only songs every day
人多多 RE ME RE DOH 齊合力唱詠同和
– RE ME RE DOH, SING together, sing together, sing together, sing together, sing together, sing together, sing together, sing together






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